The Black Sheep – Part 2 Greed (The Seven Deadly Kins #4) Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: The Seven Deadly Kins Series by Tiana Laveen

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 81488 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 407(@200wpm)___ 326(@250wpm)___ 272(@300wpm)

“Hold on one second, please.” She raised her finger and dashed into the dressing area, trying to appear as normal as possible, but everything became a watery blur as tears creased her eyes. I may not even get down the damn aisle to marry him… She blotted her eyes with the back of her hand, grabbed her phone from her purse and got ready to send that man a text message, demanding to know his whereabouts, but before she could type it, she realized that he’d recently sent her a rather lengthy text message himself while she’d been in the shop trying on dresses. He never wrote long text messages.

This is going to be a doozy… She closed her eyes and braced herself. Then, she read it:

Genesis, I’m sorry about leaving so early this morning. What’s done in the dark must come out in the light. YOU are my light. Because we’re so connected, I know you can feel when I’m happy and when I’m not. I could sense you knew I wasn’t happy as I was leaving this morning, baby, but it’s not you.

I have something to take care of today. All I can ask is that you trust me to do the right thing as I see fit. Trust me to be your husband, and the father to our future children. Trust me to be a provider, defender, and your best friend.

What I’m doing today helps solidify that you are safeguarded and secure. No looking over our shoulders. First it was my country, now it is YOU that I protect and serve. Trust that you can trust me—today and tomorrow. I want you to have an amazing day and I hope you find the perfect dress to wear for our wedding. I can’t wait to marry you, Gen.

I won’t let anything stop us. Before you, all I had was a love for superficial things. With you, I appreciate the little things in life, and the things that are so expensive, there is no amount of money that can ever buy them. Like true love. Like you. You’re the genesis of my new awakening. My beginning and my ending. I love you with all my heart. I will see you soon. Look pretty for me, baby.—Your Roman soldier

She mustered a smile and dabbed her tears away. When she emerged from the dressing room, she was ready to try on that new veil…

Roman twirled the sliver of twig between his back teeth, working it like a toothpick. Grandpa arrived in a black Tahoe. The windows were tinted, but he knew it was him. Besides, no one traveled through this area of the forest. It was remote, overgrown, and full of vermin. The Elk Trail had been long forgotten. The truck was moving at a fast clip towards him, and then abruptly stopped. The driver’s side door swung open, revealing one of Grandpa’s white-gloved drivers, who in turn opened the old man’s passenger side door and waited off to the side like a butler. He and Jasper emerged from the vehicle, their faces pale and lifeless. Grandpa walked cautiously, as if the ground were littered with landmines, a cigar in one hand. He paused at one dead body, cocking his head to the side as he reviewed it, then moved towards another. His face became tight as he smashed the cigar between his palms, extinguishing it with a loud grunt.

“ROOOOMAN!” he yelled, making the birds fly in all different directions. The man’s head spun from side to side, trying to figure out his whereabouts.

Roman stayed high up in the tree, leaning against a cluster of thick branches, staring down at Satan and his henchman. That twig still twirling in his mouth. He slipped his hand in his camo pants pocket, removed a remote control, and pushed PLAY.

All around the forest could be heard the sobs of a young boy from years ago…

Grandpa’s face twisted and contorted, looking rather confused. His movements were jerky, as if trying to see where the sound was coming from. He twirled around, seemingly becoming more agitated by the second. Haunted by the ghosts of his own blood.

“If you’re going to try to kill me, then just do it!” the old man yelled, gripping his gun and raising it in the air. The driver quickly got back in the vehicle, slamming the door behind him. Jasper approached Grandpa, cautious, and tapped his shoulder. Grandpa leaned in to hear whatever it was that the man wished to say, and then they both remained quiet, staring into nothingness. The men suddenly jerked when a loud click sounded in the air. Between two trees hung a large projection screen. On the monitor was young Reeves, out hunting with his father.

“SHOOT HIM!” came Grandpa’s voice from the video.

“I don’t wanna, Daddy! PLEASE DON’T MAKE ME!” Young Reeves pleaded.


