Taming Lia – No Safeword Read Online Claire Thompson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 88350 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 442(@200wpm)___ 353(@250wpm)___ 295(@300wpm)

“What did he do to her?” Beau asked, not entirely sure he even wanted to know.

Mark’s face darkened. “After whipping her to shreds, he bound and gagged her and forced her into a small punishment cage. Even worse, he left her unattended and told no one what he’d done.”

“Jesus,” Beau breathed, appalled. “What the fuck?”

Mark nodded. “What the fuck is right. Jaime and I weren’t even together at that point, and still Anthony had to restrain me from beating the guy to a bloody pulp when I found out. At the very least, I wanted him thrown out.”

“Why wasn’t he?” Beau asked, shocked that kind of behavior had been tolerated.

“Because, Anthony being Anthony, he understood Lawrence’s inappropriate anger toward a trainee masked some core issues of insecurity and weakness. Anthony believed that with anger management counseling and some retraining, Lawrence could still make an excellent trainer and Master. To his credit, Lawrence really worked at it, and he’s become a much better person as a result. He also apologized to Jaime, a sincere, heartfelt apology.”

“And what about Danielle?”

“Anthony was seriously considering asking Danielle to leave The Enclave after what she’d done, but Jaime pled Danielle’s case.”

“Jaime? Why in the world would she do that?”

“Because Jaime is totally awesome,” Mark replied with a proud smile. “Danielle broke down when she realized how damaging her actions had been. She was truly devastated, and genuinely sorry for what she had done. It didn’t hurt that Lawrence promised he’d assume personal responsibility for Danielle’s behavior and keep her on the straight and narrow. Turns out he was secretly, wildly in love with her all along. And, to Danielle’s credit, she’s really become an asset to The Enclave since then. Even if she had the questionable taste to fall for Lawrence,” he added with a chuckle.

“Still not your favorite guy, then,” Beau noted with a wry smile.

“We’re not buddy/buddy, no. But he’s come a long way, probably in no small part because he’s happy now. Love tends to improve everyone, even assholes,” he added with a smile.

“I guess,” Beau agreed, wondering if he would ever be able to trust enough to fall in love again.

As if reading his thoughts, Mark said gently, “I know it was rough, what happened with your ex. But I hope you haven’t let it close your heart to possibilities.”

Beau shrugged noncommittally.

“There’s something in the air here at The Enclave,” Mark continued musingly. “It makes people, even old curmudgeons like Mason, even longtime widowers like Anthony—shit, even jaded, entitled ex rock stars like me—fall head over heels in love with our slave girls.” He gave Beau a playful push on the shoulder. “You never know, bro. This training thing with Lia might turn into a whole lot more.”

Beau snorted at the ridiculous idea. “Lia? She’s barely out of college. Way too young for me. I’m her temporary trainer, nothing more.”

“Right,” Mark replied with an answering chuckle. “We’ll see.”

Beau led Lia out of the dungeon by the rope leash. Once in the foyer, he removed the leash, tucking it into his back pocket. “Time for bed.”

Lia opened her mouth to say she wasn’t tired but ended up yawning instead. Though still flying high on the endorphins of the excellent scene they’d just enjoyed with Master Anthony and Lucia, she had to admit, she was exhausted.

“Yes, Sir,” she replied.

After the truly excellent cropping she’d received from Lawrence, she’d gone down to the slave quarters with Lucia to decompress and refresh. During her aftercare and then relaxing together in the lounge area, they’d dissected every moment of her time so far with Beau.

“He sounds like a solid trainer,” Lucia had commented, “if a little unorthodox. Doesn’t hurt that he’s super cute and seems really nice. Not to mention single,” she’d added with a big grin.

“He says he’s single,” Lia replied as Master Pain, a.k.a. George Ackerman, married father of twins, attempted to claw his way back up the slippery walls of things best forgotten.

Lucia shook her head. “Don’t worry on that score. Master Mark knows him personally. He can vouch for him.”

“If you say so,” Lia muttered, but still, she was relieved.

For all her grousing, Lia couldn’t deny a bit of proprietary pride at the dinner table, seated next to “her” Dom, rather than just being one of the trainees. After dinner, they’d joined Master Anthony and Lucia in some intensive play involving plenty of rope, nipple clamps and some delicious predicament bondage.

Now she stood uncertainly, not sure if she needed to wait for a more formal dismissal before heading down to her temporary room in the slave quarters.

But instead of sending her on her way, Beau surprised her by adding, “Let’s go upstairs.”

Lia drew in a sharp breath of excitement at this unexpected turn of events. She’d just assumed he’d meant it was time to go to sleep, but it seemed he might have a different plan in mind. A plan that involved his pulling her down onto the bed and taking her into his strong arms. A plan that included his strong, masculine weight pressing her down against the mattress as his lips met hers and his knee nudged her thighs apart…


