Thank you Daddy – The Good Girls Read Online Dani Wyatt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Erotic, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 27
Estimated words: 24429 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 122(@200wpm)___ 98(@250wpm)___ 81(@300wpm)

The food didn't take me long to get through, and then I was eating a bowl of yogurt with blueberries scattered on top. And washing it down with fresh squeezed orange juice.

I'd never eaten anything so nutritious in my life. Or anything so tasty.

"That was..." I pulled my mouth to the side, considering my words. "Not so bad."

Jesse stood, nodding. "I'm glad you liked it."

"I didn't say I liked it--"

"You didn't have to. Now for something I will like."

"I already know what you like," I said with a grin, remembering how it felt to be loved by him. How it felt to be used by him. "I'm game if you are."

"No, not that. There will be time for that, but I want to see how pretty you look with your surprise." He wandered around to the side cupboard, pulling open the drawer at the top and taking out a small black box. Not small enough to be a wedding ring... So what? More teddy bears? He held it out to me. "Take it, baby. I bought it for you. A long time ago, actually, but I never thought I'd have this chance."

I watched his face as I took the box from his hands, wondering what on earth could be inside. And when I pulled it open, I was none the wiser.

"A... torpedo?" I suggested, pulling the little object from its silk-lined container. It was about the length of my thumb, and tapered in shape, with a wide, circular end set with what looked like a diamond.

Jesse took it from my hands and held it up for me to see. "It's to make you ready, baby girl. To make your body able to take someone of my size."

I pursed my lips. "Daddy..." I whispered. "I already did. And I don't see how this would have helped."

"Not that hole, little girl," he said, and it took a moment for me to figure that out.

Then when I did, I shrank back, one hand going involuntarily to my ass. "No way."

"You think you can say no?"

"It's not that, it's..." My stomach flipped over in a mixture of excitement and trepidation. "You'll never fit!"

"I will. Because you'll use this. And then when you're comfortable with it, we'll get you a bigger one, and a bigger one, until we're both sure you're ready. Believe me when I tell you, my dick is going in your ass. This is playtime and prep, but it will happen."

I licked my lips. I absolutely loved it.

A grin spread across my face and I snatched at the little thing in his hands, ready to try it right away. But he pulled it out of my reach before I could get it. I pouted, but he shook his head.

"There's a right way to do this and a wrong way, baby girl. I'm going to show you the right way." He reached down and picked something else up from the bedside drawer, and I saw it was a bottle of something. "And by the way, I'm proud of you."

I narrowed my eyes. "Proud of me?"

"You called me Daddy, without any prompting."

I tried to remember, then shook my head. He just smiled.

"That's because it feels right, baby. You know this is who we are to each other. Now, bend over, take hold of your ass and spread yourself for me. This first time is going to feel a little strange, but you'll soon get used to it. More than used to it, you’re gonna learn to cum harder than ever I bet. I can’t wait to hear it. Feel it."

I did as he said, getting up on knees and elbows on the bed, and bending forward. I reached back and spread myself, then closed my eyes as I waited for what was to come. When the plug touched my ass, I bit back a moan. It felt cold and strange, but it slid deep inside me without any pain, and the weird pressure was exciting.

“Lots of lube until you’re trained, baby. I’ll never harm you.”

And when it was done, I sat up, and felt the way it sat inside me, pressing against my insides.

"I love you, Kat," he said suddenly, his jaw set and the backs of his fingers brushing under my chin.

I met his eyes, and I no longer wondered if I'd heard him correctly. Instead, threw myself into his lap. "I love you too."


“You sign right here, Mrs. McKenna.” The attorney hands me the thick black pen, pointing at the blank line on the last page of the tall stack of papers. “Once you sign, the deal is done and all the clubs will belong to the new owner.”

Jesse’s fingers rub in a slow circle between my shoulder blades, soothing me, as the air conditioning hums from the ceiling in the monstrous conference room at the top of the building belonging to Wilson, Barrington & Miller, Attorneys at Law.


