Stolen (Brides of the Kindred #26) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 182
Estimated words: 171288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 856(@200wpm)___ 685(@250wpm)___ 571(@300wpm)

Penny had tried to catch her eye but she had only shaken her head—a quick movement anyone else would have mistaken for a twitch. So Penny assumed she didn’t think it was safe to talk right now. Still, it was nice to see the other woman again.

“Now, I trust everyone had a lovely first Mandatory Breeding?” Mother Toone asked brightly, speaking to all the assembled women who were standing in a semi-circle around her.

A “lovely” Mandatory Breeding might have been overstating things, Penny thought dryly. She could look down the line and see who had had it the worst. Shurla could barely walk and one of the other women had two black eyes. Further down she could see a woman who looked like her nose had been broken. But nevertheless, every single one of them smiled at Mother Toone and agreed eagerly that yes, their first Mandatory Breeding had been just wonderful.

Penny echoed their sentiments, feeling glad that she’d been matched with V’rex. At least the big Hybrid hadn’t violently raped her, as had clearly happened to most of the other women in her breeder group. She wondered if the violence of their encounters had to do with the Spice Claudette had told her about. She had believed that it was affecting V’rex as well, but maybe the big Hybrid was immune to its effects the same way he was immune to the hypno-whispers?

“I’m so glad everyone is happy with the Forever Mate our Glorious Leader picked for you,” Mother Toone said brightly, interrupting Penny’s musings. “Didn’t I tell you it you would be so? The Shining Star is never wrong!” She beamed at all of them. “And now, to compound your happiness, I’m excited to be announcing your job listings. Today you are finally going to become full members of our lovely Compound!”

A ragged cheer went up and Penny joined in, trying to grin as excitedly as the other women. She wondered where she was going to end up and what she would be doing every day. Mother Toone had explained to her that when the Compound first started, all the work had been done by the NeverBreeders and the breeders had been left to live in idle luxury.

“But it wasn’t good for them, my sweet, oh my, no—it wasn’t!” she’d exclaimed. “They were bored and unhappy and that only leads to trouble. So the Glorious Leader decided to allow the breeders to help out—to earn their keep, as it was. And everyone has been so much happier ever since!”

Which probably had something to do with the hypno-whispers, Penny thought dryly, looking around as Mother Toone handed out the assignments. She’d never seen anyone thrilled at receiving garbage duty but Shurla was grinning widely as she hobbled forward to take the slip of paper the NeverBreeder attendant held out to her.

“And now, Penelope, my sweet—you get to work in the Marketplace!” Mother Toone exclaimed, turning to Penny. “My—aren’t you lucky?” she added, holding out a paper with Penny’s assignment on it. “You get to work in the bakery stall, smelling all that lovely fresh bread all day. So yummy!”

“Yummy,” Penny agreed, pasting on a smile as she took the slip of paper with her assignment. She supposed it could be worse. This was certainly better than if she’d been assigned to the butcher shop. Just the thought made her shudder. If she ever did get away from here, she might be a vegetarian for life—her sexy, confusing fried chicken dreams notwithstanding.

“Well, now that everyone has their assignments, it’s time for you to all go to work,” Mother Toone said briskly. “I’m going to take the half of you that are working at the west end of the Compound and our lovely friend, Claudette, will be taking those who are working on the East end. Be sure you all work hard and do a good job, Remember—this is the first day of the rest of your life in the Compound!”

The girls all clapped and cheered and the group who were going with Mother Toone gathered around the NeverBreeder attendant, chattering eagerly.

Penny was in the group led by Claudette along with a two of the other women, including Shurla.

“Well, Penelope, did you have a good first Mandatory Breeding?” Shurla asked her brightly as they gathered around the silent Claudette.

“Um, sure. It was great.” Penny smiled at her and thought again how sad it was that the strong-willed Shurla had been so completely taken in by the hypno-whispers.

“Mine was too. Why, Skrug didn’t stop breeding me all night!” Shurla was limping visibly as they started out through the park towards the east side of the Compound. “I swear he started the minute we got to our Love Hut and didn’t let up until this morning when it was time to go to work!” She yawned and smiled. “I barely got any sleep between the breedings!”


