Stolen (Brides of the Kindred #26) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 182
Estimated words: 171288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 856(@200wpm)___ 685(@250wpm)___ 571(@300wpm)

“Leave her alone!” she snapped, glaring at the guard. “You nasty little Oompa-Loompa, you!”

“I do not know this name, but I assume it is insulting,” the NeverBreeder remarked, glaring at her. “You will move along into the Breeding and Conception Center or suffer the same fate as your friend.”

Shurla had gotten to her feet by that time. She shook her head at Penny and took a shaky step.

“Come on, there’s nothing we can do right now,” she muttered. “We’ll figure a way out of this later.”

Penny hoped she was right. With a last glance over her shoulder at the NeverBreeder guard, she allowed herself to be herded into the big glass and metal building, never dreaming what lay in store for her inside.


The group of women was herded into a long room with many metal exam tables, all lined up in a row. At first Penny wondered if this was supposed to be the dormitory the “Glorious Leader” had spoken of. But then several more Oompa-Loompa NeverBreeders came into the room. These had on silver lab jackets to go with their silver jumpsuits and they seemed to be doctors or scientists of some kind.

“Well? Why are they not up on the tables, Guard Spoone?” one of them demanded of the guards. “Hurry—we have work to do!”

Quickly, the guards un-cuffed each of the prisoner’s hands and prodded them up onto the tables.

Penny shivered helplessly as her damp skin made contact with the cold, bare metal. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been so frightened—what were the alien doctors going to do to her? To all of them? Was this going to be some kind of horrible sci-fi horror vivisection scene where the aliens dissected them alive? Were they—

“All right, breeder, let us check the health of your mammaries,” the orange-skinned NeverBreeder doctor said in her ear.

“What?” Penny somehow managed to get out.

Instead of repeating his statement, the NeverBreeder doctor ran a long slender wand with a glowing tip over her breasts. The tip turned pink and he nodded, as though pleased.

“Very good, your mammary glands are in optimum health.”

Well, it was good to know she didn’t have breast cancer and this was certainly easier than a mammogram, Penny thought, relaxing some. Maybe the whole exam would just consist of the weird little NeverBreeder doctor running the lighted wand over her body without ever touching her with it. Maybe—

“Now spread your legs,” the alien doctor commanded. “I must test the health of your womb.”

“What?” Penny crossed her legs tight. “I don’t think so!”

“Guard Spoone,” the doctor’s voice was impassive—even bored. “Come here at once and shock this breeder until she spreads her legs for me.”

“Wait—what? Wait a minute!” Penny cried but before she could say anything else, the same guard who had shocked Shurla earlier jabbed the end of his pain prod against her side.

“Ahhhh!” A scream of agony ripped from Penny’s throat and she nearly jumped off the table. It was like being hit with a taser—every muscle in her body contracted at once as the current of electricity ran through her.

“Now will you spread your legs?” the alien doctor demanded. “Or must I have the guard shock you again?”

“No! No—please!” Penny babbled. Tears streaming from her eyes, she forced herself to spread her legs.

It’s just an exam, she told herself, and tried to choke back the sobs as the lighted wand probed inside her. Just an exam and it’ll be over soon…over soon…over soon…

A few moments and an eternity later, the NeverBreeder doctor withdrew the wand and studied the lighted tip, which was glowing the same warm pink it had been when he ran it over Penny’s breasts.

“Very good.” He nodded. “Your womb is healthy and ready for breeding. You are not currently at the correct stage of your cycle, but the Mother’s Milk will take care of that.”

“What…what are you talking about? What’s Mother’s Milk?” Penny whispered through her tears.

But the alien doctor didn’t answer. He simply made a few marks on the lighted clipboard thing he was carrying and moved on to the next prisoner—a woman with pale purple skin and what looked like gills at the sides of her throat.

The NeverBreeder doctor did the same exam he had on Penny—though he did, at least, change the tip of the wand, she saw. Her fellow prisoner’s breasts checked out fine and the wand glowed a pale, reassuring pink. But when the wand was inserted into her vagina, it came out glowing a dark purple.

“What’s this?” The NeverBreeder doctor seemed very upset. “Who brought this female into the Compound?” he demanded.

One of the guards came forward.

“I did, Dr. Loone. Is there a problem?”

“Of course there is a problem, Guard Spoone—look at this.” The alien doctor pointed to the dark purple tip of the wand. “This female is infertile! How could you bring her all this way to the Compound and waste our Glorious Leader’s valuable resources in this way?”


