Stupid Cupid – Love Is In the Air Read Online M.K. Moore, ChaShiree M

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 23
Estimated words: 20595 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 103(@200wpm)___ 82(@250wpm)___ 69(@300wpm)

“Well, my daughter is indeed alive and can still speak.” I am momentarily confused by her words.


“You promised Harvest you would pass out the gift cards for her booth today. But are you here?” Oh, God.

“I am so sorry, Mom. I will be there in twenty minutes.”

“I should hope so, sweet girl. It is not like you not to show up when you have promised something. But Cheryl, I am happy for you.” She hangs up before I can deny her words. They warm my heart, but it is also mortifying that mom is assuming exactly what happened.

“I take it you have to help with the festival?” Nolan asks, wrapping his arms around me.

“Yes. For a few hours.”

“That’s fine. I have to finish this job for an author and then I am going to work on finishing yours since you finally picked a photo. So, go and do what you have to do and then you are all mine tonight.” He kisses me once more, and I groan when he pulls back. The more he touches me, the more I don't want it to stop. I hope it never does.




I’ve got the whole night planned for us beginning with a romantic dinner for two at Cupid’s Cove Inn. I also got us a room at the Inn, since we both have house guests who can’t seem to make up their minds about which guest bed or couch they are defiling for the night. There are just some things we don’t need to see or hear. My brother banging down Rose is but one of them.

At exactly seven-thirty, I arrive to pick Cheryl up from her place.

“Hi,” she says as she opens the door. I immediately pull her in for a kiss.

“You look beautiful,” I say, taking in her black dress and knee-high leather boots. She looks good enough to eat, and if I have my way, I’ll be doing just that.

We walk down to the Inn. I will say not having to drive in the snow is a welcome change for me, though it’s cold as balls tonight. Three degrees. Talking as we go, I randomly learn that her favorite animal is the hippopotamus, because they are so adorable, and they don’t get enough love. Both excellent points really. I file that information away for future use.

“Where are we going?” she asks, still laughing about the hippo.

“Dinner,” I answer simply. She’ll know exactly where it’s at since we’ve passed every other shop on Cupid’s Cove Way, the main thoroughfare.

“Ooh. At the Inn? Fancy.”

“I also got us a room.” I am beyond ready to be alone with her to show her just how much I love and adore her.

“Yes. Let’s do that,” she says, eagerly.

“And skip dinner?”

“Yes,” she says, stopping, pulling me back to her. “We can get room service later. After.”


“Uh-huh,” she says, nodding.

“After what?” I ask, wanting her to tell me exactly what she wants from me.

“After you make love to me.”

“I love you, Cheryl,” I say for the first time, meaning it more than I’ve ever meant anything before. Pulling her toward me, I look down into the deep pools of her blue eyes. She doesn’t say anything, but that’s okay, she will. I kiss her until we are both breathless. “Let’s go,” I say, all but dragging her the rest of the way to the Inn.

I get us checked in and we are locked in the room within minutes. I got the honeymoon suite, complete with a heart shaped bed and bathtub, but it’s lost on us. My lips are on hers; clothes fly every which way while I get her naked. Once we are, I lift her up and carry her to the bed. My cock is seeking her entrance, so I push into her slowly, finding her wet and ready. I fuck in and out of her, over and over. Our first coupling is frantic and powerful, but the second, third, and fourth times are slow and perfect.

Everything about this woman is perfect. And she’s all mine, I think as I fill her with my seed yet again. The only thing left to do is make her my wife.




“Thank you for buying. I hope you enjoy it.” I am smiling at the customer at my book signing booth, but my insides don’t match.

“Stop thinking about it,” Rose leans over and whispers in my ear… “Especially since what you are thinking is one hundred percent wrong.” I don’t bother justifying myself to her again. Especially since something inside of me is telling me she is right. But at the same time, why else would she have had a key?

The day before yesterday, I was at Nolan’s place since Rose and Nick were at mine. We had just come out of the room for breakfast. Nolan, dominant man that he is, had me leaning against the counter, shirt off, mouth all over me, torturing my nipples and promising to put his mouth on my pussy like I love, and then his doorbell rang.


