Swallow Me Whole Read Online Gemma James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, BDSM, Erotic, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 87825 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 439(@200wpm)___ 351(@250wpm)___ 293(@300wpm)

“Okay,” she says, spearing a bite of cantaloupe with a fork. “What are you worried about the most?”

Glancing down, I push rice and orange-glazed chicken around my plate. “He’s never done the relationship thing. It’s always been sex for him, so what if we take that leap, and he gets bored with me? You think our friendship is strained now?” My voice wobbles, and I jerk my head back and forth. “Mandy, you guys are my family.”

A reality that was driven home over two weeks ago during Thanksgiving. I considered going to my parents’ for dinner until I learned Dad invited Jake and his new fiancé. The slimeball didn’t waste time.

Mandy begged me to come with her and Ashton to their mother’s house, but I didn’t want to put a strain on their holiday, so I spent it alone in the apartment, decked out in PJ’s in front of the TV.

She sets down her fork. “We’re not going anywhere. And besides, it’s different with you. Ashton’s never been like this over a girl. You’d see it too if you stopped picking apart all the reasons why it might not work.”

“So in other words, you’re telling me to stop being a coward.”

“Yes,” she says with a smile. “You said it started out physical. What if you guys just dated for a while?”

“We’d end up in bed before the first date was over.”

She covers her ears. “Let’s not go there. This is my brother we’re talking about.”

“Hey, you asked.”

“I know I did.” She nibbles on her bottom lip, lost in thought. “So set some rules and stick to them. Give yourself some time to discover if there’s something real underneath the…hormones.”

“Hormones?” I ask with a laugh. Oh, the irony, as I recall saying something similar to Ash.

“Hey, it’s no secret Ashton is a manwhore,” she says with a cringe. “So if you date for a while, keeping things platonic the whole time, that should give you a good idea if it’ll work or not.”

We had rules before, and they worked…for a while. But even so, her idea has merit, though I’m positive Ashton won’t appreciate his sister cock-blocking him.

“So go on some friend dates, is what you’re saying.”

“In so many words, yes.”

“I’ll think about it.”


We finish lunch, Mandy heads to her next class, and I decide to hang around campus for a while, enjoying a rare bout of sunshine in chilly December. Pulling my coat snug around my body, I head down the walkway leading away from the center building. Students rush past, in a hurry to get to their next destination.

I’ve missed this, and though it won’t be easy keeping up with the class load on top of working, the rightness of being here warms my gut.

This feels like my life again.

Up ahead, people come and go from a building, its glass angles sleek and sharp, and voices pour through the doors. I venture inside and take in the cathedral ceiling and skylights. Students are gathered in clusters on the couches and chairs while some sort of motivational speech captures their attention.

Finding an empty seat off to the side, I settle in and listen to the guy’s deep voice implore students to take charge of their futures. He offers anecdotal stories of struggle and strife, and that’s when I zone out.

Because I’m thinking about Ashton again. Hell, I’m always thinking about him. Only now I’m considering everything Mandy said.

Before I lose my nerve, I dig out my phone and shoot him a text.

Me: I’ve got a proposition for you.

Since it’s mid-day, and he’s likely out in the woods somewhere eating lunch with Bambi, I don’t anticipate having to wait long, unless he’s out of service.

Ashton: I’m intrigued, Sawyer.

My heart skips behind my breastbone. Twenty-five days seems like a lifetime to spend without seeing him. We’ve exchanged texts every few days since the morning after the Corinne Situation imploded, but he’s honored my wish for time and space.

My head tells me we needed this cooling period. My heart tells me I’m still running from what I feel for him.

Me: I met up with Mandy for lunch today.

Ashton: Yeah? I bet you talked about me.

I roll my eyes.

Me: Why? Were your ears ringing?

Ashton: Like crazy.

A few seconds pass, and then he replies again.

Ashton: Seriously, what’s on your mind? You’ve got me on my toes here.

Me: Mandy had an idea.

Ashton: I’m almost afraid to ask.

Me: I think it could be a good thing.

Ashton: I’m open to good things. What are we talking about here?

Me: She thinks you and I should date, but with rules.

Ashton: More rules again? You’re killing me.

I suck in a breath then let it out. I don’t want rules. I want to give in to the intensity of being with him, skin to skin, losing myself in his touch, finding myself in his kiss.


