Tell Me You Need Me – Lighthouse Landing Read Online Lucy Darling

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love, Novella Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 38
Estimated words: 35763 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 179(@200wpm)___ 143(@250wpm)___ 119(@300wpm)

“Teddy,” I groan, coming harder than I ever have in my life.

I open my eyes to watch my release swirl down the drain, my cock still fucking hard. I switch the water over to cold but that doesn’t help either.

There’s no way in hell I’m going to be able to keep us a secret.

Chapter Fourteen


Dinner was quiet tonight. I was disappointed that West didn’t come down, but I sent a tray with Jack up for him. I shouldn’t be upset about it. It’s probably not a good idea for him and Rich to be sharing a table so soon.

When Rich gets up from the table, I don’t miss the wince. Based on the way he had been leaning while eating, I believe the pain was coming from his ribs. I still don’t know if I should say anything. Willa helps me clear the table and put everything away.

When I enter the guesthouse, my mom is making her nighttime tea. “Are you turning in already?” I ask silently, hoping so. I have to see him. My lips are still tingling from our kiss. So are other parts of me, for that matter.

“Yeah, a new book from Joe Coleman came out.”

“I don’t know how you read those and go to sleep,” I say with a laugh. Mom gives me a kiss on the cheek.

“I don’t know how you’re not running around kissing boys and dating with all those romance books you and Willa read,” Mom teases me back. Little does she know I am experiencing some form of what I read in those books.

“Maybe I am.” I wiggle my brows teasingly right back to hide any other expression that might be trying to take over my face and blow my cover. But then again, West isn’t a boy. That also might be the problem when my mom finds out about all this. I don’t like deceiving her, but I need this time with West to figure things out before anyone else can weigh in on what we’re doing.

"Right, ha ha," she replies dryly as she makes her way to her bedroom.

“Holy crap,” I whisper to myself. I’m not a bad secret keeper, but maybe I am when it comes to my own. For tonight, though, it doesn’t matter. I slip into my room and change into my pajamas. I want to kick myself for not having any more adult-like pajamas. I always get silly, fun ones.

I choose the ones Willa gave me. They’re cotton shorts and a T-shirt. The shorts have little teddy bears on them, and the shirt says Cuddle me across the chest. It will have to do, and honestly, I don’t want to change who I am. I love my silly pajamas. I grab my slippers before I head out, quickly locking the door behind me when I leave the guesthouse.

I enter the kitchen through the patio. Now that everyone is gone, I grab the ice pack bag out of the pantry and fill it with ice along with some Advil before I head upstairs. I’ll drop this off to Rich before I sneak over into the West’s wing.

When I knock on Rich’s door, he calls out to come in. “How are you feeling?” I ask when I enter his bedroom. He’s in bed with the blanket pulled over him. It’s awkwardly done, but I can see the top of his chest.

“I’m fine. Why?” I toss the ice pack toward him. His instincts get the best of him, and he reaches out to catch it. He winces as he does, and the blanket drops some to reveal more of his chest. “You did that on purpose.”

“Then don’t ask me dumb questions.” I walk over, place the bottle of water on his nightstand, and hand him the pills.

“Are you going to lecture me now?”

“No.” I shake my head. “You good?”

“Yeah, I’m good.”

“Just don’t be stupid. Okay?”


“I’ll see you tomorrow,” I tell him as I head back for the door. I’m not going to fight him over his secrets when I have some of my own.

“Night,” he calls out.

“Night,” I say back, opening the door. To my utter shock, West is standing there, wearing a very pissed-off expression. He grabs my wrist to pull, but I’m already moving, closing the door quickly behind me.

“I wasn’t expecting you to be standing here,” I say quietly, not wanting Rich to hear me. Not because of any other reason than I don’t want any more tension between him and West. “You were my next stop.” As soon as the words slip past my lips, I realize how they sound.

West remains silent, but his eyes roam all over me. My nipples harden, and that ache between my thighs I felt earlier in the pantry comes roaring back with the way he’s looking at me.

“Come on.” He keeps a firm hold on my wrist as he makes his way down the hallway.


