Texting Mr Wolfe Read Online Flora Ferrari

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 59
Estimated words: 56885 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 284(@200wpm)___ 228(@250wpm)___ 190(@300wpm)

I gasp, rushing into the room. “Elliot, what happened?”

“Too many drinks. I fell into the wall like an idiot. Sorry.”

“Let me get you some water,” I say. “What was the occasion? A date?”

“N-no,” he mutters, seeming awkward. “Just met a friend. No big deal.”

I never said it was a big deal. I get a niggling sensation he’s hiding something, but I don’t feel like I have the right to ask what. I’m even cautious about telling him I got the job because that could lead to a conversation about Logan.

That’s what one steamy moment has done to me: ruined my ability to interact with my brother without being self-conscious the whole time. It’s like I’m constantly watching myself for signs of a slip-up. It’s exhausting.

But that’s what I get for betraying my big brother.

I’ve got to be strong. Never again.



Ispend the next five days stubbornly focusing my attention anywhere except on Piper. I’ve got plenty to keep me busy between client meetings, PR, social media posts, product research, and tinkering with investments. Much of my work involves long reading sessions, journal articles, books—whatever I can get my hands on related to mine and our client’s businesses.

I work sixteen-hour days for the next five, which isn’t unusual, but the reason is. I’d walk across hot coals if it meant I could get some rest from my thoughts.

The second I stop, even for a moment, I see Piper. I see her thick, bare thighs, the pencil skirt cutting into her juiciness, feel her hand against mine, hear her sighs, which become moans, and then the fantasies spiral into pure, unstoppable hunger.

On the sixth day, I sit in my office, feeling dog-tired. I’ll need to slow down at some point.

Clive buzzes through. “Milo here for you, Mr. Wolfe.”

Milo is the team leader of Forever Love. “Concerning what?”

“He says it’s the routine new employee meeting… I can reschedule if you like?”

Ah, that’s right. I take a hands-on approach, which means I always review how new employees are settling in after a few days.

“Send him in.”

The meeting is brief, and once Milo’s gone, I have learned nothing new. Piper is a hard worker. She’s passionate and enthusiastic. She’s keen to do her job well.

The night she got the job, I lost control. That’s the reason why I’ve worked so damn hard these past five days, to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

I was texting her late at night, lying in bed, my length already stiff, my passion burning so hot, I couldn’t quench it. I didn’t even want to, not in that moment.

I was thinking about her in bed, and then I lost it. Stroking my hand down my body, I wrapped it around my throbbing length. I told myself I’d only do it for a couple of minutes and wouldn’t let my mind go that far.

But before I knew it, I was pumping my precome-slick hand up and down my cock. My mind flooded with vivid fantasies of Piper. I imagined her on the desk, her pencil skirt hiked up around her wide, delicious hips, shifting her thighs back and forth as she ground against me.

I imagined leaning down and tearing her shirt with my teeth, her plump mounds spilling free, then tearing her bra and letting her tits bounce for me. I imagined sucking her nipples, kissing, and biting them softly. All the while fucking her hard and fast, making the desk shake, her moans turning frantic as her walls tightened and pulsed around my dick.

I knew I had to stop, but I couldn’t. Soon, hot come was gushing out of my tip, my body humming with my release, with the wrongness of it.

It’s been five days, and so far, I’ve avoided doing that again.

Fucking yay for me.

My cell buzzes. It’s Piper. My heart twitches. My body aches.

Piper: Sorry to bother you, Logan, but I was wondering if I could ask for your advice.

Grinding my teeth, I think about the answer I should give.

It’s simple. No.

I’m the CEO of the entire company. A junior copywriter has no business texting me directly. But I’m the one who started this game, and even if I know I should, I don’t want to end it.

Logan: Go ahead, Piper.

Piper: I’ve got an idea for Forever Love, but I’ve just started. It’s more of a product development idea than a copywriting one. Do you think it would be reasonable for me to pitch it to Milo?

I can feel her passion through the text.

Logan: What’s the idea?

Piper: I don’t want to go over Milo’s head.

Logan: All you need to worry about is doing what your CEO tells you, Piper.

I send it before I give myself time to realize what a jerk move that is. But maybe it’s better if she thinks I am a jerk. It’ll save heartache down the line.


