Texting Mr Wolfe Read Online Flora Ferrari

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 59
Estimated words: 56885 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 284(@200wpm)___ 228(@250wpm)___ 190(@300wpm)

I press my lips against hers, trying to keep it merely romantic, trying not to let the hunger consume me. But I can’t do much about my searing, hot length or my head swirling with steamy ideas.

She pushes both hands against my chest. “If you don’t stop, I won’t be able to.”

I let out a breath through clenched teeth. “Your first time deserves to be somewhere more comfortable than a table in a restaurant.”

“Plus, we might spill the champagne…”

I lead her to the table, pulling her chair out. After shuffling her in, I pop the cork, grinning when she laughs and claps her hands together. I pour us two glasses, then sit opposite her, raising my glass.

“To us,” I say.

She raises her glass. “To the future—to leaving the past behind…”

We clink glasses, then take a sip.

“What would you like for a starter?” I ask, gesturing at the menu. “I’ve hired the place out just for us. I don’t want anybody else looking at you.”

“Like they would, Logan.”

“Hey,” I growl, reaching over and taking her hand. “Don’t say things like that. You’re the sexiest, most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. You better start believing it.”

Her smile is captivating. “Maybe some garlic bread?”

“Is that a question or a choice?”

“I want to flip you the bird, but it feels ruder in real life.”

“Easier to send an emoji, is it?”

She grins. “Something like that.”

“Don’t worry. I’ve got thick skin.”

“I’m not sure I believe that. I think you’re more sensitive than you realize. I keep telling you, Hardcover suits you more than me…”

“It suits us both,” I say. “Wait here. I’ll let the staff know. I thought we could do without waiters. More privacy.”

After a quick visit to the kitchen, noting that they are already preparing several starters, so we don’t have to wait – I return to my woman.

“Elliot mentioned you haven’t hired security for yourself,” she mutters when I sit.

I shrug. “I’m not scared of those assholes.”

“But they threatened you. They vandalized The Clam. You threatened him. Won’t he want revenge?”

“I don’t give a damn what he wants,” I tell her.


“Don’t worry about me. I’m not scared of him. I’m not scared of anybody.”

She sighs, looking down at the table.

“Angel,” I mutter, taking her hand. “Let’s not argue about this. I want to talk about you.”

“What about me?”

“Anything, everything. What was studying English literature like?”

“Better than business,” she says.

She doesn’t look pleased to leave the topic of security behind. Is it pride stopping me? Am I being too damn cocky? I just hate the idea of that little worm Sal thinking I’m scared of him. But if he attacks me, I might never see Piper again…

Dammit, when I get home, I’ll have to bite the bullet.

“I’ll get a security team for myself,” I mutter.

Her eyebrows shoot up. “You will?”

I sigh, nodding. “Yeah, sure, but I’m not happy about it.”

“This is why you need a lady, Logan. To do your thinking for you.”

I chuckle. “You might have a point there… So, English was better than business?”

“Yeah, I loved it. But the whole time we were getting into these intricate theories and reading approaches, I couldn’t stop thinking about doing something. I wanted to live.”

“I know the feeling,” I say, then my phone buzzes. “Our starter is ready.”


“They were already working on some dishes. They’re going to eat whatever we don’t order. I wouldn’t want to keep my angel waiting.”

“You said we haven’t got a server,” she says with a daring glint in her eye. “But I think you’re the waiter.”

“You’re making me think of that emoji now…”

She giggles. I go into the kitchen, grab the plate, and then return, bowing before I lay it on the table.

“You’re such a doofus.”

“So – living,” I say, taking a piece of garlic bread as I sit down.

“Did you add cheese?”

“What’s garlic bread without some extra cheese?” I say. “It’d be criminal not to.”

“I love cheesy garlic bread,” she says, taking a piece of her own. “And yeah, I think I felt restless. I wanted to get my life moving. I wanted to feel like I was progressing toward something. I know that might sound silly. A degree is something.”

“It’s not silly. You wanted to have a real-world impact.”

“Exactly,” she says passionately.

“After your childhood⁠—”

“I had a decent childhood, Logan,” she murmurs. “Elliot made sure of that.”

“But you struggled. It wasn’t perfect. Money was tight.”

She nods. “Yeah, and you’re right. I think that was part of the reason I wanted to start life so badly. It wasn’t all dramatic stuff. Some of it was just down to me being a nerdy, quiet kid. I had one friend, Ruby. I had my books.”

“You got tired of living in imaginary worlds. You wanted the real thing.”

She nods. “Yes, that’s it, Logan. That’s exactly it. Jeez. I swear you’re better at putting my feelings into words than I am.”


