Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 108926 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 545(@200wpm)___ 436(@250wpm)___ 363(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 108926 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 545(@200wpm)___ 436(@250wpm)___ 363(@300wpm)
I climbed out while he was helping Sophia and Allegra, earning myself a glare and a growl. “You wait for me to open the door for you from now on, Gianna.”
He didn’t wait for a response, leading us all into the church. Nic gestured for me to enter his family pew first. I couldn’t argue, aware of all the gazes directed our way. He followed behind me, settling Sophia on his other side and his mother next to her. Mass went by in a blur, with me more aware of the warmth of Nic’s body brushing against my side than the words spoken by the priest. If I’d been going to confession today, I’d have quite a number of sins to confess. Both in deeds and thoughts.
We made it to the steps of the church before we were waylaid by the priest, who stopped to speak with Allegra.
“And who is this lovely young woman you had sitting with you today?” he asked, his gaze turning towards me.
The priest’s question was directed towards Allegra, but Nic stepped between us and answered for her. “This is my Gianna. You can call her Anna.”
“You do know he took a vow of celibacy,” Allegra chuckled softly.
“Welcome to my church.” The priest’s attention turned from me to Nic. “I’ll keep my schedule as open as I can since I expect you’ll have need for me soon.”
Chapter Six
Gianna was a bit skittish for the rest of Sunday, avoiding me and spending most of her time playing with Sophia. I let her get away with it because I enjoyed watching them bond, knowing Gianna was falling in love with my baby girl. Sophia adored her and every time my preziosa smiled, it strengthened my resolve to keep Gianna. She was going to make an excellent mother to our children.
I did my best not to constantly replay our time together in her bedroom. The feel of her soft skin, her cries of fulfillment, the sight of whisker burn on her creamy skin. Sunday night, after everyone retired, I went for a nighttime run, pushing myself until I was sure I would drop with exhaustion. I came home and attempted to cool my body and my thoughts with a freezing shower. But I was as restless as I’d been the night before, knowing her delectable body was only a wall away from me.
On Monday, Gianna and I both saw Sophia off to school. She raced to the bus with such energy, I could almost forget she’d ever been sick. She’d been diagnosed with renal artery disease when she was just over three years old. It had been hard to pinpoint the source of her pain at that age, and being a nineteen-year-old, single dad, it had been exceptionally rough. Sophia’s mother hadn’t possessed a single maternal bone in her body, and as soon as Sophia was born, she took off. We hadn’t heard from or seen her since.
But Sophia and I were exceptionally blessed to have my parents. They were my rock as I was forced to watch my baby girl suffer. Right before my father passed, they performed surgery to restore blood flow to her kidneys and she seemed to be greatly improved. However, the doctors continued to monitor her kidney function, wary of further developments and long-term damage to her kidneys.
Despite her exuberance of energy that day, she’d been more tired than usual lately, and it was concerning me. I took Gianna back to my office and walked her through Sophia’s medical history, routines, and other pertinent information. I threw in facts about myself as well as encouraging her to unknowingly answering several of my own.
After a couple of hours, my stomach grumbled and I glanced at my watch to see it was just after noon. “Sophia’s bus will drop her off at around two o’clock.” I smiled and stood, rounding my desk to help her up from her chair on the other side. “Come, mia dolce. I’m going to take you to lunch.”
Gianna shook her head and stepped back, earning herself a dark frown.
“You don’t have to do that. I love cooking and you have such a great kitchen.”
I caressed her cheek and gave her a soft smile. “I’m happy to have you cooking for our family, Gianna. But sometimes, I want to spoil my girl.”
She blinked at me, seemingly confused. I wasn’t sure she really knew what to make of her situation, yet. Perhaps I hadn’t been clear enough. I grasped her waist and tugged her forward so I could wrap her up in my arms.
“You’re mine, Gianna. I’m keeping you. From the moment I saw you standing on my porch, fresh-faced and innocent”—I nuzzled my nose against hers and grinned—“in a provocative little dress you hid under a sweater.” I bent my head to whisper in her ear, my lips brushing the shell. “Just like you’re hiding the tigress inside I know is there. The one only I will ever get to see, the one that I’ll set free when I fuck you.”