Swallow Me Whole Read Online Gemma James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, BDSM, Erotic, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 87825 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 439(@200wpm)___ 351(@250wpm)___ 293(@300wpm)

By the time I’m through, she’ll be insane with the urge to orgasm.

This night is all about how far I can push her.

Confident she’s steady above me, I move one hand between her legs and dip into her drenched core. Using her body’s natural lubricant, I prepare her ass for my finger. As I push into her puckered hole, she goes rigid above me, her mewls high-pitched and erratic.

I’m glad I gagged her. I can only imagine the complaints we’d get from neighboring suites if I left her with the ability to vocalize her pain and pleasure.

She snaps her fingers, and I immediately withdraw my tongue from her pussy.

She snaps again. And again. And again.

And I laugh.

“My finger in your backdoor is staying. That alone won’t get you off.”

Her breathing quickens, and I think she’s cursing at me despite the gag. I can’t help but laugh again. I withdraw my finger only to shove it back in, and I love the way she jerks upon the invasion. But if I were really hurting her, she’d be scrambling off of me right now, regardless of her bound wrists. She’s so goddamn easy to read. Her body is sinking toward my face again in tiny degrees, her greedy pussy aching for my mouth.

She’ll tolerate the intrusion into her puckered hole because she wants more of my tongue. For someone as sexually inhibited as Sadie, she knows exactly how to bring me to my complete and utter demise.

Maybe she couldn’t get past her self-consciousness with anyone else because none of them were me. That might sound arrogant, but I feel the same way about her. It’s taken me a long time to come to terms with the fact that no other woman caught my attention for any length of time.

None of them were Sadie.

She might be the third leg of the tripod that includes my sister and me, but in all actuality, she’s my other half. She’s the one girl I can be myself with. The one girl who’s burrowed so far under my skin, she’s become part of me. I’m not sure when it happened—some pivotal moment in high school I can’t pinpoint, but I know it exists.

Maybe it was the night I watched her go to prom with whatever the fuck his name was. As she went off with some jock I couldn’t help but despise, arm in arm, all I remember is the jealousy that wrapped around my chest, squeezing until I couldn’t breathe.

No wonder Corinne doesn’t remember our time together in high school the same way I do. Now that I’m analyzing that night, I realize how all of my attention had been on the fiery redhead across the dance floor instead of on the date in my arms.

Shit, I can’t even think of Corinne right now. She called right before I left for the hotel, and I know I can’t ignore the pregnancy bomb she dropped on me forever, but for tonight, I need to.

Tonight is all about breaking past the last of Sadie’s defenses, and I’ll use any means necessary.

“Okay,” I say, licking my lips. “Break’s over. No coming.”

I go after her clit with renewed fervor, tongue sliding between her folds until I find that bud of super sensitive nerves. As my mouth closes around her flesh, I lick her in quick, firm strokes. The wicked digit in her ass sinks a little deeper.

She’s lost control of her hips, and she’s doing everything in her power to grind on my face. I hold her up with one hand, keeping her from tipping forward as I lick and suck the hell out of her pussy. If she doesn’t snap her fingers soon, she’s going to come. She’s too inexperienced to last much longer without a cooling reprieve.

Just when I think she’s tipping over the edge, she snaps her fingers, halting the downward plummet she’s craving.

I lift her off of me by a few inches, and my quick breaths drift over her flushed skin. Her thighs are quaking around my head. I slowly roam my gaze up her body, stalling on her pebbled nipples for a few seconds, and find her head tilted back.

Red hair draping her shoulders.

Chest rising and falling with too-rapid breaths.

Drool is escaping her gagged mouth, and the sight of her above me, tense and on the edge, shoots straight to the tip of my cock, making me drip pre-cum. I’m about to pull her back onto my face when I spot tears sliding out from underneath the blindfold.

“Sadie? Are you okay? Do you need to stop?”

A low moan breaks free of the gag, and she shakes her head. I’m not sure what she’s trying to say, but her body clues me in. She lowers to my mouth again, encouraging me to devour her with my lips and tongue.


