The Broker (Nashville Neighborhood #6) Read Online Nikki Sloane

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Forbidden Tags Authors: Series: Nashville Neighborhood Series by Nikki Sloane

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 116232 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 581(@200wpm)___ 465(@250wpm)___ 387(@300wpm)

Charlotte was focused, as if determined to make that happen. I unclenched one hand and used a fingertip to trace a line on her forehead, sweeping back the hair out of her eyes. They fluttered open, and her gaze reeled around until it locked on mine.

The connection between us pulled taut as she stared up at me, her lips wrapped around the thick length of my cock, which was wet and glistening with her saliva. The image of it sent another surge of lust coursing through me.

It came out in a low, rushed voice. “Do you want me to grab a condom?”

She hesitated, considering something. Then, she backed off me, leaving her lips beside the tip of my dick. “Uh . . . that’s okay.”

Um, what?

Did she mean she wanted to have sex without a condom? Because that was a hard no for me, an absolute dealbreaker. I liked kids well enough—but I didn’t want them right now, and I definitely didn’t want them with a woman who was nearly a stranger.

Plus, while I liked taking risks in my life, gambling with my health wasn’t one of them.

Her lips parted and she slipped me in her mouth once more, but I was too distracted to completely enjoy it. I peered down at her over my heaving chest. “I guess I was asking,” I whispered, “if you were ready for me to fuck you.”

I’d meant for it to sound seductive, but maybe my tone had been off. Charlotte jerked back, letting my dick fall from her mouth and land with a thump on my stomach. Her expression was difficult to read, like a mixture of embarrassment and shame, and I didn’t understand at all.

Had I offended her? Because up until now, I’d thought her signals had been clear and she wanted this as much as I did. Cold worry swept through my chest. Had I moved too fast? Made her uncomfortable, and she’d only gone down on me out of obligation, feeling like she needed to return the favor?

“I, um . . .” Unexpected color warmed her cheeks, and her gaze ran from mine. “I don’t do that on the first date.” Her throat bobbed with a heavy swallow. “Sorry.”

It was weird to feel both disappointment and relief at the same time. Did I want to slide inside her and find out just how sexually compatible we were? Sure. But I liked doing all the other stuff a lot too, and it was hard to be disappointed about her just wanting to suck my cock.

I tilted my head and pushed out a smile. “There’s no reason to be sorry.”

“I should have told you sooner,” she said, “but you’re really fucking hot, and it’s been a while for me, and I got impatient.” She pressed her lips together for a moment, and then the truth spilled out. “I was worried if you found out you weren’t going to get laid, you’d want to stop.”

I let out a breath. Somewhere in her past, she’d probably had that experience.

God, I wanted to shake my head. I knew there were people out there who only did oral if they thought it was going to lead somewhere, or that it was all or nothing when it came to sex—

Those people were fucking idiots.

To me, sex encompassed a hell of a lot more than just putting a dick in a pussy, and I found all forms of sex and foreplay satisfying. So if she didn’t want to go any farther tonight, that was no problem.

“I didn’t mean to tease you,” she continued. “I was going to let you finish in my mouth.”

Her earnest tone and eager expression punched a laugh from my chest. “Oh, were you?”

The corner of her mouth quirked into a sultry smile. “Yes, Daddy.”

It was unclear if she was joking or half serious. But there it was again, this strange feeling of excitement running through me. Why was I kind of into it? I didn’t get a chance to examine it further, because Charlotte lowered back down, taking me in her mouth.

This time, she kept her eyes open and focused on me.

The connection of our gazes while her cheeks hollowed out, and the deep pull of my dick into the back of her throat, was straight fire. Once again, my fists clenched the sheets beneath me. I was nearly naked, and the ceiling fan was on, but I began to sweat anyway.

“That feels,” I said between two enormous breaths, “so fucking good.”

She made a noise of approval, like a hum, and the vibration just kicked everything up another notch. I didn’t make any attempt to leash my moans. I wanted her to hear how much I was enjoying it.

Not that there was any doubt in her mind, given the way I moved, subtly bucking my hips. The steady stroke of her mouth began to pick up the pace, while her luscious tongue flicked over my tip and the sensitive underside.


