The Earl’s Spark – Heart’s Compass Read Online Aliyah Burke

Categories Genre: Erotic, Historical Fiction, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 92812 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 464(@200wpm)___ 371(@250wpm)___ 309(@300wpm)

He carried her to the bed and sank to his knees as he laid her back on the narrow bed. Part of him wanted to take her through the hidden passageway to his bed, where there was far more room, but here they would be forced closer and he loved that idea.

“I want you naked.” Phillip had been dreaming about that since he’d met her, and the tease of seeing her in the bath hadn’t helped. Only made his craving worse for her.

Phillip removed her arms from around him and stared down at her. The trust in her gaze floored him.

“Yes,” she whispered. “You naked is a great idea.”

“You first.” He reached for the buttons on her shift but she shook her head.

“Same time.”

He stole another kiss before nodding and backing up enough to rip his shirt off over his head. Her gasp had him smirking. However, when she stood beside the bed and rolled her shoulders, allowing her shift to slide down her magnificent body to the floor, the smirk went with it.

“Christ,” he moaned. “You are fucking perfect.”

“I have scars.”

He admired her hourglass figure, toned legs and arms, high breasts with dark chocolate nipples that were already hard points, and the black hair between her legs that glistened with the proof of her desire.

“They do not take away from your beauty, Fyre.”

She lifted her chin and gestured at him. “You are wearing more clothing.”

He had his pajama bottoms on. “Baby, I need to keep these on so I do not lose control.”

Fyre shook her head. “You said clothes off.”

“I meant yours.”

Her lower lip poked out. “I want to see you.”

He picked up on her insecurity and prayed to any god who was listening that he wouldn’t embarrass himself. Hell, this woman had already made him come in his pants just from her moans alone. If she touched him now, it would be all over.

With a sigh, he pushed down his pajama pants and watched her expression. Her shyness vanished and the hunger that took over was ravenous. God, his cock hardened further.

“Bed.” His command came out all growly and demanding.

Damn it, he only had so much control, and the way she was looking at him seriously eroded it.

She listened, perching on the edge of the bed, her eyes never leaving his cock. Phillip wrapped a hand around his length and gave himself a few pumps.

Fyre moaned and swayed toward him, licking her lips, and damn if he didn’t nearly lose it again.

He had said something about going slow and taking his time with her, but right now, he wasn’t sure he could uphold that decision.

“Lie back.”

Again, no hesitation on her part.

“One leg, foot on the floor. Your other, flat on the bed.”

She hesitated and he stroked himself a few more times. “You want this, baby. I know it and you will get it. God, I promise, you’ll get it, but I need you to listen to me. I am barely holding on to my control and I have to make sure you are ready for me.”

“I am ready.” Even as her protest escaped, she did as he’d asked, and it was his turn to groan again.

Her pussy was open to him and he could see the pink past the darker lips. She glistened and her clit teased him as it peeked out from its hood. He walked closer and sank to his knees, her heady scent flooding his nose.

“You smell fucking perfect and I cannot wait to taste you.” He kissed the inside of her thigh, loving her tremble.


He wasn’t going to tease much—he couldn’t hold off that long.

Bending closer, he ran a finger over the slit and flicked her nub, making her hips bounce up. He released his aching cock and placed a hand along her belly, anchoring her down.

Then he settled his mouth on her.

Seconds later, her fingers speared his hair and she pulled even as she ground against him, legs clamping around his head, hard. Her essence spilled into him as he thrust his tongue deep inside her, craving it all. When he pulled her clit into his mouth, he pushed in two fingers and scissored them, needing her prepared to take his shaft.

She came again, coating his fingers. He eagerly licked her cream off and rose over her as his fingers sank back between her legs.

“I could eat you all damn day, baby.” He took possession of her mouth and shared her taste with her. “I love how you taste.”

Sweat covered her and she breathed hard. “Please,” she begged. “I want you inside me.”

He removed his fingers and smeared her cream on his cock before fisting it and lining the head up to her opening. Nudging forward, he put the head in, eyes locked on her face for any sign of discomfort.

She shifted restlessly beneath him, legs around his waist, trying unsuccessfully to pull him in.


