The Hail You Say Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Hail Raisers #5)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Funny, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Hail Raisers Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 73
Estimated words: 74379 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 372(@200wpm)___ 298(@250wpm)___ 248(@300wpm)


“That half an inch is important to you?” I teased.

She blushed and looked back down at her menu before shrugging. “Yes. It really is.”

“In case you’re wondering, I’m six-foot-three.”

She looked back up at me, and our eyes met. “I wasn’t.”

I snorted. “What do you like to do for fun?”

She smelled good. Really, really good.

It was something sweet, melon maybe? Her hair was down around her shoulders, and she’d twisted half of it up and brought it around to lay across her chest.

She kept twisting the hair around her fingers, over and over and over again.

It was downright distracting. On instinct, I reached up and caught her hand, which was nervously twisting the hair, and pulled it down into my lap and gave it a slight squeeze.

“I…” she paused. “I like to play volleyball. Sometimes I like to go to the library.”

That was what she liked to do for fun?

“Really?” I asked. “You don’t go to the movies? Go to the mall?”

She grimaced. “One would have to have a car and money to do those things. Neither of which I have.”

I frowned, thinking about her brother.

“But your brother…”

Her brother didn’t have a job, and he also had a car. What the hell?

“My mother feels that I should be staying home and focusing on my studies.” She snorted. “I have straight As. I could seriously graduate right now, but it serves my purposes to do what I’m doing.”

“Why?” I asked.

She looked away. “What are you getting to eat?”

“A hamburger,” I answered, knowing that she didn’t want to discuss what we’d been talking about any longer. “You?”

“I’m thinking chocolate cake.”

My lips twitched.

“You’re thinking chocolate cake?” I laughed. “What about your main course?”

She pursed her lips. “Maybe fries, too. And a strawberry shake.”

I just laughed, knowing that she was being one hundred percent serious.

“Do you do this often?” I questioned, drawing a pattern on the back of her hand with my thumb.

“Do what?” She licked her lips.

“Order odd stuff for dinner,” I expounded.

She shrugged. “I like ordering pancakes and French fries when we go to IHOP, but that’s not all that often that I get to do that because my mother feels that I’ll gain a vast amount of weight if I eat like that too often.”

I didn’t have anything to say to that.

“I’ll gladly take you out to eat any time you want me to,” I told her. “And I highly doubt that you’ll put on weight like she’s thinking. You’re thin, active and young. Those three things are in your favor. Now, give it twenty years, and you might not have the same luxuries. But if you want to eat pancakes and French fries, then it won’t affect you like she’s thinking it will. At least not yet.”

Her smile was wide as she laughed.

“I’m glad someone agrees with me,” she admitted. “I go out and run a few miles every other day, depending on how hard of a workout I had that day. I can afford to eat the chocolate cake.”

The waiter came and took our order then, and he didn’t blink an eye at bringing dessert out with my meal.

And later, as I watched her enjoy her cake and strawberry shake—which she dipped her fries into—I didn’t once think that she was odd.

No, I thought she was enchanting, and I couldn’t wait for the next date.

Chapter 10

Your butt plug has a metal core.

-Things not to find out at the airport


Honest to God, I never, ever would’ve worn the butt plug out to do laundry if I’d known that someone would see it.

I’d just been so horny lately.

So, so horny.

Seriously, never would I have done that.

I’d even gone as far as to look into the mirror to check. I hadn’t seen a damn thing.

But I hadn’t taken into account the bending over process of putting clothes into the bottom dryers.

What had I been thinking?

I could tell you what I was thinking…at the time.

My best friend, Hennessy, had tossed me a box that she’d ‘accidentally’ ordered off of Amazon. In this box, there’d been three ‘trainer’ butt plugs.

Since I was always curious by nature, I tried one…and I’d liked it.

It felt almost…nice.

So, then I’d tried the next size up and had almost died.

It’d been big…so freakin’ big.

But I’d gotten it in.

And I’d known that if I hadn’t worn it, stretched out my anus, I wouldn’t have ever gotten up to the third one. So I’d done the dumbest thing in the world, and I’d worn it out to do laundry.

I never, not ever, saw anyone when I was doing laundry.


Except this Sunday.

This Sunday, there was someone there.

I just wasn’t aware of it.

I’d gone through my entire load of clothes before I’d started in on the drying process.

“Do you have something in your ass?”

I straightened up so fast that I knocked my shoulder on the dryer door.


