The Black Sheep – Part 1 Greed (The Seven Deadly Kins #3) Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: The Seven Deadly Kins Series by Tiana Laveen

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 73556 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 368(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)

“I’m happy about your good news. Now please leave.” Perhaps a bit of tough love would force him to tell the truth behind his visit? She got up and crossed her arms.

His smile faded like a pencil mistake erased on paper.

Tony looked sheepishly around the apartment, as if he didn’t quite want to depart. His gaze then landed on a pair of pink panties and matching bra that were sitting on the dining room table, along with a bottle of perfume, body spray, and lotion, the bag that they had been bought in right beside the items. Roman had stopped by Victoria’s Secret and purchased them for her on his way over. Just because.

Tony’s eyes turned to reddened slits, and his jaw tightened as his attention was glued to the lingerie. He flexed his fingers, then folded them, making a tight fist.

“Tony… TONY!” She snapped him out of whatever murderous plans he may have been sewing in that head of his.

“Oh, yeah.” Her brother forced a smile. “I, uh, I guess I’ll get going. I can … hmmm… see y’all are busy.” He slowly got to his feet.

“That’s great about your sales month,” Roman offered, leaning back against the couch and crossing his ankles. Flexing his toes.


“I’m not surprised. Your coffee flavors are unique and consistent, Tony. The customer service is always superb, and—”

“Penny and I are havin’ problems,” Tony blurted, cutting him off.

Everyone was quiet, except for the television which was playing the theme song to Night Court as a fresh episode began.

“Havin’ problems?” Genesis asked, her chest growing warm with concern. “Like what?”

Tony sniffed, leaned against the back of the couch, and lowered his head while giving a loud exhale. “She’s been takin’ large sums of money out of our joint account without me knowing. She claims that her mother needed it, and she didn’t think I’d understand. But you don’t just withdraw $16,400 without tellin’ your husband!” He tossed up his hands. “I found out about it today, right after I went to the bank to deposit some money from the shop. I looked back over the last few months, and this isn’t the first time she took out a sizable amount of cash without discussing it with me first. I… I couldn’t believe it.”

Genesis shot Roman a look, then walked over to her brother. She placed her hands around his arms, drawing him in for a hug.

“Tony, I’m sorry about this. Regardless of how I feel about Penny, I want y’all to work it out. I know you two love each other. Communication is key, but she probably was afraid to tell you, just like you said. You have a bit of a temper. I mean,” she shrugged, “I’m not trying to beat you while you’re down, but I could see her feeling intimidated about that.”

“Genesis, she should’ve told me!”

“I agree with you! You are a hundred percent right, Tony, but that doesn’t mean she’s lying, or that her reasons for keepin’ it a secret were not legit. Go home and talk to your wife.”

“I can’t…” There was an edge to his voice.

“What do you mean, you can’t?”

Tony looked off into a corner. “We got into a huge argument about it. She packed a bag and left the house. I had… I had, bought that wine for her.” He pointed to the bag still sitting on the coffee table. “I wanted to celebrate last month’s gains. Tell her the good news. It’s her favorite.”

Genesis sighed, searching her mind for the right thing to say. Penny was a good mother, but all and all, she was still an asshole. Tony could be difficult at times, stubborn and what not, but he was a good man. She knew without a doubt that they’d been in love for years. She hated that they were at odds.

“You can still give it to her. Look, Tony, couples fight. You know that. This is a matter of poor communication and broken trust. Cooler heads will prevail.” She wasn’t so certain of that, but she damn sure hoped so. Tony didn’t look convinced.

“I didn’t mean to interrupt y’all night. I knew though that my best friend and my sister was over here, together, and I’m so mad and confused about this, that uh, I just, I just didn’t want to be alone. Y’all are two of the few people who can keep me calm when somethin’ fucked up happens. Regardless, I shouldn’t have popped in on y’all like this.”

Genesis looked at Roman and it took all of her composure to keep from laughing. The man’s face said it all. He glared at her, no doubt knowing she was about to cave and invite Tony to stay. His face screamed, DON’T DO IT! FOR THE LOVE OF MY DICK, DON’T DO IT! Just moments earlier, she’d promised that she was going to try on the lingerie for him. Now, from the look on his face, he realized all of that was going down the drain. Fast.


