Sugar Pop – The Riot Crew Read Online Alta Hensley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 81
Estimated words: 76365 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 382(@200wpm)___ 305(@250wpm)___ 255(@300wpm)

“Not if I do it first.” Bones mimicked Frankie and finished cleaning himself up. “What do you think, Lotto?”

“I think Ari will be pissed at us if we christen this place without her.” I joined, quickly washing off sweat and cum before turning off the shower head. I shook out my hair then gelled it back. “Any more than we already did, I mean.”

The mention of Ari wiped the smile from Frankie’s face. He turned off his shower head and wiped a few droplets of water from his shoulder.

“Let me know if someone contacts you about her fight. We need to be ready.”

I nodded, peeking back at Bones. He didn’t say anything, but by the look on his face, I could tell what he was thinking.

None of us hoped I got a call from the organizers within the next couple of days.

“Forget it. Let’s get out of here and grab the pizza.” Bones finished his shower and turned off his water. “Don’t want to make Ari any angrier than she already is.”

“I probably already have thirty texts asking where the pizza is.” I snorted and gestured toward the door with my head.

“Thirty, if you’re lucky,” Frankie said. “Come on. Can’t keep the princess waiting.” He started forward then paused, turning back to the both of us. “Let’s hope Ari wins so we can celebrate in here. The four of us.”

My cock twitched at the thought, and I smirked.

Guess we needed to whip her into shape.

After pain comes pleasure, after all.

Chapter 18


Istared at the car key so long, my eyes went fuzzy.

In a few minutes, we’d slip into the car and head to the venue.

But I wanted to rip that key up and make sure it could never be used again.

Frankie fucking cursed us. Or jinxed us. Or fucked us. Whatever. If he wouldn’t have brought up Ari’s fight in the showers, maybe karma wouldn’t have bitten our asses.

I guessed karma enjoyed the ring as much as we did because it came and knocked all of us out.

Ari would be fighting tonight.

The organizers for the venue, Guppy’s Saloon, had found another woman who was looking to use her hatred of her husband to fuck some people up. And what better target than the blond bombshell who ran Smiley’s? Guppy, the bastard who ran the place and looked exactly like his nickname, called Lotto just after 8AM. According to Lotto, he sounded way too excited for a small-time fight. This was about to be Ari’s debut into the underground world with plenty of greedy, grubby eyes watching.

It pissed me off so badly, I had to dip from the makeshift tent early to calm myself.

Lotto and Frankie eyed me as I left. I knew they felt the same but couldn’t say anything. Ari was basically radiating excitement, and I didn’t want to upset her. She needed me to be strong, but not punching through bags and ready to snap at any moment.

I drew a deep breath and ran a hand down my face. It almost felt like it was my first match back in the ring. Nerves made my hands shake so bad that when my phone buzzed in my pocket, I already dropped it.


Weird. I declined the call and slipped the phone back into my pocket. But one minute later, it buzzed again. I stared at the screen with a frown. Probably Jace Perk or some douchebag trying to rile us up. Since Lotto had posted return videos and jabs on our socials, the Perks had been like a boil on our asses. Annoying and ready to explode. Maybe it was River coming to say he’d left Perk’s Gym. Wouldn’t that be funny?

I shook my head and answered on the fifth ring.

“Bones speaking.”

“Hey, kiddo.”

My eyes widened, and I pulled back to look at the screen again. My voice caught so that all I could say was, “Dad? That you?”

“I’m glad I got the right digits this time.” He chuckled. The connection wasn’t the best, but that was my old man, all right. “I lost my old phone and accidentally called some law office trying to remember your number.”

I slumped against the front desk, setting my hand over my eyes to keep from crying. I hadn’t realized how much I’d needed to hear his voice until now. “Losing your memory or something?”

“On the contrary, I think I’m at the top of my game.” His laughter warmed my soul. “The casino’s gonna kick me out if I make off with any more jackpots.”

“Wait, jackpots? How many have you won?”

“Oh, like two or three. Nothing big. I think your mother is blessing me, Bones. I’m happy to be home.”

And I’m happy you’re alive, I wanted to add. I swallowed that down. I didn’t want to bring up his sickness when he sounded more alive in Mexico City than he had here in Seattle. There were so many things I wanted to ask now that we had a chance to talk on the phone after so long, but I wanted this to be a happy conversation.


