The Bride (The Boss #3) Read Online Abigail Barnette

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Boss Series by Abigail Barnette

Total pages in book: 151
Estimated words: 140874 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 704(@200wpm)___ 563(@250wpm)___ 470(@300wpm)

I looked like I should have been in a hair band music video in the 90’s. It was perfect. I slipped on black patent leather pumps and walked myself and my epic cleavage right on out to the kitchen.

Neil’s back was turned when I entered. He was frowning at something in the refrigerator, holding the brushed steel door open, and he didn’t look at me as he asked, “I’ve put one of Sue’s lentil casseroles in the oven, but what would you like as a side? It seems our choices are kale, kale, and more…”

His words died away as he looked up and took in the sight of me.

I did a slow turn. “What do you think?”

I knew what he thought. The dress fit me like a latex glove, and created the illusion of gorgeous, long legs on my five-foot-four body. And if there had been any doubt in my mind as to his opinion, they were entirely removed when he strode toward me and grabbed me, his hands sinking into my hair. He didn’t kiss my mouth—good, because I didn’t want him to smudge my lipstick quite yet—but tilted my head to the side to suck at my earlobe and whisper, “I think I’m going to rip that dress off you, throw you on the counter, and fuck you until you can’t walk tomorrow.”

A few crude words spoken in his cultured accent was all it took to set the blood in my body pounding south. The ache of my desire was not gradual, but an immediate, intense need.

“You’d better get a condom first,” I reminded him. We’d agreed we wouldn’t go unprotected for three months after we’d had sex with another partner. That provided time for a checkup to get a clean bill of sexual health.

“Oh, yes, I’m sorry. You’re right.” He groaned against my ear. “The casserole will burn, won’t it?”

“Probably.” I stepped back. “You’re not really going to rip it, are you, Sir?”

“Have I ever destroyed anything I didn’t replace?”

I thought of all the panties he’d shredded, the buttons he’d popped, and the underwire he’d twisted. But he was right. He had replaced all of them.

“If you don’t want me to, I won’t,” he promised with a chuckle. “Get a stool and drag it over there, where I can see you.”

I pulled one of the high backed stools from the island. It screeched on the tiles. Neil went back to the refrigerator, barely sparing me a look as I hopped up on my perch.

He dropped a bundle of kale on the island, then turned to me, leaning on one hand on the counter. After a moment of consideration, he asked, “Are you wearing panties, Sophie?”

I pressed my lips together and shook my head, swaying one knee just slightly open from the other.

“Show me,” he ordered.

With a hand on each knee, I slowly pushed my legs apart. I trailed my fingers up my thighs as I spread them wider, baring myself completely.

He nodded his approval and went back to the island.

I wasn’t sure if I should close my legs or not, so I tried to.

“Don’t do that. Did I say you could close them?”

“No, Sir. Forgive me, Sir,” I purred back at him.

He glanced up briefly as he reached for a head of garlic. “How do you feel?”

“Exposed, Sir.” I giggled at the wash of nervousness that always followed his first few commands. It was the giddy moment I realized that the game had started.

“Good. Get your tits out.”

A hot flush traveled up my neck. I loved how obscene he became in this role, saying things to me that he would never normally say. I slipped one strap off my shoulder then I decided I’d done far too much work getting into the dress to take it off already. I jerked the neckline down and lifted my breasts from the cups of my bra.

“Touch them. However you like, as long as you don’t stop.” He slid a cutting board onto the island and began to mince some garlic.

At his words, my skin tingled with gooseflesh. The blood rushing faster through my veins made the room seem colder, only intensifying the feeling of exposure and vulnerability. The uncertainty of what he had planned, what was going on in his devious mind, made me squirm in my chair.

I started by trailing my fingers over the tops of my breasts, then down between them, skating up and around my hard nipples. Neil barely glanced at me. I knew he wasn’t so absorbed in cooking that he couldn’t spare a look at me pleasuring myself. His mind worked fast, so whatever it was he was carefully planning would be—

“Nothing too intense tonight,” he said, as if he’d read my thoughts.

My hands froze on my body. He looked up, his expression soft and sympathetic. “Darling, you’re not having the best week. We can still play, but I’d rather we keep it light, for your sake. There’s no reason to risk sub drop.”


