Taken by the Alpha King Read Online Abigail Barnette

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 148
Estimated words: 140412 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 702(@200wpm)___ 562(@250wpm)___ 468(@300wpm)

But he doesn’t really belong to me. I don’t need him to, either. I just need him to prove that this isn’t a wholly one-sided marriage.

You’re really proving your point by blowing him.

I don’t know a lot about giving blowjobs, but I know that after a while, he’s not as in control of his body as he was when we started. His hand is in my hair, gripping it tightly. His hips lift in time to the bobbing of my head, and when I swirl my tongue around his shaft as I raise up, his breath hisses out of him. I follow all those cues and settle into a pattern that he clearly enjoys, and it’s not long before his body jerks up and he bursts in my mouth with a strangled moan.

“Don’t swallow.” He somehow manages to sound calm and in control while his cock is still twitching in my mouth. He pulls out and sits forward, sweeping two fingers into my mouth full of cum. “Stand up.”

I get to my feet, trembling, and he lifts up my nightgown. I’m bare underneath, and so aroused from what we just did that it takes hardly any pressure for him to plunge those fingers into my pussy. The difference in texture between my own wetness and the cum on his hand is stark; my knees go weak. It’s not enough to just be penetrated. I want him to fuck me with those fingers, want to ride on his hand as I straddle his thigh. His thumb brushes over my clit and my body goes up in flame, but that’s all he gives me.

He pulls his hand away with a wink and says, “Waste not. You can swallow now.”

I somehow didn’t realize I still held a mouthful of cum, and I grimace it down. “So, our agreement?”

He blinks for a moment like he doesn’t remember what the point of this whole thing was, then says, “It will be the first item on my agenda in the morning. Will I see you at breakfast?”

I smile sweetly and shake my head. “I would honestly rather eat breakfast off an airport bathroom changing table.”

A smile threatens the corners of his lips, but he doesn’t say anything. I turn to leave and I’m at the top of the stairs when he stops me.


His voice is so quiet, I almost don’t hear him.

I turn and what I see stuns me. Nathan isn’t “on.” He’s not walled-off or commanding, he’s just a man, and he seems so vulnerable.

“Yes?” I squeak out uncertainly.

“You’re not always going to be able to do this, you know.” His voice is hoarse. “You’re not always going to be able to get what you want by bartering sex.”

I hold his gaze, nod, and say, “We’ll see.”


For a man who assured me he won’t be manipulated with sex, Nathan sure works fast. My sisters arrive from Newfoundland the morning before my coronation, less than twenty-four hours after Nathan and I made our deal.

Hannah pulls me away from a fitting for my coronation gown to head down to the empty throne room. There’s already a secondary throne on the dais for me. Even though I’m not queen yet, I take it, anyway.

The majordomo is there, and he waits for Hannah to signal him before the guards open the doors and he announces, “Tara and Clare, formerly of the Toronto pack.”

The “formerly” part of the sentence has to sting. So does, I imagine, the part where their last names have been stripped from them. Even from across the throne room, I see Tara flinch. But Clare holds her head up regally as they approach, and they both curtsey when they reach the dais, but I jump up and nearly tackle them.

“I’m so glad you’re okay!” I don’t care that tears roll down my face while I hug them.

Clare steps back and motions to her clothing. “I’m wearing overalls and an unraveling acrylic sweater from Value Village. Do I look okay?”

Tara, I note, is wearing a holey t-shirt under an unbuttoned flannel and ripped dockers. “They have us staying at two different motels. We’re not allowed to talk to each other.”

“Motels?” Does Nathan think he’s going to be able to keep them in motels for a century?

“It’s not permanent. We’re going to be moved to trailers on pack land. With the other banished traitors,” Clare grinds out.

“Well, for right now, I think you’re going to stay here.” I can’t believe they would entertain the idea of going back. But they don’t need to know that it’s my choice, either way.

And yeah, that’s shitty of me, but it was shitty of their husbands to get them banished in the first place.

“That’s the impression I got,” Tara says cheerfully. “I was hoping it wasn’t too good to be true.”

“As long as we fall in line with her mate, the king, I assume it isn’t,” Clare snarks.


