Stolen (Brides of the Kindred #26) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 182
Estimated words: 171288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 856(@200wpm)___ 685(@250wpm)___ 571(@300wpm)

Rather than being angry and belligerent, Shurla was now all about meeting her Forever Mate and starting her new life serving the Glorious Cause. She couldn’t wait to get bred so she could start making babies for the Glorious Leader.

“Oh, isn’t this so exciting, Penny?” she asked, grinning from ear to ear as she talked. “Today we’ll meet the mates our Shining Star has chosen for us! And we’ll be marked as theirs forever and be bred by them! And then tomorrow, we get our job assignments and our real life in the Compound will begin. Oh, I just can’t wait!”

“Now, now, my sweetie, we’re almost ready to go. See how excited she is!” Mother Toone beamed at Penny and Shurla both. “Ah, sometimes I almost wish I could mate and breed myself. It’s all so romantic.”

Right—about as romantic as getting flattened by a truck! Penny thought sourly. But she kept the smile planted firmly on her face and made a noise of agreement.

“Yes, so romantic. Now stop that, dearie—I told you, the dress is meant to showcase your lovely assets to your Forever Mate!”

The NeverBreeder swatted at Penny’s hand—she had been surreptitiously trying to adjust the long grass strands to cover her nipples.

“Sorry.” Giving up, Penny clenched her fists at her sides. Going out in front of the entire village of strangers with her breasts and nipples—leaking the amber-colored nectar—and her swollen pussy on display was possibly one of the most embarrassing things she’d ever had to do. But since none of the other women seemed the least bit perturbed, she supposed she would just have to deal with it.

She wasn’t sure, but Penny thought all this eagerness to go get joined and bred might have something to do with a change in the hypno-whispers. She still couldn’t understand more than one word in ten, but at night when her pillow whispered to her, her dreams had changed—becoming stranger than ever.

She still dreamed of the Glorious Leader as Colonel Sanders, but this time Sanders was doing a sensuous bump and grind, telling Penny how hot and sexy it was to get bred for the Glorious Cause. But when he unzipped his immaculate white trousers and reached inside, he pulled out not a penis, but an extra-crispy chicken drumstick.

“Take a bite,” he told Penny, thrusting his hips to shove the drumstick in her face. “Just a nibble. Come on—you know you want to…”

At that point, Penny usually woke up, drenched in sweat and filled with a strange mixture of hungriness and horniness. It was a terribly odd combination which was disturbing on so many levels she could hardly name them all.

Clearly, though, the other women were getting the full impact of the hypno-whispers and they were excited to begin their new lives in the Compound. When all of them were lined up in a row, Mother Toone clapped her hands in excitement.

“Oh my dears, you all look so lovely! I’m so excited for you!”

“Thank you, Mother Toone!” they all chorused dutifully and Shurla added, “Can we go get bred now?”

The NeverBreeder attendant laughed indulgently.

“My, I don’t think I’ve ever seen such an eager bunch! Yes, it’s finally time for the ceremony, my sweeties. Come on—let’s go.”

And she led them out of the dormitory and through the long, convoluted hallways to the exit of the Breeding and Conception Center at last.

This is my chance—my only chance! Penny thought grimly, as they walked through the door and out into the open. The sun was shining warmly through the glittering vault of the atmosphere dome and a warm, spicy breeze was rustling the tops of the well-manicured trees which lined the walkway to the Breeding and Conception Center.

Penny took a deep breath. It was the first time in days she’d been outside other than the daily trip to the exercise yard, which hardly counted.

She looked around herself surreptitiously. There were guards surrounding their group of brides-to-be, but surely they would fan out some when everyone started walking. Penny was determined that the minute she saw a time when no one was looking, she would slip away and head down to the gate of the Compound to hide.

And I’ll stay there, she told herself. Until they open the damn thing up and I can slip away! I’ll—

“Now, before we go to the Amphitheater and meet your Forever Mates for the Unification Ceremony, we must make a few little adjustments,” Mother Toone said, smiling at them brightly. “Guard Spoone? Can you help me?”

One of the NeverBreeder guards came forward. He holstered the pain-prod he’d been holding and pulled a fistful of something that looked like a bunch of colorful silk handkerchiefs out of his pocket.

“Who’s first?” he asked gruffly, glaring first at the assembled women and then at Mother Toone.

“I think Shurla is our most eager bride,” Mother Toone decided, smiling her Jack-o-Lantern smile. “Come forward, my dear,” she added, motioning to the triple-breasted woman.


