Taming Lia – No Safeword Read Online Claire Thompson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 88350 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 442(@200wpm)___ 353(@250wpm)___ 295(@300wpm)

She tried to keep her eyes open, steadied by his fiery gaze as the wand sparked and thrummed along the rope electrifying her cunt. With every touch of the wand, her nerve endings became more sensitized, the rope amplifying the experience.

“Oh, god. Oh, god. Oh, god,” she moaned. Master Beau continued to focus on the rope between her legs while she teetered precariously on the edge of a powerful, shock-induced climax. Her cunt throbbed with sizzling, intense sensation that was almost too much to bear.

“Not yet, little girl,” Master Beau growled, his smile cruel as he pulled the glittering blade from between her legs. He touched the tip to her right nipple, creating a spray of sparks, the shock far more intense and localized than the more widespread sensations produced by the rope.

“Fuck,” she cried at the focused burst of erotic pain.

He touched the left nipple, another zap of electric current sparking painfully over the engorged nubbin and shooting directly to her aching, throbbing cunt. Tears spilled down her cheeks as she twisted in her bonds.

Let me come. Just let me come. Please, please, please, please…

“Enough,” Master Beau murmured gently, clicking off his wand. “You’ve had enough, sub girl.” Leaning closer, he thumbed away her tears.

Lia very nearly wailed aloud with sexual frustration. She might even have given in to the impulse to beg, but her sudden awareness of Master Anthony and Lucia beside her kept her quiet.

As the ropes slid away, her erotic tension ebbed, replaced by a creeping exhaustion. She glanced around, surprised to see that Lucia was already free of her bonds and wrapped in a light cotton blanket, cocooned like a child in her Master’s arms.

Master Anthony smiled approvingly as he regarded them. “I’d say our new toys are a resounding success. Would you agree, Master Beau?”

“I would indeed,” Beau replied with an answering grin.

“I’m going to take Lucia upstairs for a little more intensive aftercare,” Master Anthony said, gathering her closer against his chest. “We’ll see you at dinner.”

Once they were gone, Beau reached up to release Lia’s wrists from the overhead ring. Before she could sag to the ground, he caught her in his arms. But instead of gathering her close as Master Anthony had done, he only helped her lower herself to a seated position on the mat.

Turning from her, he opened the mini fridge and removed a bottle of chilled water. Twisting off the cap, he crouched beside her and gave her the bottle.

“Thank you, Sir,” she murmured gratefully.

She held her breath as his fingers traced feather-light patterns over her thigh. He was so close she could smell the enticing scent of his clean sweat and masculine musk. Catching her eye, he smiled, his lips softening into a warm, inviting curve that made her heart race. His fingers still dancing over her skin, he dipped his head toward hers.

Her previous irritation with her trainer for withholding orgasm for the second time that day vanished, replaced by a jittery, thrilling anticipation.

Oh my god! He’s going to kiss me! Oh, oh, oh!

She lifted her face to his, the butterflies in her stomach circling in a swarm and taking off en masse, her entire body buzzing with excitement.

She could feel his warm breath on her cheek. Her eyes fluttered shut as her lips parted.

He planted a perfunctory peck on her cheek.

Her eyes flew open. A tumult of emotions—confusion, fury, embarrassment, longing—swept through her like a tide, nearly carrying her away with it.

Beau was already on his feet. He held out a hand to her. “You need a shower,” he said in a brisk, no-nonsense tone. “Let’s go get you cleaned up.”

He turned away, but not before she noticed the very clear outline of a full erection pressing against his black jeans.

Ha, she thought with bitter satisfaction. So, the bastard’s not totally immune after all.

Chapter 20

Beau remained in the bedroom while Lia showered. His damn cock ached. He thought about Anthony and Lucia, who were ensconced in their suite just down the hall. No doubt, Anthony was making love to his slave girl—a natural and fitting end to an intense scene.

If nothing else, these few days of training Lia in a place filled with loving, committed M/s relationships had really brought home how long he’d been alone.

Renee and he had been together for over two years and he’d genuinely believed she was the woman he would marry. Their physical attraction had been powerful and immediate. She was stunningly beautiful and as heavily into BDSM as he was. The intensity of their D/s connection had allowed him to overlook warning signs that had probably been there all along.

The pain of losing her had been compounded by the humiliation of being cuckolded. The out-of-town conference he’d been attending had ended a day earlier than scheduled. He’d caught an early flight back to Charlotte, thinking to surprise Renee, who worked from home. He’d surprised her, all right, along with her personal trainer, the pair of them in bed. Talk about a cliché.


