Sugar Pop – The Riot Crew Read Online Alta Hensley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 81
Estimated words: 76365 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 382(@200wpm)___ 305(@250wpm)___ 255(@300wpm)

Ari slipped into the large booth. The plush seating was more like a bed with how wide it was. She looked absolutely divine tonight in a long, lowcut dress as silver as her hair. The fabric barely covered her tits, and when she saw me staring at the slit, she played with the thin straps and smirked.

“Do you like what you see?”

“Don’t tease him, angel.” Lotto laughed and slid next to me. His hand traced lightning as he ran his knuckles down my jawline. “He’s been wound up since yesterday.”

“Haven’t we all?” Frankie slipped into the booth next to Ari and threw an arm over her shoulders. His crimson button-up was tight enough that I could see every muscle pressed against the fabric. His tattoos peeked out of the top when he leaned into Ari and moved her hair behind her ear. “Because of a certain someone giving us orders.”

“I just wanted to have fun. Together.” She fluttered her made-up eyelids at me and Lotto as she reached for the champagne. “Drink?”

I shook my head. I already had a drink in hand, and I downed it in one gulp. It did nothing to quash the vibrating in my body. Fuck, I needed to let off some steam, and Lotto wasn’t helping one fucking bit. He kept running his hands over my body, groping at everything he could touch with his strong fingers.

“Why don’t we dance, Bones?” His low murmur made me shiver. “For old time’s sake?”

I chortled and turned to him. Our lips were so close, I could lean in and claim his mouth. But where was the fun in that? “Back when we first started this shit?”

Lotto’s mouth curved up. “When I gave you blowjobs in grungy bathrooms to keep you calm.”

“Can I see it?” Ari teased. She and Frankie had already poured their champagne, and Frankie’s hand slipped down her thigh, disappearing under the table.

“Dance first.” Lotto grabbed my hand. “But don’t have too much fun without us.”

“Can’t promise that.” Frankie smirked and moved his hand in a way that Ari’s glossy lips parted.

At this point, I didn’t even need to dance. I was ready to crawl under the table and force those lips to part for me, too.

But Lotto dragged me toward the dance floor, grabbing two flutes of champagne from a server who passed by. He handed me one, and we toasted before throwing them back. We set them aside, keeping to the edge of the swaying crowd for now.

“How are you feeling?” Lotto pulled me closer. His hips ground into mine in time with the thumping dance music. “Any injuries I should know about?”

I shook my head. “Nothing I can’t handle. You should ask River. Dislocated shoulders hurt like a bitch.”

“You can ask him yourself.”

Lotto nodded behind me, and I turned. River stood close by, a glass of dark liquor in his hands, his piercing blue eyes on me. He lifted his drink with a smirk. He wasn’t wearing a brace or sling, so either he was a complete dumbass or a tougher son of a bitch than I’d assumed. He crossed the crowd, pushing through gyrating dancers and screaming patrons until he got close enough.

“Good match, Bones,” he said. His long hair was pulled into a ponytail and his open shirt showed off his tattoos. I licked my lips, and he laughed. “Eyes up here, handsome.”

I ignored the heat in my cheeks and frowned. “I’m surprised you tapped out.”

“And let you completely ruin my shoulder? I don’t think so.” River eyed my and Lotto’s swaying hips before grinning and gesturing to us with his drink. “Keep him in line until our next match, Lotto.”

“Next match?” Lotto lifted a brow.

“We’ll see each other sooner or later,” he commented before slipping back into the crowd as fast as he had come.

I stared after him, slightly unnerved. Something about those deep blue eyes held too many secrets and left me tilted. Lotto pressed his lips to my jawline and pulled me back to him. I moaned when his teeth scraped over my chin.

“Would you fight him again?” Lotto asked into my skin.

The question was loaded. Lotto wasn’t merely asking if I’d step into the ring with River again. He was asking if I had considered Troy’s offer. I’d spent all night with it on my mind and still hadn’t reached a conclusion. There were too many factors to consider and not enough time to sort through them.

Instead of answering that question, I swiveled my hips against Lotto’s and let my head fall back.

“You know,” Lotto murmured, his hands and lips traveling up my skin. “I’m proud of how far we’ve come.”

“Who would have thought?” I smirked as we swayed to the music. “From the literal dumps to kings of Heathens Hollow.”

“I wish Pops were here to see it.”


