The Black Sheep – Part 1 Greed (The Seven Deadly Kins #3) Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: The Seven Deadly Kins Series by Tiana Laveen

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 73556 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 368(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)

She headed down the hall, and immediately felt the cool air of his penthouse with the lofty ceilings. She hurried to the kitchen, retrieved their wine glasses, and returned to him. He was now sitting up, his naked body a thing to behold. Rock hard abs, muscular thighs, and just lovely from his head to his feet.

“Tony said I wasn’t your type, and not to even bother asking you out,” he blurted as he took his wine glass from her. “Thank you, baby… Our ridiculously high chemistry proved that was a lie.” He laughed mirthlessly.

She went to the other side of the bed, got in, and took a gulp of wine, not caring how unladylike it appeared.

“Tony is full of shit.” She chortled. “He just wanted to stop you from asking me out. He’s okay with it now though.”

“Yeah, I figured as much.” He took a sip of his wine and set it down on the nightstand. “He and I have discussed it a couple of times. He seems comfortable now. He was just lookin’ out for you is all.” He yawned.

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught him rolling down the condom he was wearing, carefully remove it, and place it in a small metal trash can. Grabbing a new one, he tore it open and sheathed himself.

Without a need for discussion, a question or an answer, she set her glass down, motioned to him, and he lay in the middle of the bed. She straddled him, then slowly and ever so carefully, eased down his erect sword. Her pussy embraced it tight in response, as if hugging a long lost lover. He gingerly gripped her hips, and they moved back and forth, until they slid in a perfect groove. He looked up at her, panting as she pivoted up, then down. Her breasts bounced with each pump until she was finally flush against his groin. She rested there for a moment. Being on top caused her to feel his full size. She could barely speak. He felt so deep inside of her, that her soul too now knew him by name.

She couldn’t recall the last time she’d been made love to so well or had such a strong connection with someone. She rode him steadily, building momentum until she exploded. She shivered, her garden draining on his shaft, her waterfall uncontrollable. Bucking and crying out in ecstasy, he followed soon behind her, his deep growls sending her into a frenzy of back-to-back orgasms as he pumped hard within her. His pace quickened as he came, warm semen flooding the condom within her.

They fell asleep soon thereafter, and in the morning were back at it again. The sun’s rays filtered through the window, and there was no music—only their breathing, curses, and moans of appreciation. He took her to a place she’d never imagined, made her get on her knees on the floor of his bedroom, then ruthlessly ravished her from behind. Her pussy was sore and fighting for its life, but she couldn’t stop fucking him. Couldn’t tell him ‘no more,’ when she so desperately wanted him.

Afterwards, the man prepared her a bagel with cream cheese, a hot cup of coffee, and a bowl of fresh melon and strawberries. He brought it into the bedroom on a tray, then turned on the television so she could watch the morning news. He snuggled beside her, and they kissed. While she ate, he drank coffee and answered business emails on his phone. Then, he pulled out his laptop, opened it, and out of the corner of her eye she watched him delete his Tinder profile, and another dating app from his phone, too. He closed the computer without a word and set it and his phone aside.

“Protection,” he said out of the blue after several minutes of not talking. The only sound was the weatherman talking about precipitation over the next few days.

“What?” Her voice cracked.

“The gun you were lookin’ at wedged between the mattress and boxspring when I was eating your pussy last night. I saw you gawking at it. I have more than one. It’s for my protection.”

She nodded in understanding. Damn. He notices EVERYTHING.

Tony had guns—so did her father and many of her ex-boyfriends. This was Texas. If a man didn’t have a piece on him, he was rare indeed. She’d simply never seen one shoved under a mattress, as if he felt he may need it at a moment’s notice. She filed the thought away in a mental folder, for exploration later—because her body wasn’t willing to come down quite yet from its high.

“I hate that I have to leave after I finish breakfast. I told Nessa that I’d cover for her.”

“It’s okay.” He yawned once again. “I have to get some work done, too. I want to see you soon though.” She took a bite of her bagel, chewed it, and then swallowed. “Like tonight or tomorrow, soon. Can I swing by your house and bring dinner? Maybe we can watch a movie and just enjoy one another?”


