Tell Me You Need Me – Lighthouse Landing Read Online Lucy Darling

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love, Novella Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 38
Estimated words: 35763 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 179(@200wpm)___ 143(@250wpm)___ 119(@300wpm)

“Yeah, I know that, but things will be different. It’s life.”

I suppose I can’t argue with that.

“So are you and my uncle up to things?”

“Up to things?” I laugh.

“Oh my God, you’re turning red.”

“I am not.” I touch my cheeks.

“I don’t think I have ever seen you blush before.” Willa laughs. Liza drops off the rest of our food.

“What do you want to do after this?” I ask, leaving it open for her.

“I don’t want to go to the party, so relax. The boys at our school aren’t my vibe.” Thank God. I would have gone and faked it, but I’m glad we’re not.

“So you’re looking for a guy?”

“Yes, I want my romance. We don’t really read all those dirty books for no reason.”

“Touché.” I laugh.

“I do know about something else that is going on tonight.”

“Really?” This is an island, and there are only a handful of things you can do.

“Yeah, it’s over at the docks.”

“Which docks?” There are two docks here, at least public ones. There is one for the ferry that travels on and off the island, sharing space with a few warehouses that handle incoming and outgoing shipments. Then there is one for anyone to use.


“What’s going on there?” The last ferry returns at ten. At least if you want to bring a car back over. There is a smaller ferry that only allows people; it goes later, but it’s over at the public dock.

"I think my brother is going to be there tonight, in fact."

"At the warehouses?"

"Yep." Willa pops the P. "He thinks I don't know what he's up to, but I do, and now I want to go see."

"I don't think he'll want us there."

"I don't think I have to ask him." It makes sense that this fighting thing, whatever it is, would be there. After ten, it's dead down there.

"All right," I agree. I'm not getting in the middle of a sibling fight, let alone twins. My cousin isn't my sister, but we were super close before her smarty-pants ass went off to college, and I wouldn't want someone getting between her and me.

We finish our dinner before we head out of the diner. I make my way toward the warehouses. “Do you know which one it's in?” I ask when we pull in, not seeing much.

“The back?” I pull down and around. When we get around to the other side, we see all the cars. The docks back here are also filled.

“Expensive.” I gesture toward a boat that stands out from the others. It’s a speedboat. When the lighthouse light circles around in the distance, I spot a yacht not too far away.

“I didn’t think it would be this big.”

“I don’t know what I was expecting,” I say when I park. We both jump out and follow two people coming off the dock, guessing they’ll know which way to get in.

My phone vibrates in my back pocket. I pull it out and see a text from West asking me what I’m up to. I tell him I’m still hanging with Willa, which he knows already. I told him that I might even end up crashing in her room, but if Willa falls asleep before me, I’ll sneak over late tonight. I’ll definitely be there in the morning.

“Hold up,” the man at the door says to Willa and me, letting the two girls in front of us in. They are all dolled up in short skirts and heels. “Are you supposed to be here?” His eyes roam up and down over us.

Willa and I are dressed in jeans and sweaters. Hers is a fuzzy pink one.

“Yes,” Willa responds before I can, pushing her glasses up her nose. The door opens again, but this time someone steps out.

The tall man has dark hair and even darker eyes. He is dressed entirely in black, from his boots and jeans to his shirt and leather jacket. Even the tattoo that peeks up from his shirt onto his neck. I take a step back, but Willa keeps going, not noticing the man.

"My brother is in there. Rich."

"Your brother?" The man in the leather jacket poses the question. Willa turns her head toward him.


"Richy Rich is your brother." The man looks skeptical but also amused.

"My twin."

"All right, then." He opens the door for us. The man that stopped us doesn't say shit, making me think the leather jacket guy here is in charge. “In you go, princess.”

Willa hurries in, and I’m right behind her, but I don’t miss the man checking out her ass.

“Was he flirting with me?” Willa asks as we make our way down a long, dark hallway, but I can hear the sounds of people the farther we enter.

“I was” is said from behind me.

“Oh my God,” Willa whispers loudly, and I bite back a laugh, but leather jacket guy doesn't hold back his laughter. I don’t have to see her to know that her face is cherry red. As we enter the main part of the warehouse, I hook my arm into Willa's.


