The Emperor’s Concubine (The Thibian Chronicles #1) Read Online Eve Vaughn

Categories Genre: Alien, Alpha Male, Angst, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi Tags Authors: Series: The Thibian Chronicles Series by Eve Vaughn

Total pages in book: 30
Estimated words: 28150 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 141(@200wpm)___ 113(@250wpm)___ 94(@300wpm)

Rzxie smiled, and the women shared a silent moment of communication, coming to an understanding of sorts.

Just then Theki approached. “What is taking so long? Isn’t the human ready? Her new owners are waiting.”

“Theki, I thought of a brilliant idea. Why not allow her new owners to take the little one as well? After all, they were quite generous.”

Theki frowned. “Have you gone mad, woman? Why would I just give them the child when she will bring us a lot of money in the future? I placed her genetic information in our system, and twenty years from now, she’ll be even more beautiful than her mother. Do you think I’d easily part with such a nice profit?”

“But that’s twenty years from now, and didn’t you say that it was getting expensive keeping all these children? What’s one small child?”

“She’s one child that will make us a lot of money.”

Callie watched with bated breath as the argument went back and forth. She silently prayed that things would end the way she wanted them.

“Throw in the child for goodwill. The Thibians are our best customers. If word spreads of your generosity, more will come and spend more money.”

Theki gave his mate one long hard look. “Why is this so important to you?”

Rzxie sighed. “I just think it would be a good gesture.”

“And what makes you think they’d even want to take the child? I refuse to reward this human for her defiant behavior.”

“Then don’t do it for her. Do it for me?” Rzxie patted her belly and gave Theki a meaningful look.

“Does this really mean that much to you?”


“All right. I will talk it over with the Thibians. Now that I think about it, this just might be a good idea. If the child is as headstrong as her mother, then she may be more trouble than she’s worth. And you know what, she may be a tool the Thibians can use to control this defiant human. Yes, you are very wise, Rzxie. I will go talk to them about this.”

When Theki left them alone once more, Rzxie turned to Callie wearing a wide grin. “You see, I knew it would work out.”

A humorless smile touched Callie’s lips. “It would only really be perfect if I had my other baby with me. Not a day has gone by when I haven’t thought about her and what she must be feeling. I wonder if she’s safe and if she’s being taken care of.”

Rzxie nodded. “Yes, I see your dilemma, but I can only do so much.”

Callie could have pointed out that she wouldn’t be in this predicament had they not captured her in the first place, but thought better of it. It wasn’t long before Theki returned, the two Thibians following closely behind him.

The tall, pale skinned male stepped in front of her, and she instinctively took a step back. He looked over at Theki. “I see what you mean. She does have spirit, but she’s also just what our King desires. He wants someone… different, and there aren’t any women like her on Thibius. Come, slave, and let me put this collar on you,” the man ordered.

Callie took another step back. Would her humiliation never end? To be sold naked on the auction block was one thing, but putting a collar around her neck degraded her on a whole different level.

Rzxie came up behind her and gripped her arms. “Hold still and do as they say, you fool, unless you want Theki to change his mind,” she whispered.

If she wanted London with her, she’d have to play by their rules. She forced herself to remain still while the blond placed the metal collar around her neck. When he pulled out a chain to clip to the hook, she wanted to pull away but managed not to.

“I am Darus, and this is Tuk.” He gestured to the gaunt looking woman. “We’re emissaries for King Blaze, and you are now his property. It is your honor to be a part of his harem.”

She was to be in a harem? Would this nightmare ever end? She shot Rzxie a questioning look, but the alien merely looked ahead.

“We understand there is a child. We’re willing to take her if you can guarantee us your complete obedience.”

Callie nodded her head vigorously. “Yes.”

Darus studied her dispassionately for a moment before nodding, seeming satisfied. “All right, Theki, you may bring the child out and then we must leave for Thibius.”

Callie’s heart raced with anticipation. She wouldn’t lose London after all, but what kind of life would she have living as a member of a harem? The thought was unsettling.


“Ipromise, Sire, that you won’t be disappointed with the latest member of your harem. She’s different, just as you requested.”

King Blaze’s lips tightened as he remembered his last concubine. He hadn’t been impressed. “I hope for your sake that she is, Darus. I would hate to find you spent my money on someone I’ll grow tired of within a matter of days.” He brought the cup of wine to his mouth and took a healthy swig.


