Taming Lia – No Safeword Read Online Claire Thompson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 88350 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 442(@200wpm)___ 353(@250wpm)___ 295(@300wpm)

His cock hardened in response. Releasing one nipple, he cupped her cunt. It was hot to the touch, the smooth labia moist with her juices.

“Spread your legs wider,” he commanded.

When she did so, he released her cunt, created a paddle with his hand and smacked her hard between the legs. She cried out in surprise and pain but managed to hold her stance. The heady scent of her arousal tickled his nostrils and his balls tightened.

Satisfied he now had her full attention, Beau stepped back. He selected the floral print, unzipped it and handed it to her. “Put this on. Don’t worry about panties or bra.”

It actually looked a lot better than he’d expected, flattering her petite figure. But the fabric was too sheer for what he had in mind. “Now the other one.”

He moved behind her to zip the dress. It was looser fitting but still also looked surprisingly good. The deep pink of the fabric actually complemented her cotton-candy pink hair and brought out the amber and gold tones of her eyes.

“This one will do just fine,” he informed her. “The higher neckline and thicker fabric should cover the ropes you’ll be wearing underneath.”

“Oh,” she breathed, her pupils dilating.

“Yes,” he agreed with a wolfish smile. “That’s right, Lia. For the rest of this week, dressed or naked, with me or apart, you will wear my ropes as a constant reminder of your status as my trainee.”

“Yes, Sir,” she said softly, fully back in sub mode. “Thank you, Sir.”

They were quiet for the short ride from Lia’s apartment.

After trying on the dresses, Beau had allowed Lia to put some fresh clothing into her overnight duffel, including another work outfit in case he brought her back to the university. He kept her naked as she walked around her tiny apartment with her watering can, giving her beloved plants their weekly drink.

Though she was completely at ease being naked at The Enclave, she felt more exposed and vulnerable in her own place, not to mention incredibly turned on. Beau had trailed along beside her, repeatedly distracting her with a smack on the ass, a tweak of the nipple or a hand on her throat.

Each time she yelped or moaned or melted into his touch, he would snap, “Pay attention to what you’re doing, sub girl. Show some discipline.” It was a sexy, exciting game, but when the watering was done, so was the game. She’d wanted to beg him to continue, preferably in her big, soft bed, but she hadn’t quite found the nerve.

Now she wore a heavy pink cotton blouse loosely tucked into dark blue trousers. He’d instructed her to remove the rope collar, noting he would never compromise her in public. Her hand rose to her neck now, feeling its lack. She thought about the beautiful hand-tooled collars all the slaves at The Enclave wore, each unique to its wearer, lovingly chosen by his or her Master.

Would she ever wear such a collar? Did she even want to?

She moved her hand from her bare throat to the lanyard she wore instead, her new employee ID card attached.

Beneath her conservative attire, Beau had cinched her waist with a fresh hank of linen Kinbaku rope, adding a second rope pulled tight between her labia and knotted to the rope around her waist. Each time she moved, the taut rope rubbed against her clit. Her bare breasts were snugged in a kind of rope bra, less elaborate than the harness he’d wrapped her in the morning before, but just as effective.

He pulled to a stop near the entrance of the Ramsey Library building. “I should only be an hour or two. I’ll text you.” They had exchanged contact information before leaving her apartment, and Lia had her phone tucked into her trousers pocket.

Now she climbed out of the car and breathed in the crisp autumn air. She almost forgot her rope trappings as she admired the clean architectural lines of the Ramsey Library Building. In one short week, she would take her place as a full-fledged research librarian, surrounded daily by a wealth of knowledge, from centuries-old manuscripts to cutting-edge research papers.

The responsibility of aiding researchers, locating obscure references, and mastering the library's intricate systems was definitely going to be a challenge, one she hoped she would be up to. She couldn’t wait to explore the stacks, delve into the archives, and uncover the hidden gems within the collection.

Lia had always loved libraries from before she could even read. She still had fond memories of sitting in a reading circle with other toddlers in the children’s room of her local library, listening with rapt attention to the volunteer holding a large picture book.

Now she used her new ID card to gain access into the building. As always happened when she entered any library, a sense of comfort and familiarity washed over her. The earthy scent of aged paper and ink was like an old friend that greeted her with every step. The sight of row upon row of books, neatly organized and waiting to be discovered, filled her as it always did with a feeling of wonder and anticipation.


