Sugar Pop – The Riot Crew Read Online Alta Hensley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 81
Estimated words: 76365 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 382(@200wpm)___ 305(@250wpm)___ 255(@300wpm)

Smiley’s was nothing without him.

Bones and Lotto stared at him expectantly, but Frankie kept his eyes trained on me the entire time. I could practically see the wheels in his head spinning.

He ran his tongue over his lips a few times before he finally blew out a breath. “You need to learn how to keep your guard up.”

My entire body relaxed into the chair. I hadn’t realized how tense I’d been until Frankie slapped a hand on his knees. Bones and Lotto seemed to visibly relax too, their shoulders dropping and smiles growing.

“You won’t last two minutes if you give in to instinct. Misty is going to seize that.”

I nodded a few times. “I know. Now that I know, I won’t make the same mistake again.”

“It’s natural to want to go for an easy opening. Pros know when to strike and when to fall back,” Bones added.

I smiled at him. “So you’re going to train me to be a pro?”

“I’m going to train you to beat Misty Perk.” Frankie’s frown deepened when I narrowed my eyes. “I mean it, Ari. This one time and that’s it.”

“That’s not an apology.” Bones turned in his chair to look at Frankie. “Is it?”

“It’s the best we’re going to get.” Lotto sighed. “Better than nothing.”

“I’m not looking to make a name for myself in the ring.” I sat up straighter. “Just prove myself in this one fight. If we make enough money, we’ll never have to deal with Troy Godwin again.”

“As if that snake will let us out of his greasy fingers. I set up a meeting with him for two days from now.” Lotto glanced at Frankie out of the corner of his eye before settling back on me. “He isn’t happy with our back and forth. What’s the final decision?”

“Am I in?” I left that question hanging for a bit as I stared at Frankie.

He looked at Bones, then Lotto, then finally exhaled. “You’re in.”

I smiled so hard my cheeks hurt. “Thanks, Frankie. I won’t let you down.”

“You better not because I’m dropping big money on us.” His lips curled into a semblance of a smirk. “Odds aren’t in our favor. We could win big.”

“Means we need to get back to training. Construction should be done later today. The last workers are coming after lunch.”

“So, Smiley’s is finally back?” Bones grinned and sat up further in his chair. “No more deals with the devil, Ari.”

“And no more trees in the lobby, if I can help it.” I sighed and stood from the desk. “I’d ask that claims adjuster douchebag to check for us, but he’d probably click his pen a few times and ghost me for three weeks.”

“He won’t be coming back here.” Something in the glint of Frankie’s eye told me I might need to find a new insurance company once my contract was over. Frankie stood and reached out for me, grabbing onto my upper arm and yanking me into his chest. His voice was stern and held a note of heat beneath its grittiness. “This is the only time I’ll allow this, Ari.”

“And if I don’t agree?” I ran a hand over his chest and flicked my gaze to Bones and Lotto, who watched my fingers play with Frankie’s pecs through his shirt. “Are you going to punish me?”

“You’d like that too much.” Lotto’s darkened gaze roamed over my entire body—he clearly enjoyed what he saw. “Trust me, angel. I remember what you looked like bent over that desk for me.”

“Or against the wall for me.” Bones ran his hand down his front and cupped his cock through his jeans. “Right over there.”

“Or in that chair, split open for me and bouncing on my cock,” Frankie growled and tugged down my lower lip with his thumb. When I gasped, he popped his thumb into my mouth and forced me to suck. I moaned when he pulled me firmly against his thick body, my eyes fluttering.

Lotto stood from his chair, his leather loafers thumping against the floor as he approached. He pressed himself against Frankie’s back and ghosted his lips up Frankie’s neck. He reached around to me and ran his hands up my sides, brushing over the side of my breasts with a smirk.

“I think we’ve been too harsh on her,” Lotto murmured into Frankie’s skin as he brought his hands down my sides to my ass, where he squeezed and pulled me even closer to Frankie. “We should treat her right. Bones?”

Lotto and Frankie’s hungry gazes kept a hold on me. I heard Bones’ chair squeak but didn’t see him approach until he slipped behind me. His firm chest pressed into my back; his hard cock poked at my thigh. I moaned around Frankie’s thumb and leaned my head back into Bones’ shoulder.

“I think so.” Bones’ hands were everywhere—my thighs, my sides, my tits—squeezing and kneading to make me grind back into his cock. “Really show her how much we care.”


