Surrounded by the Beasts – Sin City Beasts Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 67
Estimated words: 63741 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 319(@200wpm)___ 255(@250wpm)___ 212(@300wpm)

“I’d be honored,” I say finally. “I have questions for you, but I’m grateful for the opportunity.”

The bosses continue to fill us in on their plans for the new location, including a projected opening date, which is only a month away.

“Although the new location will be smaller, its success will be important. If the new shop doesn’t thrive, our overall brand will take a hit, so we’re trusting all of you to keep the Beasts Ink reputation strong.”

Gage and Kai generally seem easygoing when it comes to business matters, and though they work hard, their success has seemed effortless, so their concerns about the expansion doing well make an impression on me.

I’m up for the challenge and feel confident about my abilities, even though being the manager will mean reining in Griffin’s antics, communicating with Frank, and keeping Zeb from bringing down the shop’s mood with his sometimes caustic comments.

This main shop is quite large, with plenty of room for everyone to exist in their own space. What’s it going to be like being in close proximity to these three men on a daily basis?

What if more random, inappropriate sexual thoughts escape from my lockbox? Usually, that only happens right before I fall asleep at night, when my control ebbs away.

When I’m awake and aware, I don’t have serious thoughts about getting involved with any of them, and I definitely couldn’t now that I’ll be their manager. Employee relationships are frowned upon, so I’m sure manager/employee entanglements are absolutely forbidden.

I intend to be the best shop manager Gage and Kai could ever imagine, and I’m not going to do anything that would make them question their decision to give me this opportunity.

“I’ll keep you all updated as things develop,” Gage says, “and Ember, let’s meet again tomorrow. We’d like to involve you in some of the planning that remains to be done.”

With that, the four of us are dismissed. Zeb wastes no time unfolding from his chair. “To boldly go where no tattoo shop has gone before,” he snarks.

Frank opens the door and steps aside so that I can pass through before him, giving me another hit of the heat emanating from his body, not to mention more of his enticing scent. Once we’re in the hallway, there’s a tug on my ponytail that undoubtedly comes from Griffin.

When I turn, he gives me a wink. “Congrats, Boss Lady.”


Manager. My excitement builds through the afternoon, and by the time I get home, it’s bubbling over. I have to straighten out my silly grin when I pass one of my neighbors struggling to open their mailbox in the lobby. Our building has seen better days.

When I close my apartment door behind me and verify that my roommate isn’t home, I spin in a circle, arms wide. Gage and Kai presented me with a formal offer letter before I left work, and the new salary was more than I’d even hoped for.

Their pay was already more than fair, but when the increase kicks in, I’ll be able to send more money home to my mom. I had a hard time leaving her and my younger sisters when I earned a scholarship to attend UNLV, but I’ve been grateful to still be able to help them out from afar.

My mom works hard, but as a single parent with two daughters in college and another still in high school, things are always tight. My new position might make it easier for my youngest sister to attend college, too.

There’s a happy song humming in my head, so it takes a minute to realize that my phone’s vibrating. Lexy’s name is on the screen.


“Congratulations!” Her voice trills in my ear, making my smile grow wider. I have a few friends from school, though my last set of classes leading up to graduation are all online; but Lexy, who I met at the shop, and her childhood friend Ava are the people I’m closest to in this city.

“Thank you! You heard the news, I guess.”

“I’ve known for a while, but I had to promise to keep quiet about it. Are you excited?”

Phone at my ear, I head into my kitchen, which is really just a small corner of the room separated by a counter, and get out a glass for water. “I am. I wasn’t expecting this at all.”

“You’re going to do so well. The guys are going to miss you at their shop, though.”

She’s referring to her guys, Gage and Kai, but the mention of men has me thinking of the three guys I’m going to be spending my days with in the near future, and my hesitation doesn’t escape Lexy’s notice.

“You’re not having doubts, are you?” she asks. “I know you’re more than ready for the promotion.”

I take a quick sip of water before answering. “I’m confident about the work. Not so much about the men I’ll be working with.”


