Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 116232 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 581(@200wpm)___ 465(@250wpm)___ 387(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 116232 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 581(@200wpm)___ 465(@250wpm)___ 387(@300wpm)
I nodded and followed him to a pair of chairs one row back from the front, lowered into my seat, and took another sip of my cosmo to help with my dry mouth. Did I look as anxious as I felt on the inside? I vibrated with anticipation, eager to see the sexy ‘demonstration’ Noah had promised.
I leaned over, catching a hint of his enticing cologne, and pointed to the X. “Are they going to use that thing during the show?”
“The St. Andrew’s Cross?” Was that what it was called? “Maybe. Her boyfriend was the one who built it.”
It only took me a second to realize who he was talking about. A woman stood to the side, just off the platform, talking to a man who held a small black duffle bag. She appeared to be in her late twenties, and had long, dark hair, a gorgeous face, and a body to match. Plus, her red dress was short and sexy, and fitted perfectly to her curves.
I wasn’t typically attracted to women, but fuck me.
She was unquestionably hot.
A pang of envy shot through me. She looked like the kind of girl who rolled out of bed and was effortlessly beautiful, whereas I had to work so hard to look decent. I’d gotten fast and efficient at my hair and makeup routine, but it still hovered at around forty minutes if I wanted to feel confident I looked all right.
And my envy spiked higher as my gaze shifted to the man she was speaking to. Her boyfriend was equally attractive. He was tall and muscular, and if he’d told me he’d just come from a photoshoot to sell men’s suits, I would have believed him.
“That guy,” I subtly motioned to him and then the St. Andrew’s Cross, “built that?”
“No.” Noah gave the room a quick scan. “I don’t see him yet, but I’m sure he’s around. Clay always watches.”
What? My focus went back to the woman and man, who’d stepped onto the stage and began to prepare. The duffle was dropped to the floor and unzipped, and I only caught glimpses between the people seated in front of me of the items being pulled from the bag.
A coil of rope.
Leather cuffs.
A long, thin stick with a leather heart shaped tip.
Oh, shit. Was that a riding crop? It made my brain slow to process what he’d just said. “She isn’t performing with her boyfriend?
For a moment, he looked like he didn’t know how to answer that. “No, she is.” He motioned to the man on stage. “That’s Travis,” he said. “He’s Lilith’s other boyfriend.” I must have made a face that announced I didn’t understand, so he explained. “They’re poly.”
I’d never met anyone in a polyamorous relationship before. The idea of it was foreign to me. Unfamiliar. It wasn’t something I thought I’d be interested in, but then again, I never would have dreamed I’d get turned on watching the guy I liked fuck someone else.
It was impossible not to stare at the gorgeous couple conversing with each other on stage. “Have you ever . . .”
“Played with them? No.” He sounded faintly amused. “I wouldn’t say no if they asked.” His warm tone turned serious. “But they haven’t, and I don’t think they’re interested in playing with others.”
I cast a glance at him, giving him a once-over and didn’t try to hide my smirk. “Their loss.”
My comment brought his amusement right back. But then something caught his attention, and I turned to follow his gaze.
A man was coming up the center aisle, carrying a large piece of furniture. It looked heavy and wasn’t like anything I’d seen before. The closest comparison I could make was like the sawhorses my grandfather had in his woodworking shop, only this one was beautifully constructed. It was painted a glossy black, and the top of it was padded with a red leather-like cushion.
Noah leaned over me, so the man in the aisle could hear his question better. “Clay. You need help with that?”
The man set the furniture down for a moment, either to rest or to push up the glasses that had slid down the bridge of his nose, as his gaze went to Noah. He recognized him, gave a brief smile, followed by a shake of his head.
And then he was off again, carrying the sawhorse-looking thing up onto the platform, where it was set to the side.
Clay always watches, Noah had said. This was Lilith’s other boyfriend? My gaze bounced between the two men, and it pumped fresh envy inside me. Clay wasn’t quite as attractive as Travis, in my opinion, but it was fucking close. He was hot, too, just more in a nerdy way.
Her two boyfriends didn’t speak to each other, at least not with words, but when they exchanged a look, I would have sworn they’d just had a full conversation. Travis nodded in acknowledgment and Clay stepped off the stage, moving to take his empty seat in the front row.