Texting Mr Wolfe Read Online Flora Ferrari

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 59
Estimated words: 56885 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 284(@200wpm)___ 228(@250wpm)___ 190(@300wpm)

Clive is a hipster with a sleeve tattoo and a sincere smile. “Hi, Piper, yes?”

“Hello. You must be Clive.”

“Come on in. Mr. Wolfe is finishing a conference call, and then it’ll be time for your interview.”

He leads me into the lobby. A modern art sculpture of one of their SnapBrew coffeemakers sits in the center.

“How much do you know about Do It All?” Clive asks as we walk toward the elevators.

I know Logan started it soon after that night, after our kiss, our touching, his firm body pressed against mine. And that is exactly the thinking I need to stop before it even begins.

“I know that it’s a unique company,” I say. “It allows wealthy patrons to donate to underprivileged families with stocks, rather than cash, which the families can either cash out or choose to invest in one of Do It All’s products. In return, the patrons get to advertise their affiliation with Do It All, which helps with their PR. And I know that Do It All can also make more traditional wealth investments. But it’s the products which have really made it successful.”

“I’m impressed,” Clive says, smiling, as we walk into the elevator. “You’ve done your research.”

“I wanted to be prepared,” I tell him.

“How much do you know about our products?”

“Well, there’s Sustainify, an app to help users find eco-friendly products. Then there’s SnapBrew, the coffeemaker that uses biodegradable pods. Urban Essence helps city dwellers maximize their space. And the video game…” I laugh, hoping he can’t hear how nervous I am. “But I forget the name.”

“Relax.” Clive grins. “You’re more prepared than most interviewees.”

That’s where he’s wrong. Sure, I know how the company works. I know Logan has built it into a wildly successful, multifaceted goliath in the tech and business world. But I don’t know how I’m going to look the CEO in the eye and not melt like a loser.

It was just a kiss, just some touching. It was three years ago.

I need to remember that.

Clive waves me into the lobby. There’s a framed photo of Logan on the wall on the cover of Time magazine, with the caption, ‘Taking the world by financial storm and changing lives… Can Logan Wolfe really Do It All?’

I sit in one of their plush, comfortable chairs, adjusting my pencil skirt, my heart beating hard as sweat trickles down my body. I know I could’ve used my connection to Elliot to get a job here—he works as head of client acquisitions. But I insisted on interviewing.

I want to earn this. I don’t want any special favors. After years of failing, I want to succeed on my own. Sure, with a little leg up—a connection, but I’m still counting it.

“Would you like anything to drink?” Clive asks.

“I’m fine, thank you.”

He nods and walks over to his desk. I press my hands down on my legs, trying to quiet the nerves, but it’s difficult with Logan staring at me from the picture overhead. Those piercing, icy eyes took me back to the stunned moment when he leaned in, pressed his lips against mine, and grabbed me.

He’s probably had dozens of hookups since that happened. He’d laugh if I told him I still think about it sometimes.

All too soon, Clive calls over to me. “Piper, he’s ready for you.”

Standing, I bury all the nerves, the self-doubt, the fear. I won’t let them rule me. I can’t. This matters. I want a job here. I want to earn my own money and make my way in the world.

Logan’s office is enormous and has views of the skyline. He stands behind an imposing desk wearing a white dress shirt with his sleeves rolled up, showing his spectacular forearms. His hair glistens in the sunlight coming through the windows.

“Piper,” he says, a small smile on his lips, talking as if I’m just another potential employee.

That’s good. I don’t want special treatment. I don’t want to see desire in his eyes.

“Mr. Wolfe,” I say, approaching his desk.

He smirks, but only briefly, then quickly wipes it away. “Please, Logan is fine. Take a seat.”

The closer I get to his desk, the more aware I am of my body. It’s unspoken, unacknowledged—am I imagining it? But I’m almost sure he’s struggling not to look at the sway of my hips or legs. I don’t even know how I know this. It’s as if I can sense a tension simmering in the air.

When I sit down and adjust my skirt, his gaze flits to my legs momentarily. A tingle dances up my thighs. I fold my legs, my underwear rubbing against my sex with annoying persistence. Jeez. I need to chill.

He sits, crossing his arms, the fabric of his shirt hugging his thick muscles.

“How much do you know about the position you’re applying for?” he asks.

“I know I’m going to be a copywriter – sorry, not ‘going to be.’ I know that I’m applying for…” I trail off when I realize he’s smirking at me again. “What?”


