The Love Series Box Set Volume 1 Read online Fiona Davenport

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 65
Estimated words: 59954 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 300(@200wpm)___ 240(@250wpm)___ 200(@300wpm)

“Jamie,” Hazel whimpered desperately. “Please, please. I need you so bad.”

Another notch in my determination slipped at her frantic plea before she added, “Fuck me, husband.”

“Fuck!” I roared as the last thread to my self-control snapped. My hips shot back before plunging inside with enough force to bang the bed into the wall.

“Yessss!” Hazel screamed. She threw her head back, and I clenched a fist-full of her copper hair.

“That’s it, baby,” I growled. “Let go. Oh, fuck!” Her pussy contracted, and stars danced in front of my eyes from the acute pleasure. My hips pistoned in and out, hard and fast, bottoming out every time. Hazel’s cries were quickly escalating to screams, and the world around me fell away. I was mindless, lost to the primal mating instinct consuming me.

“I want you bared to me, peaches,” I managed to grit through clenched teeth. “I want you naked inside and out, don’t hide anything from me.” Suddenly, I realized that being in this position, I wouldn’t be able to see her face when she came. It was one of my most favorite things because in that moment, Hazel was completely open, showing me her soul, giving me the gift of being completely vulnerable. Halting, I released her hair, then pried her fingers from the headboard. Quickly, I flipped onto my back and slid my head between her legs. I indulged in tasting her sweet pussy juices for a bit before guiding her body down so that she was straddling me. “Ride me, peaches.” Her green eyes glowed, and she stared at me with the love and passion I knew she saw reflected in my gaze. I grasped her waist and slammed her down on my dick, then froze when I registered the thickness beneath my fingers. Hazel cried out and tried to move, but I held her in an iron grip. Terror ripped through me. I’d completely lost it and had fucked her with abandon. What if I’d hurt the baby?!

The next thing I knew, Hazel’s small, warm hands were cupping my face, her lips only a breath away from mine. “You won’t hurt us, Jamie.” I shook my head and splayed my hands over the growing bump of her belly, but she nodded in a silent argument. Next, she brushed her lips tenderly over mine before sitting back, a stubborn expression on her face. “You asked me to give you all of me,” she started, her tone firm but loving. “To be my true self with you.”

I nodded warily, not sure where she was going with this. And, trying to ignore the way her pussy was gloving my aching cock at the moment, yelling at me to move.

“I’m more than willing to do it. But in return, you have to trust me.”

“I do trust you,” I immediately replied. It was the truth, I trusted her implicitly.

“Not if you don’t believe me when I tell you that the baby and I will be just fine if you lose control with me. You won’t hurt us, Jamie.” Then she looked at me smugly. “The doctor even encouraged sex.” I raised a brow. She’d called the doctor about this? It was a good thing her doctor was a woman, or I’d have been forced to beat the man until he forgot about anything involving my wife and sex. If the moment hadn’t been so serious, I might have laughed at the absurd thought. Like I’d ever let her have a male doctor.

“Do you trust me?” she asked again.

I took a deep breath and groaned when it pushed my dick farther into her wet center. “Yes,” I mumbled. I was distracted by the sensations shooting from my cock to my core, but I meant what I said. She seemed to know it because she smiled brightly and this time, it reached her eyes. My hands tightened around her for a moment, then I unclenched them and told her, “You set the pace, peaches. Take what you want.”

Her green orbs darkened with hunger, and she began to move. Slowly at first, then increasing her speed until she was bouncing on my dick with wild abandon. Her full tits swayed in my face, the cherry tips hard and peaked. I sucked one into my mouth, and Hazel cried out as her walls closed around me so tight I worried for a beat that my cock might break off. “Fuck, Hazel,” I grunted. “Your pussy is squeezing me so tight. You love my dick inside you, don’t you?”

“Yes!” I wasn’t sure if she was answering my question or responding to the sudden punch of my hips as I met her with an upward thrust.

“You want my come, baby?” I shifted to grip her ass, helping her to raise up and slam down on me so hard that the banging of the headboard joined our loud cries of passion and the sound of our slick bodies slapping together. “If you weren’t already knocked up, I’d fill your womb so deeply and so full of my seed you’d be swelling with my baby in no time.” I knifed up and pushed Hazel back, so she was lying on the bed. “I guess we’ll just have to practice for the next one,” I practically purred. She arched her back and moaned. “Does that make you hot, peaches? The thought of me putting another baby in you?” Hazel’s head bobbed in affirmation, and it made the caveman inside me shout with approval. I spread her legs wide before gripping her ass once more. Then I got to my knees and lifted her pelvis so I could pump into her, hitting her cervix before rubbing along her g-spot as I dragged my cock back out.


