The Black Sheep – Part 1 Greed (The Seven Deadly Kins #3) Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: The Seven Deadly Kins Series by Tiana Laveen

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 73556 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 368(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)

“I said to him, ‘I am.’”

They both laughed at that.

“Your father said to me, well, since you understand that, you need to know that that means you’re gonna be my woman.’ People started laughin’ and carryin’ on at him saying that to me. I didn’t take him seriously, and no one else did, either. Two years later, we were married. I should have realized it was one of the few times your father told me the truth. He was right. Swept me right off my feet. Funny, that night I met your father, my friends told me who he was. Said he was a Wilde boy.”

“A Wilde boy,” Roman repeated, then smirked. “Sounds funny when you say it that way.”

“I’d heard of the Wildes. Lots of children that father had. A bunch of wives. Divorces. Mistresses. The Wildes were dangerous, they said. Stinkin’ rich, too. The daddy owned important things, and people. I was told to be careful. Things like that.” Mama pressed her perfectly painted, short dark pink fingernails into a soft, linen napkin, as if wiping crumbs away. “I didn’t pay the rumors much mind. I was a lil’ naïve back then. Didn’t believe in the Boogeyman. I eventually met your grandfather, and he came across as a God-fearin’ man. Seemed like a nice businessman, too, and he welcomed me with open arms. You know my father was a cold, mean man that I barely have a relationship with nowadays, so I didn’t know any better I suppose.” She laughed nervously as the memories played in her mind.

“You bein’ poor and all probably made you impressionable with him, too. Grandpa is magnetic. At first,” he scoffed as he reached for the cup and took a sip of the drink they shared.

“Magnetic he is. Had a big ol’ house that looked like a castle and would kiss my hand and be extra attentive when Reeves would swing by with me in tow. Tell me how pretty and demure I was. I could sense the tension between them though. See through the façade. Finally made him tell me what was goin’ on. He said his father didn’t like him much. I was young and thought that relationship could be mended. Me and my fairy-tales.” She rolled her big blue eyes, then huffed. “Well, wasn’t long after the wedding before I started havin’ babies. Then, things got strange.” Mama took another taste of the bubbly beverage. “I had Dakota. That was a big deal. Family was overjoyed, and I was over the moon, too. I was a new mom. It was your father’s first child, and it was one of the few times I’d ever seen him cry. That grandaddy of yours was right there at the hospital. Your daddy told me he hadn’t even called and told anyone yet. Somehow, your grandfather just showed up. Like some premonition.”

Roman cracked his knuckles and leaned back in the chair. It was interesting hearing Mama give her perspective on Grandpa after all these years. She seemed to remember it like it was yesterday. Maybe in some ways, it was so beautiful, so ugly, and so traumatic, she still felt the wet blood of an omen dripping down the walls of her heart.

“Daddy said Grandpa Wilde has a soft spot for children.”

“I haven’t seen that man in many years, but at the time, it sure seemed that way. The way he was after all three of y’all were born was somethin’ strange. I ain’t never seen no man so invested in his grandbabies like that. More than a woman. He looked at Dakota and was sendin’ expensive gifts ’nd such. Had his Bible in his right hand, and a big envelope of money in another. Passed out cash to everyone in that hospital room, right along with cigars. A big party. Then when Dakota hit about age ten, that man was still nice to my boy, but less interested. The calls died down. The visits, too.

“By that time, you were here. Two years younger. He paid close attention to you, as well. But with you, the attention never stopped. In fact, it grew. He’d show up at the house. All of a sudden, our electric bill would be paid. Groceries delivered. Grocery deliveries back then were far less common. Jordan come, and he watched him, too, but like Dakota, he seemed to lose interest after a while. He still gave presents and nudges on the head, hugs ’nd what not, plenty of presents come Christmas time, but it wasn’t the same as how he doted on you. That’s when your father come tellin’ me that you had the mark of the beast on you.”

Roman reached across the table and took a gulp of the soda. Wasn’t much left. He wished it were stronger. Something that burned your soul going down.


