Swallow Me Whole Read Online Gemma James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, BDSM, Erotic, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 87825 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 439(@200wpm)___ 351(@250wpm)___ 293(@300wpm)

Jesus, what am I getting myself into? If I thought I could go back to the way things used to be—to the time before she unzipped me and put her bewitching mouth on my cock—I would. I’d scroll through the hordes of women programmed into my phone and fuck this ridiculous fascination with Sadie Sawyer into oblivion.

The fact that I have no desire to do so says everything. Sadie has ruined me for all other women, and I haven’t even fucked her yet.

I say yet because I’m optimistic.

And fucking determined.

As we approach the double wooden doors to the place where she grew up, she squeezes my hand. Maybe the move is subconscious. Either way, it’s comforting to know that she needs me. After all, isn’t that why she came to me to begin with?

She wants me here with her. Maybe part of her actually wants me to step up and defend her since she’s incapable of doing it herself.

I’m expecting her to just open the door and walk in—like Mandy and I do when we visit our parents, or each other, for that matter.

But Sadie rings the doorbell.

That doesn’t just make me angry; it makes me sad. Suddenly, I want to whisk her away from here, want to save her from yet another episode of her father’s disapproval, and her mother’s acquiescence to Joseph Sawyer’s “my word is law” type of attitude. The only good things Sadie got from her old man is his strength and intelligence.

Mrs. Sawyer answers the door with a gracious smile plastered on her face. She’s impeccably dressed, as always, in a modest green suit that compliments her auburn hair. She draws her daughter into a hug, and Sadie’s hand slips free of mine. But at least the embrace is one-hundred percent genuine. I like her mother a little more in that moment because I can tell she really cares about Sadie.

“Thanks for coming, sweetie.” Mrs. Sawyer’s green gaze turn to me. “Hello, Ashton. I didn’t realize you were attending tonight.”

Before Sadie can speak up and make excuses, I jump in. “I’m her date.”

Mrs. Sawyer’s brows wrinkle in confusion. “That’s…a bit surprising.” She returns her attention to her daughter. “Jake’s been waiting for you. Your father is beside himself over this announcement.” Her mother takes her hands in her own and squeezes. “We’re so proud of you, Sadie.”

“Okay…Mom, is there something I need to know?”

“Don’t worry about a thing. You just enjoy this night.”

Before I can reclaim Sadie’s hand, if only to give her a lifeline of support, her mother whisks her into the hubbub of high-priced attorneys, overbearing parents, and one smug bastard ex-boyfriend who looks like he’s still got the feathers of a helpless canary in his disgusting mouth.

This doesn’t bode well.

No wonder Sadie pleaded with me to come with her.

I catch up to Hurricane Sawyer—as I’m starting to secretly call her mother—and grab Sadie’s hand again. She came here with me, and she’ll sure as hell leave here with me. Every person within these walls will get that through their thick heads.

Her mother introduces me as Sadie’s friend to several people, and Joseph Sawyer stops short when he sees me. His gaze lowers to our joined hands, and something dark flashes in his eyes.

“Sweetheart, can I have a word with you in private?”

“Of course.” Sadie lets go of my hand, and when our eyes connect, I issue her a challenge. She won’t find a better time than now to set her father straight.

“I’ll be right here waiting,” I tell her.

I watch her follow her father through the small crowd of people cluttering the immaculate living room. Her mother offers me another one of her gracious smiles before going off to see to her guests. As soon as Joseph and Sadie disappear into his office and shut the door behind them, Jake comes to a stop at my side.

“Ashton, right?”

I give him a side glance. “That would be me.”

“It’s good to put a face to the name. I’ve heard plenty about you and your sister.”

I bet he has, and he’s so self-involved that he doesn’t remember meeting me the first time a few weeks ago.

But I remember him.

“Did you hear about me from Joseph, or Sadie?” I look him up and down as I speak, taking in his slicked-back blond hair and perfect suit.

“Both, actually. It’s obvious you and Amanda are important to Sadie.” He shifts, hands going behind his back. Chest puffed out. “So that makes you important to me.”

I raise a brow. “And why is that? She isn’t your concern anymore, so you should have no vested interest in her friends.”

“Sadie is very much my concern.”

I want to stuff a dirty sock into his mouth to quiet that superior tone of his. Then I want to land a fist into his equally smug face. Fucking chump in a high-priced monkey suit. I can’t for the life of me see what Sadie ever saw in this self-important prick.


