Taming Lia – No Safeword Read Online Claire Thompson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 88350 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 442(@200wpm)___ 353(@250wpm)___ 295(@300wpm)

“Thanks.” It was good to have Lucia in her corner.

Before heading to the shower, Lia entered one of the toilet stalls. She wasn’t entirely sure how she felt about having to ask Beau for permission for such basic functions as using the bathroom. Her brain rebelled at the restriction but her body and soul, if she was being truly honest, thrilled to the idea of his controlling her so completely.

Flushing the toilet, she hurried to the showers. As she waited for the water to heat, she fingered the soft rope collar at her throat. Was she supposed to remove it for the shower? He hadn’t said one way or the other, and she hadn’t thought to ask.

She had been permitted to remove the slave collar she’d worn as an Enclave trainee when showering, but that had been a simple matter of unbuckling it. Even if she managed to get this one off, she wasn’t sure she could duplicate the pretty knot he’d so effortlessly created when it was time to put it back. Just to be safe, she decided to leave it on.

After quickly washing her hair and body, she chose one of a pile of fresh disposable razors from the shelf. Using more soap, she ran the blade under her arms and over her sex, making sure her labia and mons were smooth. A natural blonde, the hair on her legs was baby-fine and barely visible. While she did sometimes shave it, she decided not to bother just then, as the time was ticking away.

She soaped up once more, her fingers lingering between her legs of their own accord. The mornings’ events had left her on fire with lust, the orgasm she’d given herself the night before only a dim memory. Angling away from the others, she probed her swollen sex, still tender from the rope thong.

It was hard to think straight with her clit constantly throbbing. She really needed to do something about that. He’d said no touching herself, but what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.

Turning her back to the others, she rubbed herself with soapy fingers. Her earlier shower fantasy resumed, as if it had only been on pause on the screen of her imagination. Beau lifted her once more in his strong arms, placing her on his hips as he guided his rock-hard cock deep inside of her. Gripping her ass cheeks, he shifted her so the friction was perfect against her clit with each thrusting movement of his gorgeous, water-slicked body.

“You’re a dirty little slut,” he growled, his warm lips against her ear. “You deserve whatever I give you, don’t you?”

“Oh, god. Oh, yes, Sir,” she silently mouthed.

Within a few seconds, she exploded into a spasm of pleasure that made her moan aloud. As the hammer of her heartbeat eased in her ears, she heard the chuckles and clapping behind her.

Blushing beet-red, she turned off the water and grabbed a towel from the nearby stack. Wrapping herself as she turned, she was greeted by six subs, five of them grinning broadly.

“Must be nice to get to come whenever you want,” Nick said wistfully, his hand on his shaft, which had hardened in its ringed confines. “I haven’t been allowed to come for days.”

“We’re not permitted to touch ourselves without express permission and oversight,” Juliette chimed in, as if Lia hadn’t also been a trainee only a few short weeks ago.

“I would imagine Lia isn’t either.” Lucia’s frown of disapproval caused Lia to look away, her hand moving of its own accord to the damp collar around her neck.

“A word of caution, querida,” Lucia said. “When you cheat your Master by disobeying, you cheat yourself as well.”

Embarrassed and ashamed, Lia muttered, “I know. You’re right. I fucked up. Again.”

“Don’t worry,” Katie said sweetly. “We won’t tell.”

“That’s right,” Madison added with a snort. “What happens in the slave quarters, stays in the slave quarters.”

“As long as none of the Masters, all of whom have access, didn’t happen to be watching you on the nanny cam app on their phones,” Lucia said pointedly.

Lia followed Lucia’s gaze to the camera set high on the wall, its red light blinking directly at Lia. She’d forgotten all about that particular nanny cam.


Chapter 13

Instead of the cold shower he’d prescribed himself, Beau decided it made more sense to take the edge off with a quick hand job. To avoid allowing Lia to slip into his masturbatory fantasies, he pulled up one of his favorite Kinbaku BDSM websites on his phone.

The young Japanese female subject in the video he selected reminded him of Sakura, whom he’d met while doing his thesis research in Japan two years previously. On the rebound from Renee, he’d enjoyed a brief but intense romance with Sakura, their connection revolving around a shared love of rope bondage.

The naked woman in the video was suspended upside down from a bamboo scaffold, her legs bent and bound from knee to ankle, her arms firmly secured behind her back. A second woman, also naked save for a black leather mask that covered the top half of her face, was plunging a huge, lubricated phallus in and out of the bound woman’s cunt. The action was clearly staged, but it did the trick. He came quickly and exited the site.


