Taming Lia – No Safeword Read Online Claire Thompson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 88350 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 442(@200wpm)___ 353(@250wpm)___ 295(@300wpm)

“Good,” he said simply.

As he walked slowly around her, she resisted the urge to turn and watch him. Instead, she maintained her position, arms behind her head, feet planted. When he stopped just behind her, her skin prickled with his nearness, her nipples stiffening.

She drew in a sharp, anticipatory breath as he reached around her and cupped one breast. His fingers found her nipple. He rolled it until it was engorged and tingling. Then he squeezed hard, making her gasp with pleasure and pain.

“Tonight,” he murmured, his fingers still tight on her throbbing nipple, “you will be the model of filial piety on the outside, no sign of the dirty little slut we both know you are on the inside.” His voice was warm and rich, like melted butter, his words sending a shiver of dark lust through her loins.

“Yes, Sir,” she answered throatily.

He brought his other arm around her, his large hand moving between her legs. She shuddered as his fingers grazed the rope wedged there. “Periodically over the course of the evening, I will give you a signal by touching the side of my nose with my left index finger. When I do that, you will excuse yourself as soon as politely possible and go to the bathroom. There, you will lift your dress to your waist and, while looking at yourself in the mirror, you will rub your cunt for exactly thirty seconds.”

He slapped her cunt with a sudden, sharp smack that made her yelp. “You will not come. You understand? You will lower your dress and return to the table.”

“Yes, Sir,” she managed, her voice breathless, her cunt stinging from the blow.

“Good girl. Now, let’s get you dressed.”

She liked the way he zipped the back of the dress for her, as if they were any couple going out for the evening. She slipped her feet into the pumps and stood still as he walked slowly around her.

“Good,” he said, returning to stand in front of her. “Nothing shows underneath.” He flashed a grin, adding, “I guess we better remove your trainee collar, though. It doesn’t exactly go with the outfit.”

Lia’s hand immediately fluttered to her rope collar. Of course, he was right. She couldn’t very well show up to dinner with that thing around her neck. With some reluctance, she released the knot at her throat. Beau held out his hand for the red linen rope. He slipped it into an inner pocket of his jacket and then held out his arm.

“Shall we?”

They arrived at her parents’ house a little after seven. Lily and Zinnia were already there, along with their husbands, Hayne and Johnny. Lily’s kids, two-year-old Emma and four-year-old Noah, were no doubt at home with their live-in nanny. Zinnia, looking like a radiant beachball in her designer maternity dress, was flanked by her in-laws, whose names momentarily escaped Lia.

As she’d expected, everyone fawned around Beau, most especially Loretta. Clayton, her dad, gave Beau a hearty handshake, slapping him on the back as if they were old friends. Lia worried Beau might be overwhelmed with the attention, but he seemed to take it in his stride.

“He’s as good looking as Mom said he was,” Lily said. Loretta had sent them into the kitchen to retrieve more prepared platters of the fussy hors d’oeuvres she liked to serve. “When’s the wedding?”

Lia laughed. “I’ve known him for literally one week. She’s getting a little ahead of herself, as usual.”

Lily shook her head. “To hear her go on about it, I thought he’d already popped the question. After all, Magnolia,” Lily started in the singsong voice they used when parroting Loretta.

“I’m not getting any younger,” Lia finished for her with a laugh.

“Seriously though,” Lily persisted, her eyes twinkling. “He’s terrific looking and knows how to dress. Definitely a step up from your usual ripped jeans and leather- jacketed dinner date. He’s a tenured professor and easily a decade your senior.” She wrinkled her nose in mock confusion. “What the hell does he see in you?”

“Gee, thanks,” Lia said, grinning. But the question, even delivered with good-humored teasing, gave Lia pause. What did he see in her?

Then she remembered the look in his eyes as he’d held her in his arms after the amazing Kinbaku session earlier that day. And the way his breath had warmed the back of her neck at her place while he played with her nipple and murmured his sexy instructions in that deep, silky voice of his.

While it was true she’d only known him for a week, it had been the most intense, powerful experience of her life. Surely, her feelings couldn’t all be one-sided. Maybe it wasn’t love. Not yet. But something was happening between them. Something that went beyond the confines of a simple trainer/trainee dynamic.

She was sure of it.

The rest of the evening passed in something of a blur, Lia’s focus primarily on the sexy man seated across from her at the table. She’d been initially annoyed by Loretta’s seating arrangement, which she’d learned from experience was immutable.


