Stolen (Brides of the Kindred #26) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 182
Estimated words: 171288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 856(@200wpm)___ 685(@250wpm)___ 571(@300wpm)

“You thought I’d breed you because the fucking ‘Glorious Leader’ ordered me to?” His face went suddenly dark. “I didn’t rape you because I’m not an animal—not some asshole who thinks females are only good for fucking.”

“Okay…” He seemed really upset that she’d think he would rape her, even though that was exactly what all the males in the ceremony had been ordered to do. But it was clear he wasn’t like the other males, Penny thought to herself.

“You’re not hypnotized, like the others,” she said.

“Neither are you,” he growled, his pale gold eyes flashing. “And you need to do a better job of hiding it, sweetheart. Or you’re going to get into trouble.”

“You don’t hide it that well either,” Penny accused him. “Or why did you ask Colonel Sanders to let me sign my name on your chest after you signed mine?” She couldn’t help letting her eyes linger on the looping letters of her name, burned into his muscular left pec.

He shrugged, his broad, bare shoulders rolling with the gesture.

“It only seemed fair that if I had to hurt you, you oughta get some of your own back.” He frowned. “And who’s Colonel Sanders?”

“A man who sells fried chicken—which is a kind of bad-for-you-but-really-delicious comfort food back on my home planet,” Penny said. “The, uh, Glorious Leader looks exactly like him. It’s…confusing.”

“I’ll bet,” V’rex said dryly. “But the GL, as I call him, already knows I’m not susceptible to the hypno-whispers. You, on the other hand, need to be more careful, sweetheart.”

“Wait—he knows you can’t be hypnotized and he didn’t do anything to you?”

Penny couldn’t believe it. After the way Claudette had sworn that anyone who wasn’t hypnotized ended up in the recycling center she would have thought the big Hybrid would have wound up as sausage. But here he was, crowding her in the bathroom—the one place she ought to have been able to get privacy, damn it!

“Oh, I wouldn’t say he hasn’t done anything to me.” V’rex pointed to a small square of shiny silver metal affixed to the side of the strong column of his neck. “See that?” he asked. “It’s a pain square and only the GL has the Master Control to it. Works kind of like those pain collars the fucking sadistic Mistresses on Yonnie Six use on their bodyslaves. He presses the button and I feel like I’m being fucking electrocuted.”

“So…he decided to keep you around, even though you can’t be hypnotized,” Penny murmured. “He must want something from you.”

“Got it in one, sweetheart,” V’rex growled, frowning. “He wants some of my ‘genetic material for his gene pool,’ as he put it. Oh, and a sample of my lust-honey too—that’s the stuff that comes from my stinger.”

“Your…your stinger?” Penny asked faintly.

“Sure. Look.”

The big Hybrid opened his mouth and, right before her eyes, his tongue suddenly lengthened and sharpened until the tip of it looked like a hollow needle with some kind of thick fluid dripping from it.

“Oh!” Penny gasped. She was already backed up against the shower door but she edged further away, feeling the cool glass make contact with the sweating skin of her back.

“Take it easy, sweetheart.” How could he talk so normally with his tongue like that?

“You…that’s…that’s what you did to me!” Penny pointed a trembling finger at the needle-sharp tip of his elongated tongue. “I felt it! You stung me! That’s how you made me…made me…”

“Made you come?” He raised his eyebrows at her again, as though it was no big deal for him to give her an unwanted, Earth-shattering, mind-blowing orgasm.

“Yes!” Penny could feel her cheeks getting hot again. “Why did you do that?”

He frowned.

“You weren’t reacting right. I told you to pretend I was fucking you and instead you just laid there—no moaning, no moving—no nothing. I had to make it look real.”

“Lots of women just lay there,” Penny objected.

“Not with me.” He didn’t seem to be bragging, she thought, just stating a fact. But then, if he was injecting every woman he screwed with that crazy liquid he called “lust-honey” no wonder none of them were just lying there! She literally hadn’t been able to hold still after that stuff hit her system and the tsunami-like orgasm had crashed over her.

“So you thought I wasn’t acting like I was into it and you decided to force me to be into it?” she demanded.

He frowned.

“There are worse things I could have forced you to do. Do you really object so much to having an orgasm?”

“I object to being forced to have one, especially with no warning,” Penny shot back. “It was like my body was coming without my brain being involved. It was very…confusing.”

One corner of his sensuous mouth turned up into a smirk.

“How confused can you be when you’re coming your brains out, sweetheart?”

“Look…” Penny put a hand on her hip. “If you’re patting yourself on the back for how hard you made me orgasm, you can stop right now. I did not enjoy what you did to me one bit and I’m willing to bet lots of women you shot up with your…your lust-honey stuff felt the same way.”


