The Beast & His Beauty Read Online W. Winters, Willow Winters

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Magic, Paranormal, Virgin Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 83
Estimated words: 74631 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 373(@200wpm)___ 299(@250wpm)___ 249(@300wpm)

“I love him! Please!” I scream and I’m not certain which person, man or beast, my father or the prince, I’m pleading to.

“Please stop!” I call out and the beast pauses. My father calls my name like a question. “Elle?”

The beast looks back at me, I hold his gaze. “My father. Please,” I beg him and with a whine, the beast’s head lowers, and I feel as though he understands.

“Please,” I beg again as he takes a step back, giving me a path to my father.

This tower room is too small to make any escape. My father groans at my feet and I crouch down, touching him. There is blood on the floor from the wound at his head. I murmur at him to be still, but I can hardly hear my own voice. I need to find the wound so I can stop the bleeding.

It was a mistake to take my eyes off the beast.

He roars, the sound hurting my ears, and it seems to rattle the stone beneath my feet. I see his shadow loom over us, and then my father scrambles upright.

“Father, no!”

He does not hear my cry. Once again my father rushes at the beast with nothing but his bare hands, but the beast roars into his face. My father stumbles back, falling in front of me.

“Elle,” he says, and puts up one arm to try to defend us.

The beast swipes one enormous paw across my father’s body and sends him flying toward the wall. My father slams into it with a terrible thump and crumbles to the floor of the tower, unmoving.

“Father, no!”

My feet don’t want to get underneath me, but I force myself upright and run to my father. I place myself between him and the beast. I do not know if he is alive. I cannot bend down to see if he is breathing. I send up a prayer to anyone who will listen to let my father survive this. He does not deserve to die like this.

I put up both hands as the beast stalks across the tower toward me, his claws and teeth bared, growling through his teeth. He is so much taller this way, and the panic in me grows until I think there may be no hope.

The moment he is close enough, I place both hands on his shoulders and push as hard as I can. I am not strong enough to stop him from moving, but I put all the strength I have into holding him back.

“Please, stop! Please,” I cry, hoping to be heard over his growls. They are threatening noises, like something out of a nightmare. But he doesn’t hurt me. He does not swipe at me. I do not know what will happen next, because I saw the beast enter a similar fury the night the castle was attacked. He must feel this is the same.

Thoughts fly in my mind and I hold onto the beast, wrapping my arms around him. I whisper for him to stop. I beg him. “He’s not going to hurt you,” I continue. “My father isn’t trying to hurt you, I promise. He would not have come here to attack you. Please, stop.”

My tears linger in his fur and the beast’s form rises and falls with heavy breaths. He’s quiet beneath me. With the world quiet around me, I dare to pull back. I dare to loosen my grip and get a look at the beast.

For a single moment, the beast’s eyes change. A flash of the prince’s blue eyes peeks out from behind the gold. That color is gone in an instant, but it was there.

“I see you,” I whisper, my voice shaking because my heart will not slow. “I see you,” I repeat, hoping against hope that he will hear me and understand.

The beast cocks his head on an angle, his eyes gold again. There is no sign that the blue was ever there, but in the beast’s eyes, confusion flares. He is no longer growling, and his shoulders do not press as hard against my hands. The beast blinks, staring into my eyes. His head lowers and he presses himself into me again. As if a dog wanting to be held. I hold him tightly and pray this will be enough.

“Please,” I whisper, begging again. I need to breathe, but I cannot force my lungs to work to calm myself. My heart will not slow until I can make sure my father is all right, and I am terrified that if I wait too long, he will not make it.

The beast eases away from me. I keep my hands up, trying to signal to him that he does not need to fear me and that he does not need to come after my father. There is nothing the man can do to him. He has not made a sound since he fell to the floor and could not harm the beast even if he wanted to.


