Surrounded by the Beasts – Sin City Beasts Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 67
Estimated words: 63741 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 319(@200wpm)___ 255(@250wpm)___ 212(@300wpm)

“You didn’t ask us to do it,” Griffin says. “But we will.”

“What would you tell Gage and Kai? You want to be farther away from your home, or you want to get away from me? They’ll know something’s up.”

The men don’t have an answer for that.

“Besides, me being here is causing tension between you.” I give Zeb and Griffin pointed looks. “There are just a lot of things that tell me it’s time to move on.”

Griffin frowns. “There was always tension between us. It’s not you.”

“We can do better about that, too,” Zeb says, sounding chastised.

Frank reaches out and takes my hand in his. “Let’s not end a good thing, Ember. All of those issues can be worked out.”

There’s also the concern that I can’t bring myself to voice, and in the scheme of things, it’s irrelevant. Prior to moving in here, I was dating men with the intention of meeting a potential husband. I don’t date anyone now, and obviously, there won’t be marriage or even a serious relationship developing from this fling that the four of us are carrying on.

It’s essentially three separate flings; the men barely want to share me. It’s just fun, but my god, it’s so much fun.

The thought of going back to dating buttoned-up businessmen doesn’t sound appealing at all, even though I know that’s where my future lies.

“We love having you here, Ember,” Griffin says. “You warm this place up, like our own personal sunshine.”

I have to swallow a little lump in my throat before I can respond. “That’s really nice of you to say. I’ve liked being here.”

“Then don’t go.” Zeb sounds forceful about it, and that triggers a reaction between my legs.

Moving out will change everything. No more sex, no more shared meals, no more time getting to know them better.

Once I move out, working with them is going to be torture. I can’t just stop wanting them overnight.

I never knew how nice it could be to live with men, but maybe it’s just these men in particular.

Griffin seems to see that I’m wavering, because he gets up, brings me to my feet, and pulls me into the warmest hug I’ve ever been a part of. His strong arms make me feel like I’m exactly where I need to be.

When he kisses me, I’m a goner. How could I think of leaving?

When we part, Zeb taps my shoulder and brings me close, his body like a drug that seeps in through my clothes. He kisses my neck and whispers in my ear. “Don’t go, Em.”

I’m anticipating Frank as soon as Zeb releases me, and the man doesn’t disappoint. Being pressed against his chest is almost as good as spooning in bed with him, and the way he rubs my back makes me melt into a puddle.

He brushes hair back from my shoulder. “What do you say, Ember?” His thumb strokes my cheek as he looks into my eyes, and there’s only one possible answer.

“I’ll stay.”


The next day at the shop, I’m still riding high on the good feelings from the night before. With three clients present and their appointments underway, and no pressing issues to handle at the moment, I log onto my school portal only to receive a kick in the stomach.

A big assignment: missing and marked incomplete.

I double check the date, because I thought the project was due next week, but it turns out I completely lost track of time. It counts for a sizable portion of my grade, and I’m getting a zero on it.

With cold sweat on my brow, I scramble to find the class’s policy on late assignments—something I’ve never had to worry about before—and try to calculate how much time I need to finish it.

If I can’t get an exception to turn this in late, it’ll wreck my grade for this class. Maybe not enough to put my graduation in jeopardy, but I can’t be sure, since it’s a required course for my major. Just the possibility makes me feel sick.

I’m searching through my files when the shop’s entrance chimes. I expect to see a hopeful walk-in client, but instead I find both of my bosses striding in, and something about their expressions immediately puts me on edge. More on edge than I already was.

Gage and Kai nod at the other artists, but don’t waste time as they head straight for my desk.

“Are you in the middle of anything right now, Ember?” No greeting, no smile. This is definitely not good.

Turning my personal tablet face down on the desk, and feeling guilty about having been on it, even though I’m allowed to intermingle schoolwork with my work hours, I shake my head. “No, what can I do for you?”

Pausing only long enough to say, “Let’s go back to the office,” Gage continues on toward the hall, following Kai, and I quickly hurry to catch up with them.


