Total pages in book: 67
Estimated words: 63741 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 319(@200wpm)___ 255(@250wpm)___ 212(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 63741 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 319(@200wpm)___ 255(@250wpm)___ 212(@300wpm)
I come around the counter and walk over to the door. “Thanks for coming by, Perry. I hope you have a nice evening.”
Still looking confused by the entire interaction, Perry leaves with a mumbled goodbye.
Back at my desk, Zeb’s client is waiting to check out, a bandage already covering her multi-session tattoo. As soon as she’s out the door, I twist the lock, then round on Griffin.
There’s fire in Ember’s eyes, and I fucking love it.
She jabs a finger in the center of my chest. “Not for the first time today, I have to ask: what is wrong with you?”
Unable to contain my grin, I raise my hands to show her I’m not guilty. “What are you talking about?”
“You were way out of line. Again.”
“You should be thanking me. You don’t want to go out with that guy.”
She’s stopped poking me, but now her fists are balled at her sides and her cheeks are turning a pretty pink. “How could you possibly know whether or not I want to go out with someone?”
“C’mon. It was written all over your face.” To illustrate my point, I trace a finger across her brow, and—shit, touching her is a mistake, but it’s the best mistake I’ve ever made.
Her lips were already parted, no doubt ready to hurl more accusations, but no words come out. Instead, she stands there, softening under my touch, her big eyes locked on mine.
We’re so close, I can see the flecks of grey and pale blue in her irises, and the way they darken at the edges. The pulse point on her neck is visible, and it’s one of the spots I want to touch next.
Finally, she speaks in a breathy tone. “What are you doing?”
I’m still touching her, because of course I fucking am. But then Zeb reappears from the back hall. Shit! I forgot he was still here.
Pasting a harmless grin on my face, I use my thumb to smooth invisible creases from the corners of her eyes. “I’m just making sure you don’t get wrinkles from frowning all the time.”
The mood broken, she swats my hand away and quickly puts far too much distance between me and her creamy skin.
Instead of questioning Griffin, I should be looking inward, because what in the world is wrong with me?
I’m about to dissolve into a gooey puddle from just the slightest touch of the man’s fingertip.
Granted, he is sinfully handsome, and I’ve always known there was danger lurking beneath his playful exterior, but get a grip, Ember!
My unruly imagination promptly supplies a vivid image of me gripping a particular part of Griffin’s anatomy. Not like that, I scold myself.
Even though it served as a convenient excuse for not going out with Perry, it’s true that I’ve been busy with work and school, and I’ve hardly gone out at all lately. And I haven’t been with a guy—for, you know, more than a lunch date—in far, far too long.
My unintentional celibacy must be getting to me, because I should not be reacting this way to a man’s finger—especially not when that finger is only touching my forehead!
“Cut it out, Griffin.” I step away, even though everything inside me wants him to keep touching me. I want to touch him.
“Playtime’s over, Griffin,” Zeb mutters as he passes. “Time to go home.”
“Are you driving home together?” I’m curious, because Griffin usually carpools with Frank. Thankfully, my voice comes out sounding more steady than I feel.
“I’m riding my bike home,” Zeb announces as he retrieves his backpack.
“I drove my car in,” Griffin adds.
I close my laptop, tidy my desk, and send up a silent prayer that my roommate will be out this evening, because I could really use a warm bath and a self-love session. “I’ll see you both tomorrow.”
Zeb disappears down the hall and out the back, one hand lifted in a silent farewell. A moment later, the rumble of his engine signals his departure.
Griffin’s still here.
As I tighten the lid on my water bottle and stow it in my bag, I’m incredibly distracted by his presence. I’m not even looking at him, but I’m so aware of him, it’s as if he fills all the space in the shop.
I have to break this spell.
I spin around and find him a couple of steps away. “You need to stop teasing me.”
His brows lift as he takes one step closer. “Why is that?”
A shiver runs down my spine, but I try to ignore it. “It’s not right. And … and you’re scaring my dates away.” I square my shoulders to him while I also ignore the tingling sensations in my nipples.
He takes another step closer. “You don’t really want to date any of those guys.”
“I don’t?” My voice wavers. My skin feels like it’s been electrified.
“They’re not your type.” His voice has gone all low and husky. It’s as palpable as a caress.