Taken by the Bikers – Screaming Eagles MC Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 76736 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 384(@200wpm)___ 307(@250wpm)___ 256(@300wpm)

The TV flips on behind us. Eagle-eye sets it to the news.

“After a surprising and devastating testimony at the city hall this afternoon, the city council held an emergency session in regards to Mayor Kurt Hawthorne.” We all turn to look. Next to the news anchor, a picture of Dad pops up. “In a brief statement released only moments ago, they have announced that they will be moving forward with impeachment for misleading the council on several important matters. But even more damning were the accusations of Mr. Hawthorne's daughter, Emily Hawthorne, and his wife, Miriam Hawthorne, of domestic abuse. Police arrested Mr. Hawthorne on his way out of the city hall, and he is being held for questioning while they await further testimony from his wife and daughter, and any others who might be relevant. While the charges are not yet clear, it seems unlikely that Mr. Hawthorne will complete his term as Mayor, and may in fact be headed for time behind bars. We will remind all viewers, however, that all suspects are assumed innocent until proven guilty.”

Mom looks up at me, who's still clinging to King like I'm climbing a tree. “I think we did it.”

I can hardly believe it. Dad always seemed like a monolith, untouchable. One of the evils of life that I just had to deal with until the day I got away. And now he's probably going to jail. “I'm free,” I whisper.

“You've been free for a while, babe,” responds King. “We are the only ones you belong to now.”

Maybe it sounds odd to equate that with freedom, but it is. It's a freedom to do whatever I want, because I know that whatever I do, I'll have the guys at my back. Encouraging me. Challenging me. Strengthening me. “I'm yours for as long as you'll have me,” I say before placing a kiss on his superhero chin.

Hero closes in behind me, putting me into a King and Hero sandwich. Now that brings some naughty thoughts to the forefront of my brain, involving a heck of a lot fewer clothes.

“I don't think you understand,” says Hero. “There is no 'as long as we'll have you'. There is no expiration date. You're ours from now until forever.” He runs a hand up my side until his fingertips are just on the underside of my breast. His palm is hot even through my top. His words make me hot all over.


“Fuck yeah,” says Wild Child. His hand captures one of my ass cheeks, a lot less subtle than Hero. “You're ours. Our old lady.”

“Old lady?” My voice quavers as I take in the implication. “Like we're married?”

King's fingers, which are still buried in my hair, tighten as he pulls my face back to his. “We'll give you one opportunity to say no. To honestly tell us that this isn't for you and that you want out. If you can say that to my face, you're free to go. I don't think you can fucking do it. Otherwise, you belong to us. You'll stay with us. Pop out little bikers for us.” His dark eyes smolder with challenge.

Little bikers? Oh God. Yeah, I guess that's a thing too, and it should probably terrify me, but somehow it just seems right. They would be the safest kids on the planet with these three guys protecting them. It's not going to change my mind, at least.

I capture my lower lip between my teeth as I try to come up with a good response. Then I know. “On one condition.”

He growls, low in his throat. “I'm not looking for conditions. Either you fucking love us, or you don't.”

Oh. Wow. I was just trying to be playful, but that kind of caveman possessiveness is good too. If the fires in my core weren't lit already, they sure would be now. I'm probably so wet he can feel it through my pants. “The only condition is this,” I say as I lean in. “That you tell me your real names. I already know Hero's named Craig, but while I'm now convinced you're named Herbert and Wild Child is Otto, I don't know that I'm right.”

“Otto? What the fuck?” Wild Child squeezes my ass hard, so I squeak in part pain and part surprise. “I don't look like a fucking Otto.”

And then I collapse in giggles against King's chest. “Of course I fucking love you. All of you. I'm not going anywhere. Not that I could even if I wanted to, when you guys keep insisting on carrying me around.”

“Damn straight,” says Hero.

“So…” Wild Child's smirk is up to his usual mischievousness. “Time to celebrate?”

“Yeah.” I nod eagerly. “Definitely.”

King's already moving, refusing to let me down. My feet haven't touched the floor since we came back. Out of the corner of my eyes, I notice Mom watching us go.


