Stumbling Into Love Read Online Aurora Rose Reynolds (Fluke My Life #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Funny, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Fluke My Life Series by Aurora Rose Reynolds

Total pages in book: 70
Estimated words: 67095 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 335(@200wpm)___ 268(@250wpm)___ 224(@300wpm)

“What are you doing?”

“Just hanging out. It’s a nice room. I’m thinking about moving my bed in here,” I say as she looks at me.

Then she spots all the tests lined up on the counter.

“You’re . . .”

“Pregnant, with a tiny human.” I finish her sentence.

She comes into the room and takes a seat on the toilet, resting her elbows on her knees.

“There is a human person growing inside of me. Like the movie Alien, only it’s not an alien—it’s a baby.”

“You’re going to be a mom!” She cuts off my rambling.

My heart seizes up. “I’m going to be a mom.” I close my eyes, the reality really hitting me. I don’t just have a human growing inside of me; I have a human growing inside of me that is part of me and part of Wesley. Our child. A tear tracks down my cheek, and an unbelievable amount of love fills every single cell in my body. “What if he doesn’t want this?”

“Stop being dumb.” She smacks my upturned knee. “You are his cow, his milk-mate.”

“You seriously need to stop spending so much time with Miss Ina.” I scrub my hands down my face to wipe away the tears that have fallen.

“The news might shock him, but once it settles in, he’s going to be fine. My guess is he’s even going to be a little excited.”

“Why do you say that?” I grab some tissue and wipe under my eyes.

“Because I see the way he looks at you. He’s always watching you like he’s just waiting for something to happen so that he can jump in and save you. It’s the same way Dad looks at Mom and Levi looks at Fawn,” she says.

I really, really hope she’s right.

“This is going to change everything.”

“Yep.” She picks up another test off the counter and looks at it. “You’re pregnant with my niece or nephew! I’m going to be an aunt!”

“A baby.” The idea is so overwhelming and exciting. I’m scared out of my mind, but I also cannot wait. It’s like waiting in line for an amusement park ride—you know it’s going to be scary, but thrilling at the same time.

“I call godmother!” she blurts.

I pull my eyes off my stomach to look at her.

“You can’t ‘call’ godmother. It’s not the front seat of a car; it’s my child.”

“So who are you going to pick, then?”

“I don’t know. Maybe Wesley will want to choose someone.”

“Fine. I’m going to tell him that I call godmother,” she mutters.

I roll my eyes at her.

“How are you going to tell him the news?”

“I don’t know. Maybe I should just wait until after I see the doctor. What if the tests are wrong?”

“I don’t think five tests could be wrong, so I don’t think you need to worry about that. But if you think you need to wait a little before telling him, I get that. I just wouldn’t wait too long. You don’t want it to turn into you keeping the news from him. If he finds out that you’ve known for a long time and not told him, that’s how he’s going to feel. Like you were hiding it from him.”

“You’re right. I’ll tell him tomorrow,” I say, then shake my head. “Or after the weekend.”

I need more time to process, and I do want to see a doctor before I tell him, just to be sure.

“Mom is going to freak. She was excited about Fawn getting married, and now you have just blown that news out of the water. The only way this could be any better is if you’re pregnant with twins.”

“Shut up.” The idea alone makes me panic. I’ve barely wrapped my head around the idea of one baby—I don’t know what I would do with two.

“Just reminding you that they do run in our family . . .”

She grins, and I smack her knee.

“You are so evil!” I laugh, and she stands and then helps me up.

“Come on. I want to show you the dress I got for you.”

“Is it anything like our Halloween dresses from a few months ago?” I ask.

She grins. “No, and I didn’t pick those out. You did.”

“I know.”

I shake my head at the reminder of how stupid I was. On Halloween, I decided that I would once and for all get Edward—aka Sir Dick the Cheater—to notice me by dressing up with my sisters for a Halloween party at Jack’s. We went as prostitutes, and that was where things started to go downhill. Our coats got stolen, the second thing that happened, then what topped it all off was getting stopped by the police because they thought we were really prostitutes.

“Are you ready?” Libby asks, bringing me out of my thoughts.

I blink. Seeing the navy-blue, floor-length, V-neck lace dress lying across the bed, I gasp. It’s perfect, so perfect. Wesley is going to freak out when he sees me in it. Most officers are working tonight, but Wesley got off so that he could attend a New Year’s Eve charity ball with me. Jack’s hosts it every year. The money raised tonight will be donated to a children’s baseball charity that Jack’s runs to provide inner-city kids with training, uniforms, and travel expenses. I love it, and I love the cause.


