The Black Sheep – Part 2 Greed (The Seven Deadly Kins #4) Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: The Seven Deadly Kins Series by Tiana Laveen

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 81488 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 407(@200wpm)___ 326(@250wpm)___ 272(@300wpm)

“Rosie, you don’t scare nobody. I’m allowed to walk by without being interrogated by the likes of you.” Penny carried on past.

“Yeah, you knew to keep on walkin’. Ya cheap! Just like yo’ name!” Penny didn’t respond, but it was more than certain that she heard what Rosie said. “…Who gave you that cigar?”

“I’m not sure of his name. Do you and Penny always bump heads?”

“I’ve known her for years. We used to be friends. She said somethin’ offensive in the kitchen to Genesis’ mama a little bit ago, and that’s why I jumped in her ass just now. Ain’t nobody on her shit tonight. I wish Tony was here to watch her behind. She likes to keep shit goin’. She needs a damn babysitter.”

“I know Penny. What did she say?”

Rosie pretended to be interested in something on the ground. “Somethin’ about, ‘Black love is the only love that should happen.’ She said it as soon as Gen stepped out of the kitchen,” she mumbled. “She got some nerve. Her daddy is half White.”

“Hmm. I see. Anyway, the guy who gave me the cigar was wearin’ a gray hat.”

“Oh, that’s her cousin Leonard. He’s on the up and up.” She nodded in approval. “Not all family members mean folks well. You gotta be sure, because sometimes those things be laced with marijuana, or something much worse. You never know. I’m a nurse. I see things like that happen to gullible people all the time.”

“I’m not gullible.”

“Oh, that’s definitely a fact. Just statin’ that sometimes things happen that people don’t expect is all.”

“Well, I—”

“Let me cut to the chase. I don’t give a damn about how much money you make, how attractive you are, what kinda car you drive, where you work, and who you rub shoulders, elbows, knees and toes with. Do her right, and you’ll have a friend in me, too. Do her dirty, and you can consider me an enemy of the state, the city, the country, and you—right off the top, the middle, both sides, and the bottom. This ain’t a warning, it’s a guarantee with a big ass cherry on top. She really likes you, and unfortunately,” she said with a smirk, “I can see why.” She looked him up and down, as if she was disgusted yet impressed at the same time. That made him chuckle. “She loves you.”

“I know that. I love her, too.” He smiled at the woman, then took a drag of the cigar. Well, isn’t she a protective little thing? That’s cute. A female Tony…

“Genesis can fend for herself. I just feel the need to overstep my bounds, every now and again, and remind people that that is my sister they’re messin’ with. We ain’t blood. We’re closer than that.”

“If she can fend for herself, and she’s like a sister to you, then why would you have this conversation with me, in this manner, knowin’ that she wouldn’t approve?” he growled.

“Because I can’t help myself. I know it’s unbecoming of me, but I have to do it. I have to know that I said somethin’ before it started. Before the trouble started to brew. If she gets her heart broken, I’ll have to be there to pick up the pieces. When you pick up the pieces, Roman, your fingers get cut. It’s not a one-victim crime. When she hurts, I hurt. Point blank, period.”

The woman’s eyes glossed over with moisture—a fleeting thing, but he caught it. He extinguished his cigar in a cup of flat Sprite he’d used to down an Advil earlier, then set it aside. Taking both of her hands into his, he clasped them.

“That’s the most honest thing I’ve heard all night. You know shit happens in relationships that we sometimes can’t control though.”

“Yes, I know that. But I’m focused on the things that you can control. Like who your dick goes into if it ain’t her. If you got hands when you get mad at your ol’ lady. Like to slap a heffa up. Or maybe you’re a narcissist and enjoy playin’ mind games, love bombin’ bitches for sport, then destroying them over time like some psychopath.”

“Uh huh, I see. I’m none of those things. Now, technically, this is none of your business, but I respect where you’re comin’ from. Genesis is important to you.”

“She was. She is. And she will forever be.”

“And you’ve been through some things yourself, and you’re projecting a little bit… tryna protect her from wars you’ve already fought and lost.” Her dark eyes pierced the distance between them. “Before you accuse her of telling me your business, she didn’t. She mainly focused on how caring, funny, loving and supportive you are. How you two have been through thick and thin. I’m the new kid on the block.” He pointed at himself. “I know I’m going to be scrutinized. I’m also the only White person here, so I kind of stick out. That notwithstandin’, this family has known me a while. For many years.” She nodded in understanding. “This isn’t something I would take lightly even without that being a factor, but it is definitely an important aspect of this. That’s my best friend’s little sister, so I need you to grasp somethin’.”


