Taken by the Alpha King Read Online Abigail Barnette

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 148
Estimated words: 140412 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 702(@200wpm)___ 562(@250wpm)___ 468(@300wpm)

I do hear it, the wet squish of my cunt around his fingers. I pump my hips and the tempo of the obscene sound picks up.

“You’re going to drench me when you come,” he teases, but I’m long past any kind of embarrassment. My muscles lock up and I accelerate toward the apex of my pleasure with a long, shrill mewl of pure pleasure.

“That’s it,” he groans. “Just like that.”

I shudder and writhe on his hand until he says, “Let me get a taste of you,” and I’m not about to argue. I put one knee on each side of his head and rub the wet satin against his nose. He groans and reaches up to move the crotch of the panties aside and drives his tongue straight to the source.

He makes a noise of satisfaction as his tongue twists inside me, and his lips work against me like he’s trying to drink every drop of the juice he pulls from me. I grind my hips against his face and he stops what he’s doing to groan, “That’s it. Ride my mouth.”

He doesn’t have to tell me twice. He turns his attention to my clit, circling and sucking while I rock my pelvis and babble things like, “right there,” “oh yes,” and most importantly, “don’t stop.”

I come so hard, my thighs shake.

And he doesn’t stop. Not even to let me get my breath.

I try to twist away from him, and he grips my hips, holding me fast. His teeth graze my clit almost in warning, and my oversensitive nerves sizzle.

“Please,” I gasp, grabbing his hair and tugging it. “I can’t take anymore.”

He releases me with one last, slow lick that makes me reconsider asking him to stop. But he pushes two fingers into me, and I feel emptier than ever. I need his cock.

I fall back on the bed beside him, breathing hard. “How do we…”

“I think you’ll need to get on top.” He sounds apologetic.

“I’ve never done that.” He knows, I remind myself. “But I’m willing to try.”

“You’ll excel at it, I’m sure,” he says, coaxing one of my legs over his hips. I’m careful to avoid his scar, which, though quite healed, still looks tender.

“Go slow,” he whispers, and his vulnerability is shockingly endearing. “I’m not sure—”

“If something hurts, tell me right away,” I say, and I position him exactly where I want him to be. Slowly, just as he asked, I slide back onto his cock.

It’s been too long. Far, far too long.

I sit up straight and let all of him in, and I somehow want more. I clench down on him, and he lets out a deep moan that makes me rock my hips and ripple around him.

His cock is painfully hard, and I’ll feel the consequences of that in the morning, but I don’t care. I take things slow at first, because I’m worried about hurting him, but he’s impatient beneath me, trying to speed me along with small pumps of his hips.

I give him exactly what he wants, moving faster and faster on him, the ridge of his pubic bone and the roughness of his hair tormenting my already over-sensitive clit to the throes of another orgasm. I lean back, hips churning, and he drives up from the bed with a pained shout as he empties into me.

I keep him inside me until the last jerk, then slowly climb off. I’m shocked at the wetness between my thighs and the silky slip of his cum between them. I’d forgotten that aspect in my comparatively sterile imaginings.

“Thanks,” he says sleepily. “I needed that.”

“I wasn’t doing you a favor,” I point out. “I needed that, too.”

More than I want to admit.

As usual, when I wake up, Nathan is gone. I rub my eyes and reach for my phone, and my jaw drops when I see the time. It’s almost noon.

I call Hannah, and she answers on the first ring.

“Good morning, sleepy head,” she says in a sly sing-song.

“Why didn’t you wake me up?” I ask, yawning.

“Because His Majesty, your husband, said no one was to disturb you.”

“Next time, don’t listen to him.” My face flames at the notion of the entire staff being aware that I need to recuperate after getting fucked senseless by my mate. “Is there coffee?”

“Breakfast is on the way,” she promises. “Oh, and… I don’t know if you want to hear it, but…”

“No, I’m not curious at all, now,” I snark. I sit up and a lump digs into my thigh. I pull the vibrator from the bedding and take it with me to the bathroom to wash it. “I’m going to pee while we’re talking, by the way. I’m very professional.”

“You always are.” She takes an audibly deep breath. “Nathan is going to arrest Ashton this afternoon.”

“Good.” That’s all I need to say on the subject. “Tell His Majesty that no one is deciding Ashton’s sentence without me. Not him, and not the council.”


