Taken by the Alpha King Read Online Abigail Barnette

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 148
Estimated words: 140412 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 702(@200wpm)___ 562(@250wpm)___ 468(@300wpm)

“Fair,” Hannah agrees. “But maybe wait until after your coronation? You might be able to just command their return.”

“Tara and Clare would love that.” As far as I’m aware, they haven’t responded to Nathan’s invitation to return, which probably means they want to stay with their traitor husbands.

“There have been ladies-in-waiting to other queens,” Hannah reminds me. “You could bring the tradition back. They wouldn’t be able to turn you down.”

“I don’t want them here if they don’t want to be here.” They probably hate me, already. “Besides, Nathan would just send them back if he disagreed.”

Hannah sets her tablet down and puts her hands on her hips. “Are you kidding me? What is the point of being queen if you’re going to be such a coward?”

“Every time I try to do something sneaky behind his back, it’s just another opportunity for him to win,” I remind her.

“That’s not how a healthy partnership works.” She pulls out one of the white, gilt accented chairs—I purchased hundreds of new ones for the occasion—and motions for me to sit, then she sits, herself. When she leans forward and initiates intense eye contact, I know she’s going to hit me with something that’s probably right, but that I don’t want to hear. She says, “You and Nathan cannot rule this pack while you’re constantly fighting. You guys don’t have to be madly in love, but if you’re fighting with each other, you won’t see all the people fighting against you. And that’s the reality of this pack right now, Bailey.”

One night earlier this week, Ryan had come for pizza night and a political primer. Hannah, Ryan, and I all hunkered down around my coffee table in my private sitting room while Ryan drew complex diagrams to explain family alliances and how they’d been changing since I invoked the Right of Accord.

The main three factions are those who support Nathan and I, those who support the claim King Victor’s sons are making, and those who feel that the former queen did nothing wrong. Which I can’t get my head around, and not just because I’m biased against her for fucking my mate. Her actions cost Victor the throne; the only way anyone could support her would be if they were in favor of the Manhattan pack seizing Toronto.

What if that’s why Nathan won’t break things off with her? I hate being practical about anything, but this is politics. By not banishing her, maybe he’s hoping to win some of her supporters to his side.

In which case, does that mean he’s going to get rid of me and make her queen, if it becomes politically advantageous to do so?

“I’ve changed my mind about the guest list,” I say, getting to my feet and heading toward Amanda. I make it to her side just in time to interrupt her conversation with the thrall from Nathan’s office.

“Stay,” I reassure the thrall, and she does, bowing her curly blonde head. That’s the last time I address her; I just need her to report this, so Nathan knows about it. “It’s about the guest list. Amber Rogers. She’s invited, correct?”

“Um, yes, Your Majesty,” Amanda says, producing a paper copy of the list from a folder under her arm. “Should I remove her ag—”

“No, of course not.” I smile sweetly. “She may have been deposed, but my husband, in his wisdom, has shown her mercy. She should not only be present, but highly, highly visible. Put her at table three. That’s at the foot of the dais, correct?”

Amanda nods and whips out her tablet. “Yes, it is, but there are—”

“Oh, are there people there that don’t like her?” I feign a noise of disappointment. “Well, I’m sure they can all get along, for my sake. I’m sure it will be a difficult day for her. Table three is directly in front of His Majesty’s and my seats?”

Hannah snorts a laugh.

“It is.” Amanda gets the hint but is too well-trained to comment. “I’ll be sure to update the list.”

“Oh, and make sure she gets a new invitation. With a seating chart. Highlighted.” I smile sweetly. “Make sure it comes directly from my office, will you, Hannah?”

“With pleasure, Your Majesty,” Hannah says, making a note on her tablet, as well.

If Nathan wants his girlfriend at my coronation, I’ll be sure to welcome her with open arms and give her a seat right against the glass, so she doesn’t miss a moment of me stealing the throne. Maybe that will prove to him that I’m not playing around.

“Thanks, Amanda,” I say, turning away and motioning for Hannah to follow me.

“What’s next, Your Majesty,” she asks with a note of pride in her voice.

Though it’s not a plan she can exactly help me with, I tell her, “Next, I get my sisters back.”


That night, I wait until the residence is mostly silent, and I set off to find Nathan.


