Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 92466 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 462(@200wpm)___ 370(@250wpm)___ 308(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 92466 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 462(@200wpm)___ 370(@250wpm)___ 308(@300wpm)
I narrowed my eyes. “What’s up, man?”
He rubbed his palms on his pants. “You know how I feel about Kenzie. I’ve explained that to you in the past.”
I nodded once. “Yes, I do.”
“Well, my feelings for her have only gotten stronger since then.”
I inhaled. “Okay…”
“I’m gonna ask her to marry me on our trip.” He licked his lips. “And I want your permission. I’ve already cleared it with Tina, but your approval is just as important to me.”
Wow. For some reason, I hadn’t seen it coming. I wasn’t sure whether to feel relief that she wasn’t pregnant or surprise over this news. I stared at him blankly for a moment.
“Okay. Your silence is freaking me out.” He laughed nervously and took a long sip of his beer.
“I’m just soaking in this moment,” I assured him as I circled my finger over the top of my bottle. “For one thing, you’re my best friend, and you’re getting married. That’s huge in and of itself. But also my niece, who’s like my daughter, is getting married…to you. So that’s a lot to grasp in just a few seconds.”
Ronan took another sip. “Getting married assuming she says yes.”
I shook my head. “I can say for certain, Ronan, you’re good where that’s concerned. She’s crazy about you.” I smiled. “Mostly I’m speechless—and touched—that you asked for my permission. I’m honored to have that role in Kenzie’s life. I know Brian is smiling down right now because I have his back. But he’s especially happy because the man his daughter is going to marry is you. You’re a good egg, Ronan. You’re the real deal, truly the best and most genuine man I know. And you’ve proven over the last several months just how serious you are about my little princess.” I sighed. “So the answer is yes. You have my permission. And congratulations, man.”
We stood and hugged.
He spoke into my ear, “I promise not to call you dad.”
“Do it if you want your balls cut off,” I replied warmly.
“Ouch.” He cackled.
I looked over my shoulder to make sure no one had crept up behind us. “When is this proposal gonna happen?”
“Well, like I said, we’re going on a trip. So sometime while we’re away. Not sure yet which day it’s gonna be.”
“Where are you guys going again?”
“I’m gonna wait until Kenzie’s around to tell you because it’s pretty exciting news.”
“What the heck, man? All these freaking secrets today. My heart can’t take it.”
“Your heart? My nerves have been shot all morning over asking your permission.”
I smiled and gripped his shoulder. We’d come a long way since his phone blew their cover on the tour. Given my initial reaction to them being together, I guessed I couldn’t blame him for being nervous.
Ronan and I went inside to find that Tristan and Emily had arrived with baby Levi, who was asleep in his carrier.
Tristan looked us over. “What were you two up to?”
“Just outside talking shit about you,” I taunted.
He chuckled. “Nothing new, then.”
“Did you see the magazine?” I slid it in front of them on the counter.
Nicole chuckled. “You can’t see much behind my eight-months-pregnant stomach.”
“It came out amazing,” Emily marveled. “This feels like so long ago now.”
We skimmed through the article to make sure there were no surprises. They’d pretty much taken our answers word for word, which was rare. But of course, they’d chosen to emphasize the most salacious parts of our love stories. They’d focused on Tristan and Emily’s age gap, Nicole’s and my second-chance romance after me having a baby with another woman, and the fact that Kenzie was my niece. But if that gave people enough juice to lay off us for a while, it’d be worth it.
Someone else was at the door, so I went to answer it and found Christian lifting his arms toward me. “Daddy!”
I bent to lift him into the air and spun him around. “I missed you so much, Bubba.”
Bubba had been my nickname for him ever since he was tiny, and it stuck. There was nothing like burying my nose in his hair and smelling him after we’d been apart.
“I missed you, too,” he said in his sweet little voice.
“Thanks for having us.” Giselle smiled, with David standing behind her.
“Of course. I’m so glad you have a little time to hang out before you leave for your trip.”
I clasped hands with David. “Good to see you, man.”
“Good to see you, too. Where can I get a beer?”
“Come right this way.”
They followed me into the kitchen as I continued to carry my son.
“Where’s my favorite?” David teased.
“I’m right here!” Nicole turned to hug him, careful not to get her food-covered hands on his clothes.
It was a running joke that Nicole and David would run away together someday. They got along so well. I was really proud of the dynamic we’d developed as coparents since Nicole and I had moved to New York. Nicole had gotten to know Giselle and David better, and while it wasn’t a hundred-percent easy for her, she was finding her stride. I could honestly say the four of us were friends. Lord knows, getting along made Christian’s life a hell of a lot easier. David and Giselle had gotten married in a small, civil ceremony recently. The trip they were taking was their delayed honeymoon to Puerto Rico.