Total pages in book: 38
Estimated words: 35763 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 179(@200wpm)___ 143(@250wpm)___ 119(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 35763 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 179(@200wpm)___ 143(@250wpm)___ 119(@300wpm)
“Call me West,” I tell him.
“Dan Roberts.” He introduces himself too. “I don’t think you’ve been on the island since I moved here.”
“I haven’t been back for a long time,” I admit.
“I have followed some of your work.”
“Really?” That surprises me.
“I was in the military for a few years.”
“Yes, they have picked up a few of my toys.”
“Toys?” He laughs. “I’d call them a lot more than that.” I never know what to call them. I play in whatever interests me. Since I came to the island, I haven’t been doing much work at all, no matter how hard I try.
“I wanted to swing by and make sure everything was updated with the twins, Willa and Rich.”
“Yes, I understand that. We offered them grief counseling, but both turned it down.”
“I appreciate that. I’m leaving it to them to decide how they want to handle things. To be honest, I didn’t know of their existence until after Karl’s death.”
Dan nods. “I’m sure you know how this island works. Your estrangement from your brother is nothing new to me.”
“Some things never change, I suppose.” How fast will word spread when people find out about Teddy and me? I don't care about the potential consequences for myself, but I do care about how the news would affect her.
“Can I show you around?” he asks.
“I’d actually really like that.”
Dan guides me around the school. There have been some, but not significant, changes. I do notice there are updates that could be made. Dan is keen to let me know this in the slyest way he can. I’m sure my brother never gave the school a penny. The island isn’t filled with wealthy people.
“I’m sure I could help out with a few things.”
“Really?” Dan is almost salivating. I don’t fault him. I can tell he cares about the school.
“Of course, it appears Lighthouse Landing is going to be my home for a while. I’ll have my right hand, Jack, see to getting you a check or wire transfer. Do you have a card I can give him?” As his phone starts to ring, Dan quickly pulls one out.
“Let me tell Shelly to reschedule a conference call I have. Sure that’s why she’s calling.”
“No, please go. I should head out too,” I tell him. This is fucking perfect. “But I could use a bathroom first.”
"Go straight down this hallway to the left."
“Thank you.” I shake his hand. “Jack will be in contact.”
“No, thank you, West,” he says before he’s heading back toward the office, leaving me alone in the hallway. I pull out my phone to find Teddy's schedule right as the bell rings.
Chapter Eighteen
Ibet I could text Jack for West’s number. He already knows about us. Get it together, Teddy; you can go a few hours without talking to West. I can’t turn into one of those clingy girls.
“Hey, do you want to work on applications after class?” Willa asks me. I can see the hope in her eyes.
“I can help with yours,” I offer.
“Just say it already. You’re not going, are you?”
“Willa,” I say gently. “I don’t know what I’m doing.” That’s the truth.
“Because of West?” That's part of it now.
“I had these thoughts before West came along. You're not choosing a college based on which I get into, because I would never be accepted into the ones you will.”
“Maybe I don’t want to go either.” She starts packing up her stuff. We don’t have our next class together.
“Come on now.” Willa is so damn smart. She doesn’t need me holding her back.
“I can decide for myself just like you can.” The bell rings, and she hops up. Willa takes off faster than normal, and I know she’s upset, but what can I do? I sigh, grabbing my crap.
“Teddy.” Derrick pops up right in front of me, taking me off guard. He tends to do that a lot, I’m noticing.
“Hey.” I force a smile, not wanting to be a jerk because he’s annoying.
“You going to the party after the game this week?”
“Ah, no.”
Derrick falls into step next to me as I head out of the classroom. I never go to parties, and he knows this. Willa and I keep to ourselves for the most part. There are cliques and such, but most leave us alone because the wrath of Rich is fierce. In fact, some girls around here will try to suck up to Willa in hopes of getting Rich’s attention.
Years ago, she revealed to me that some of the friends she had made weren't genuine. They’d only been trying to get closer to her brother through her.
“You never come.”
“Not really my scene.”
“But it’s senior year.”
“I’ll talk to Willa,” I say to get him to stop pushing.
He’s really starting to irk me. Before I would just brush him off as annoying, but lately he’s ramped up his efforts, and it’s starting to make me a bit uncomfortable.