Thank you Daddy – The Good Girls Read Online Dani Wyatt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Erotic, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 27
Estimated words: 24429 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 122(@200wpm)___ 98(@250wpm)___ 81(@300wpm)

In his own way, he was making sure this was real.

My mind cleared and something made me smile. “You told me to cum on Daddy’s cock.”

I giggled as I felt the thickness of his manhood still deep inside. But Jesse brushed the hair from my face, tenderly meeting my gaze, his intense dark eyes holding my own.

“Yeah, I did," he said, drawing a deep breath. "And you liked it, didn’t you? You came like a rock star after I said that. Don’t you lie, Kat, this is who you are. I've known it for so long, I just didn't know how to bring it out.”

His fierce gaze pinned me and I couldn’t help but be honest with him.

And with myself.

“You’re right. I did like it.”

“I told you to trust me, little girl. And there’s more where that came from. Now, thank me for your orgasm.” He gave a little thrust with his hips, making me suck in my breath.

“Hey! Owww!”

“Say it.”

“Thank you, Daddy.”

“Good girl.” He gave me another quick thrust. His cock did not feel like it was done yet. “So, you gonna trust me now?”

His eyes were suddenly serious, and I nodded. I did trust him. Now and forever, I knew he would always be there.

“Good. Because you got some changes to make, little girl. And calling me Daddy is just the beginning.”

I knew I should protest, but there was a flutter deep inside. It was small, but it was there, and it made me realize I needed to trust my judgment. Trust my feelings. And my feelings were telling me I really kind of liked calling him Daddy. It only made me so much more curious as to what else he had in mind.

My body began to come to its senses, and there was a definite ache deep inside. For the first time, I didn't know how much more I could be expected to take. Between the sheer size of Jesse’s cock, and the screaming red welts from his hands on my bottom, I felt like I'd been through hell and back.

Or heaven and back...

Maybe a little of both.

Jesse must have felt that shift inside me again, because his face turned from playful to concerned.

“You feeling sore?” His deep voice rumbled, the smooth hot skin of his body still pressed long and firm against mine. “Of course you are, baby. I'm proud of you, you know? You took your punishment like a good girl. And you took my cock like an even better girl.”

He smiled, and I tried to return it. But all I could do was wince, and he sighed.

"I'm sorry, babygirl, but the first time is the worst, trust me. After this, it will get easier. A nice bath will take the sting out of your ass cheeks and soothe your popped cherry there. Then, Daddy’s going to show you some of the other ways I’m going to take care of you. And remember, you promised to trust me. I don’t think your ass can take another spanking, so let’s do it my way for at least a day, okay?”

A bath from him sounded like heaven. “You’re the boss.”

“Now you’re catching on. Good girl.”



I was falling asleep when Jesse pulled me up and out of the cooling water, toweled me off and carried me into the bedroom.

“Come on, arms up.” He held a soft, pink nightie over my head, and I was too tired to argue, so I let him put it on me, the little poofy lace sleeves sitting right at my shoulders and the ruffled bottom trim just below my red bottom.

This was next level, but whatever chemicals that orgasm must have released, made me not care.

Truth, I felt safe, cared for, so much so I took that nightgown without a protest, then let him tuck me into bed next to that giant teddy without a second thought about what it all meant.

Forgive me, former edgy Katrina who felt at home in black and thought she knew it all.

I liked this, and for now that would have to be enough.

“I’m going to let your bottom recover for the night," he said. "But tomorrow, I’m going to introduce you to... something new.”

I squinted, inspecting every hard angle of his face, trying to get some hint of what was in store. “Jesse…”

“Daddy. Not Jesse anymore, baby. I’ll keep reminding you, but eventually I’m going to start reminding you in other ways. Fair warning.” He gave me a look, and it took all the fight from me.

I puffed out my cheeks and exhaled, leaving that battle for another day. All I really wanted was for him to lie down next to me, to feel the hard steel of his frame and his long arms around my waist as I drifted off to sleep.

So I gathered my courage, and for the first time in such a long time, I asked for what I wanted.


