The Baron’s Bride – Alien Mate Index Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 107
Estimated words: 101280 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 506(@200wpm)___ 405(@250wpm)___ 338(@300wpm)

“That filthy whore?” Azz’lx snapped.

“Yeah, you’re welcome,” Natalie said dryly.

“Watch your fucking mouth!” I growled, glaring at him. “You’re not to speak of Natalie like that ever again if you want to keep breathing!”

“Baron…Vik’tor, please—she’s no good for you!” he whined. “Can’t you see that the two of us were better off before she came into our lives? Just get rid of her so we can go back to normal!”

“I’m afraid there’s no going back to ‘normal,’” I told him. “Because as of right now, you no longer work for me.”

“You’re firing me?” Azz’lx demanded, liked he couldn’t believe it.

“You fucking kidnapped the female I care about and tried to have her killed, you little bastard!” I growled. “And you’re surprised I’m firing you? Well, get over it because fuck, yes! I’m fucking firing your ass—immediately!”

“But you can’t do this!” Azz’lx whined. “I—I’ll take you to court for wrongful termination!”

“I’ve been recording this whole exchange, remember?” I raised my eyebrows at him. “I don’t think any judge is going to find in your favor after hearing what you did and how you lied to try and cover your tracks. So effective immediately, you’re fucking terminated. And don’t bother coming to clean out your office, either—I’ll have Security ship your things to you.” I pointed at him. “Oh—and start packing because I want you moved out of my building inside of a week. I never want to see your fucking face again.”

“You…you…this is all your fault!” Azz’lx raged, glaring at Natalie. He took a step towards her, his hands clenched into fists. “You got me fired, you little whore and I swear you’re going to pay for it!”

“Hey!” I pushed Natalie behind me and frowned down at him. “You’re never coming near her again. If you do, I won’t hold back again—I’ll fucking kill you.”

The menace in my voice must have had an effect because Azz’lx paled and backed down.

“Oh, come on now, Boss…” he began, clearly trying to make peace.

Just a fucking lick-spittle coward at heart, I thought, feeling nothing but contempt for him. My hands were curled into fists, aching to punch his fucking face.

“Not your boss anymore,” I said grimly. “Expect your things tomorrow. And don’t bother asking for a reference,” I added. “Because you don’t want me talking to anyone stupid enough to think of hiring you—you lying sack of shit!”

Then I turned and put my arm around Natalie.

“C’mon, baby—let’s go,” I told her and we headed for the ship.

Behind us, I could hear Azz’lx raging.

“You can’t do this! You can’t do this to me! You’ll be sorry—I swear I’ll make you both sorry!”

When we got into the ship with the door closed, Natalie looked at me uncertainly.

“He seems pretty upset—you think he’ll really try to come after us?”

“Nah…” I shook my head. “Don’t worry about him, baby—he can’t do a thing to hurt you.”

I was wrong…but I didn’t know that then and I wouldn’t find out for a while…not until it was too late.



Back in the warmth and safety of Vik’tor’s ship, he turned off the viewscreen—which still showed Ass-licks raging and whining outside in the parking area—and turned to me.

“Glad that’s over,” he said decisively. “And please don’t worry, Natalie—you’re never going to have to deal with him again. I’m kicking him out of my building so you’re never even going to have to fucking see him again.”

“I’m glad to hear that,” I said. “But Vik’tor, I was hoping never to see him again because I was hopefully getting off of O’nagga Nine.”

He frowned.

“So…you really meant all that—about wanting to get away from here? Even if you’re living with me in my building where it’s warm and safe and no one can hurt you, baby? I mean, I know we can’t form a Bond since I’m a half-blood but I thought maybe…”

He trailed off and I bit my lip, trying to think how to say what needed to be said.

“Vik’tor…please don’t take this the wrong way,” I said slowly. “I would love to be with you—to be in a relationship with you. But I just can’t—not while you’re still living on O’nagga Nine. I’ve had some terrible experiences here and I just want to put them behind me. Besides…” I put my hands to my heart. “I’m homesick.” I miss my parents and my brothers and my Granny! And I know they’re probably worried sick about me. Please, Vik’tor…I just want to go home.”

I put my whole heart into the plea, hoping he would understand—praying he wouldn’t take offense and decide to dump me out in the cold because I was turning him down. He was, after all, the richest and most powerful man on O’nagga Nine and I was just a Blood Whore—he didn’t have to take me anywhere or help me get home if he didn’t want to.


