Surrounded by the Beasts – Sin City Beasts Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 67
Estimated words: 63741 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 319(@200wpm)___ 255(@250wpm)___ 212(@300wpm)

As I put my phone away, Zeb emerges from the hallway. “Ember, where’s the ointment? I couldn’t find any in the storage room.”

My stomach lurches. Did I forget to order it? I just finished unpacking our latest shipment, so it should be there.

“Um …” I pull up the order on my tablet, but the aftercare ointment isn’t listed. Dammit!

“I’m sorry.” There’s a hint of a tremor in my voice that I hate. “It looks like I somehow missed ordering it. I can pick more up when I go out for lunch.”

He shakes his head. “I have a client coming in an hour, and I’ll need it then. I’ll head over to the other shop and get some.” Without waiting for a reply, he turns and heads back down the hallway.

Crap. How did I let that happen?

Stupid question; I know how. I’ve been so preoccupied with my fuckbuddy coworkers that I’ve been letting things slip. And now Gage and Kai are going to know I’m screwing up when Zeb shows up asking for ointment.

I quickly put together an order for more ointment and send it off. Then I try not to spend the rest of the morning beating myself up, but it’s hard. All my worst fears about working with these men seem to be coming true.

My phone pings again, and this time it’s Hazel. I feel another stab of guilt. We’ve messaged and spoken a few times since I got involved with the men, but I haven’t told her what’s going on. I’ve kept the focus on my schoolwork, and the shop, and the roommate aspects of living with the men, sharing stories that are entertaining, but not revealing.

I know I should tell her. But if I don’t admit the truth to her, I can keep lying to myself.

At lunchtime, Lexy pulls up out front to pick me up for a lunch date with her and Ava. The restaurant is near campus, so the bus would take too long, and my friend knows I try to avoid Ubering because of the cost. “Hi! Thanks for the ride,” I say as I climb into her car.

“Hey, stranger. It’s been a minute. It feels like we haven’t talked in ages.”

We haven’t, and it’s my fault. I ignore the stab of guilt and say, “I know. It’s been forever.”

“Is it the new job? I’ll have to tell Kai and Gage they’re working you too hard.”

Her choice of words makes my skin heat. There are three men who’ve been working me really hard, but not in the way she’s talking about. “Part of it’s work, but mostly schoolwork.”

“Oh, right. You’re close to graduation, aren’t you? How’s it going?”

“It’s going okay.” Not as good as it should be, I silently chastise myself.

On the drive across town, I manage to keep the conversation focused on Lexy and everything going on in her life. It has been far too long since I’ve seen, or even spoken to, my friends, and guilt nags at me during the entire ride.

We meet Ava in the restaurant lobby. Her cheeks are flushed, and she looks like she’s been doing more enjoyable things than attending class. Prior to hooking up with my housemates, I might have missed the subtle signs, but now I recognize a woman who’s being well satisfied.

I’d been planning to keep everything outside of work and school a secret, but being in Lexy and Ava’s presence provides such a temptation. These are two people who know me well; they also both know Griffin, Zeb, and Frank, and most importantly, my friends know how to navigate polyamorous relationships—if I can use the term relationship for what I have going on.

It would be the perfect opportunity for me to get advice on how to handle the fact that I’m falling for three men.

I’m still pondering this several minutes later, after we’ve ordered and received our food. Instead of eating, I’m gazing out the window at a succulent garden when the talk around me goes silent. I turn to find both of my friends staring at me.

“What’s up?” Ava asks.

The looks on both their faces tell me there’ll be no point denying that something is indeed up.

Taking a deep breath, I dive in. “I may have a situation.”


“A more-than-one-guy situation.” Alarm bells go off as soon as I make this confession, and they’re amplified by the way Ava’s and Lexy’s brows go up.

They’re eager to hear my news, but if I tell them, I’ll have to ask them not to say anything to their significant others, because if Gage and Kai find out, my world is going to come crashing down.

Both of my friends put down their forks and lean in. “Do tell.”

My mind scrambling, I find a way not to backpedal completely. “I had to move in with the guys I work with, and they’re really getting on my nerves.”


