Sugar Pop – The Riot Crew Read Online Alta Hensley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 81
Estimated words: 76365 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 382(@200wpm)___ 305(@250wpm)___ 255(@300wpm)

But I also couldn’t deny how she’d held her own for much longer than expected. That she was skilled, and with a little more training, could hold her own at Heathens Hollow. She hadn’t crumbled under the pressure of the large crowd, and she’d got a few good hits in herself. I’d seen some people piss their pants and run from their first fight, while Ari had stepped into the ring with her head held high and would willingly do it again.

Apparently, Frankie didn’t give a shit about any of that.


“If he doesn’t answer by sundown, I’m calling in a missing person’s report.” Ari leaned against the front of the counter. “’Cause once they find him, I’ll kick his ass.”

“He’d probably like that,” Lotto offered.

“Probably not since he’s being an asshole.”

I snorted. “Trust me. Any of us would enjoy it.”

“Want to try?” Lotto slid closer to Ari with a grin. “Consider it practice, since Frankie couldn’t be assed to train you. Just say the word, angel.”

Ari’s smile fell slightly. “As much as I would love that, I’ll take a raincheck. Right now, I’m too angry to think of much more than chopping Frankie’s throat. Or maybe⁠—”

The bell above the door rang. We stood up straighter and turned to the door. I expected Frankie to saunter through with his signature frown, but it wasn’t anyone from Smiley’s at all.

It was fucking River.

And he didn’t look too happy.

“What the fuck is going on?” His normally smooth face was pinched around his lips and eyes. When he saw Ari, the expression softened only slightly. “You look like shit.”

“Good to see you, too, River,” she scoffed.

“Thanks for showing up.” Lotto stuffed his hands into his pockets. “Come to ‘pummel us into the mat’? A little early for that, but we can make time.”

I snorted into my fist. River glanced at me before shifting back to Ari. “So it’s true?”

“What’s true?” she questioned.

“You have a concussion and are dropping out?”

Ari stiffened so hard I thought she might pass out. Her eyes went wide, and color rose in her face. I took a step forward, hoping to keep the lid on her anger, but she exploded before I could.

“What the fuck do you mean, dropping out?”

River pulled his phone from the pocket of his light jacket. “I got a⁠—”

Ari ripped the phone from his hands so she could see the screen. River grumbled about “harpy-like strength” but didn’t grab it back. Lotto and I moved forward to read over her shoulder.

Troy Godwin

Ari has a concussion. May need a new third. Have any other male fighters at your place?

Respond by end of day or you’re gone.

I read it again and again before my eyes landed on the word “male.” If Ari dropped out, who the fuck would take her place? There was no one else here at the caliber we needed.

No one except Frankie.


“What the fuck did he do?” Ari gripped the phone harder. It was like she read my mind. “I don’t have a concussion.”

“I mean, you look pretty beat up.” River reached out to touch the bruise on Ari’s temple, but I smacked his hand away before he could. He whistled, shaking out his fingers. “Damn, you’ve been training. Looking thick, Bones.”

“And so have I.” Ari handed the phone back with a frown. “Because I’m staying in. Tell Troy it’s a misunderstanding.”

“You should probably tell him that yourself.” River grabbed the phone and pointed it toward Lotto. “And the Perks. They’re already whipping up some videos calling you a pussy.”

“They need to get more creative.” Lotto shrugged and leaned against the counter. “They’ve called us pussies three times, assholes twice, and motherfuckers six times. Tell them it’s getting boring.”

“Sure. What would you like them to call you?”

“How about ‘infected flesh wounds’?” Lotto chuckled to himself. “‘Dangling ball sacks’? ‘Big dicked beefcakes’?”

River smirked. “Wanna prove that last one, Lotto? I’m game.” His gaze trailed over to me, and my body sparked like embers. “You, too, Bones. You busy after the fight?”

“Can you all stop thinking with your dicks for a second and focus?” Ari yelled and set her hands on her hips.

I held up my hands in defense. “I didn’t even say anything.”

“You didn’t have to.” She exhaled sharply through her nose and pushed River’s phone into his chest. “Go back to your gym and tell them there’s been a mistake. We’ll deal with Troy.” Her eyes narrowed into such a menacing glare it made me shudder, and she wasn’t even looking at me. “And Frankie when we see him. So get the hell out, and we’ll see you at Heathens Hollow.”

River whistled and pocketed his phone. “Okay, okay. I see where I’m not needed.” He turned and winked at me. “See you soon, Bones.” Then he sauntered out of Smiley’s, the bell ringing in his wake.


